Learn Security
and Event
The SIEM is a foundational technology of the
security operations center (SOC). SIEMs have
been around for decades, but a new generation is
emerging with new capabilities like data science-
driven anomaly detection and incident response
Learn everything about SIEMs, past, present and
future—architecture, what’s under the hood, and
using SIEMs in the field to detect incidents and
defend organizations.
What is SIEM?
Components, best practices, and
next-gen capabilities
SIEM Use Cases
Beyond alerting and compliance—SIEMs for
insider threats, threat hunting and IoT
Evaluating and Selecting SIEM
Tools - A Buyer’s Guide
Evaluation criteria, build vs. buy, cost considerations
and compliance
SIEM Architecture
How SIEMs are built, how they generate insights,
and how they are changing
SIEM Analytics
From correlation rules and attack signatures to
automated detection via machine learning
SIEM Essentials Quiz
SIEM Essentials Quiz
Events and Logs
SIEM under the hood—the anatomy of security
events and system logs
Incident Response and Automation
Security orchestration, automation and response
(SOAR)—the future of incident response
User and entity behavior analytics detects
threats other tools can’t see
The SOC, SecOps and SIEM
A comprehensive guide to the modern SOC—
SecOps and next-gen tech
Contents // The Exabeam 2018 Cyber Security Professionals Salary and Job Report
3 // The Essential Guide to SIEM
What is SIEM?
Security information and event management (SIEM) solutions use rules and statistical
correlations to turn log entries, and events from security systems, into actionable
information. This information can help security teams detect threats in real time, manage
incident response, perform forensic investigation on past security incidents, and prepare
audits for compliance purposes.
The term SIEM was coined in 2005 by Mark Nicolett
and Amrit Williams, in Gartner’s SIEM report,
Improve IT Security with Vulnerability Management.
They proposed a new security information system, on
the basis of two previous generations.
Security information management (SIM) – a first
generation, built on top of traditional log collection
and management systems. SIM introduced long-term
storage, analysis, and reporting on log data, and
combined logs with threat intelligence.
Security event management (SEM) – a second
generation, addressing security events—aggregation,
correlation and notification for events from security
systems such as antivirus, firewalls and intrusion
detection systems (IDS), as well as events reported
directly by authentication, SNMP traps, servers,
databases etc.
In the years that followed, vendors introduced systems
that provided both security log management and
analysis (SIM) and event management (SEM), to create
SIEM solutions.
SIEM platforms can aggregate both historical log data
and real-time events, and establish relationships
that can help security sta identify anomalies,
vulnerabilities and incidents.
The main focus is on security-related incidents and
events, such as succeeded or failed logins, malware
activities or escalation of privileges.
These insights can be sent as notifications or alerts,
or discovered by security analysts using the SIEM
platform’s visualization and dashboarding tools.
Next-gen SIEM
SIEM is a mature technology, and the next
generation of SIEMs provide new capabilities:
User and entity behavior analytics (UEBA)
advanced SIEMs go beyond rules and
correlations, leveraging AI and deep learning
techniques to look at patterns of human
behavior. This can help detect insider threats,
targeted attacks, and fraud.
Security orchestration, automation and
response (SOAR) – next-gen SIEMs integrate
with enterprise systems and automate
incident response. For example, the SIEM
might detect an alert for ransomware and
perform containment steps automatically
on aected systems, before the attacker can
encrypt the data. // The Exabeam 2018 Cyber Security Professionals Salary and Job Report
4 // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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What Can a SIEM Help With?
Components and Capabilities
Data aggregation
Aggregates data from network, security,
servers, databases, applications, and other
security systems like firewalls, anti virus and
intrusion detection systems (IDS)
Uses statistical models and machine learning
to identify deeper relationships between data
elements, and anomalies compared to known
trends, and tie them to security concerns
Threat intelligence feeds
Combines internal data with threat
intelligence feeds containing data on
vulnerabilities, threat actors and
attack patterns
Analyzes events and sends out alerts to
notify security sta of immediate issues,
either by email, other types of messaging, or
via security dashboards
Links events and related data into
meaningful bundles which represent a real
security incident, threat, vulnerability or
forensic finding
Dashboards and visualizations
Creates visualizations to allow sta to review
event data, see patterns and identify activity
that does not conform to standard patterns
Automates the gathering of compliance data,
producing reports that adapt to security,
governance and auditing processes for
standards like HIPAA, PCI/DSS, HITECH, SOX
and GDPR
Incident response
Provides case management, collaboration
and knowledge sharing around security
incidents, allowing security teams to quickly
synchronize on the essential data and
respond to a threat
Stores long-term historical data to enable
analysis, tracking, and data for compliance
requirements. Especially important in
forensic investigations, which happen after
the fact
SOC automation
Integrates with other security solutions using
APIs, and lets security sta define automated
playbooks and workflows that should be
executed in response to specific incidents
Threat hunting
Allows security sta to run queries on SIEM
data, filter and pivot the data, to proactively
uncover threats or vulnerabilities // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Data collection
Most SIEM systems collect data
by deploying collection agents on
end-user devices, servers, network
equipment, or other security systems
like firewalls and antivirus, or
via protocols syslog forwarding,
SNMP or WMI. Advanced SIEMs can
integrate with cloud services to
obtain log data about cloud-deployed
infrastructure or SaaS applications,
and can easily ingest other non-
standard data sources.
Pre-processing may happen at edge
collectors, with only some of the
events and event data passed to
centralized storage.
Data storage
Traditionally, SIEMs relied on storage
deployed in the data center, which
made it dicult to store and manage
large data volumes.
As a result, only some log data was
retained. Next-generation SIEMs
are built on top of modern data lake
technology such as Amazon S3 or
Hadoop, allowing nearly unlimited
scalability of storage at low cost.
This makes it possible to retain and
analyze 100% of log data across even
more platforms and systems.
Policies and rules
The SIEM allows security sta to
define profiles, specifying how
enterprise systems behave under
normal conditions.
They can then set rules and
thresholds to define what type of
anomaly is considered a security
incident. Increasingly, SIEMs leverage
machine learning and automated
behavioral profiling to automatically
detect anomalies, and autonomously
define rules on the data, to discover
security events that require
Data consolidation and
The central purpose of a SIEM is to
pull together all the data and allow
correlation of logs and events across
all organizational systems.
An error message on a server can be
correlated with a connection blocked
on a firewall, and a wrong password
attempted on an enterprise portal.
Multiple data points are combined
into meaningful security events, and
delivered to analysts by notifications
or dashboards. Next-gen SIEMs are
getting better and better at learning
what is a “real” security event that
warrants attention.
How SIEM Works
Present and Future
In the past, SIEMs required meticulous management at every stage of the data pipeline—
data ingestion, policies, reviewing alerts and analyzing anomalies. Increasingly, SIEMs are
getting smarter at pulling data together, from ever more organizational sources, and using AI
techniques to understand what type of behavior constitutes a security incident. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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What are SIEMs Used For
Security monitoring
SIEMs help with real-time monitoring
of organizational systems for
security incidents.
A SIEM has a unique perspective on
security incidents, because it has
access to multiple data sources – for
example, it can combine alerts from
an IDS with information from an
antivirus product. It helps security
teams identify security incidents
that no individual security tool can
see, and help them focus on alerts
from security tools that have special
Advanced threat detection
SIEMs can help detect, mitigate and
prevent advanced threats, including:
Malicious insiders – a SIEM can
use browser forensics, network
data, authentication and other data
to identify insiders planning or
carrying out an attack
Data exfiltration (sensitive data
illicitly transferred outside the
organization) – a SIEM can pick up
data transfers that are abnormal in
their size, frequency or payload
Outside entities, including
advanced persistent threats
(APTs) – a SIEM can detect early
warning signals indicating that
an outside entity is carrying out
a focused attack or long-term
campaign against the organization
Forensics and incident
SIEMs can help security analysts
realize that a security incident
is taking place, triage the event
and define immediate steps for
Even if an incident is known to
security sta, it takes time to collect
data to fully understand the attack
and stop it – SIEM can automatically
collect this data and significantly
reduce response time. When security
sta discover a historic breach or
security incident that needs to be
investigated, SIEMs provide rich
forensic data to help uncover the kill
chain, threat actors and mitigation.
Compliance reporting and
SIEMs can help organizations prove
to auditors and regulators that they
have the proper safeguards in place
and that security incidents are known
and contained.
Many early adopters of SIEMs used
it for this purpose – aggregating log
data from across the organization
and presenting it in audit-ready
format. Modern SIEMs automatically
provide the monitoring and reporting
necessary to meet standards like
HITECH. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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SIEM Best Practices
The Infosec Institute suggests 10 best practices for successful
implementation of a SIEM platform.
Defining SIEM requirements:
Define requirements for monitoring, reporting and
auditing, consulting all relevant stakeholders before
deploying a SIEM.
Determine the scope of the SIEM – which parts of
the infrastructure it will cover, necessary credentials,
and log verbosity.
Define audit data accessibility, retention, how to
achieve data integrity, evidentiary rules, and disposal
for historical or private data.
Ensure you leverage the SIEM to monitor
and report on all of the following:
Access monitoring – transgression and anomalous
access to key resources
Perimeter defenses – status of perimeter defenses,
possible attacks and risky configuration changes
Resource integrity – critical network resources –
status, backups, change management, threats and
Intrusion detection – incidents reported by intrusion
detection, or correlated/inferred using SIEM data
Malware defense – violations, threats, or activity
regarding malware controls
Application defenses – status, configuration
changes, violations and anomalies for web servers,
databases and other web app resources
Acceptable use – status, issues and violations
regarding acceptable, mandated or metered use of
system resources // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
WHAT IS SIEM? // The Essential Guide to SIEM
SIEM Evolution
2005 2010 2017
The first SIEMs combined security information
management (SIM) and security event
management (SEM). They were limited
in scale of data managed and supported
An integrated SIEM based on big data
infrastructure, managing and correlating
historical log data, real-time events and threat
intelligence in one place—providing a holistic
view of enterprise security data.
Early SIEMs had limited ability to proactively
warn about and react to complex security
events. New SIEMs perform automated
behavioral profiling (UEBA), and can
automatically interact with IT and security
systems to mitigate incidents (SOAR).
Scales vertically
Slow manual ingestion of log data
Manual analysis and alerts based on manual rules
Little or no interface with downstream systems
Very limited
Scales horizontally, supporting big data
Full, with some filtering
Automated ingestion, data sources limited
Manual analysis, alerts and dashboards
Limited interface with downstream systems
Typically limited set of pre-built visualizations
Based on data lake, unlimited scale
Unlimited historic retention including new data
sources like the cloud
Automated ingestion of any data source
Automated, based on machine learning and
behavioral profiling
Integrates with IT and security tools, full SOAR
Full business intelligence (BI) data exploration
Early SIEM
Big Data SIEM
Automation and
Machine Learning
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Next-Generation SIEMs
The Future is Here
New SIEM platforms provide advanced
capabilities such as:
Complex threat identification – correlation rules can’t
capture many complex attacks, because they lack
context, or can’t respond to new types of incidents.
With automatic behavioral profiling, SIEMs can detect
behavior that suggests a threat.
Entity behavior analysis – critical assets on the
network such as servers, medical equipment or
machinery have unique behavioral patterns. SIEMs
can learn these patterns and automatically discover
anomalies that suggest a threat.
Automated incident response – once a SIEM detects a
certain type of security event, it can execute a pre-
planned sequence of actions to contain and mitigate
the incident. SIEMs are becoming full SOAR tools.
Lateral movement – attackers move through a
network by using IP addresses, credentials and
machines, in search of key assets. By analyzing
data from across the network and multiple system
resources, SIEMs can detect this lateral movement.
Detection without rules or signatures – many
threats facing your network can’t be captured with
manually-defined rules or known attack signatures.
SIEMs can use machine learning to detect incidents
without pre-existing definitions.
An example of a next-generation SIEM is the
Exabeam Security Management Platform (SMP),
which combines behavioral analytics based on
machine learning, cloud connectors, a flexible
data lake infrastructure, incident response
and threat hunting capabilities. Learn more at // The Essential Guide to SIEM
SIEM Architecture:
Technology, Process
and Data
In this chapter of the Essential Guide to SIEM, we
explain how SIEM systems are built, how they
go from raw event data to security insights, and
how they manage event data on a huge scale.
We cover both traditional SIEM platforms and
in newer SIEM architecture based on data lake
Security information and event management (SIEM)
platforms collect log and event data from security systems,
networks and computers, and turn it into actionable
security insights. SIEM technology can help organizations
detect threats that individual security systems cannot
see, investigate past security incidents, perform incident
response and prepare reports for regulation and
compliance purposes.
In this chapter you will learn:
The log management process – data collection, data
management and historic log retention
The log flow – from millions of events to a handful of
meaningful alerts
SIEM log sources – security systems, network
devices, cloud systems and more
SIEM hosting models – self-hosted self-managed,
cloud-hosted, self-managed, hybrid-managed, and
SIEM sizing – event velocity, calculating events per
second (EPS) and total event volume, hardware
requirements and deployment options, including
data lake
SIEM outputs – reporting, dashboards, and
visualizations and advanced analytics // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Data aggregation
Collects and aggregates data from
security systems and network
Threat intelligence feeds
Combines internal data with
third-party data on threats and
Correlation and security
Links events and related data into
security incidents, threats or
forensic findings
uses statistical models and
machine learning to identify deeper
relationships between data elements
Analyzes events and sends alerts
to notify security sta of immediate
Creates visualizations to let sta
review event data, identify patterns
and anomalies
Gathers log data for standards like
GDPR and generates reports
Stores long-term historical data,
useful for compliance and forensic
Forensic analysis
Enables exploration of log and event
data to discover details of a security
Threat hunting
Enables security sta to run queries
on log and event data to proactively
uncover threats
Incident response
Helps security teams identify and
respond to security incidents,
bringing in all relevant data rapidly
SOC automation
Advanced SIEMs can automatically
respond to incidents but
orchestrating security systems,
known as security orchestration,
automation and response (SOAR)
12 Components and Capabilities
in a SIEM Architecture // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
The Log Management Process
A SIEM server, at its root, is a log management platform. Log management involves collecting
the data, managing it to enable analysis, and retaining historical data.
Next-gen SIEM
Next-generation SIEMs come pre-integrated with common cloud systems
and data sources, allowing you to pull log data directly. Many managed cloud
services and SaaS applications do not allow you to install traditional SIEM
collectors, making direct integration between SIEM and cloud systems critical
for visibility.
Next-gen SIEM
Next-generation SIEMs are increasingly based
on modern data lake technology such as
Amazon S3, Hadoop or Elasticsearch, enabling
practically unlimited data storage at low cost.
Data Collection
SIEMs collect logs and events from hundreds of organizational systems (for a partial
list, see Log Sources below). Each device generates an event every time something
happens, and collects the events into a flat log file or database. The SIEM can collect
data in four ways:
01. Via an agent installed on the device (the most common method)
02. By directly connecting to the device using a network protocol or API call
03. By accessing log files directly from storage, typically in Syslog format
04. Via an event streaming protocol like SNMP, Netflow or IPFIX
The SIEM is tasked with collecting data from the devices, standardizing it and saving it
in a format that enables analysis.
Data Management
SIEMs, especially at large organizations, can store
mind-boggling amounts of data. The data needs to be:
Stored – either on-premises, in the cloud or both
Optimized and indexed – to enable ecient analysis
and exploration
Tiered – hot data necessary for live security
monitoring should be on high performance storage,
whereas cold data, which you may one day want
to investigate, should be relegated to high-volume
inexpensive storage mediums // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Log Retention
Industry standards like PCI DSS, HIPAA and SOX require that logs be retained for
between one and seven years. Large enterprises create a very high volume of logs
every day from IT systems (see SIEM Sizing below). SIEMs need to be smart about
which logs they retain for compliance and forensic requirements. SIEMs use the
following strategies to reduce log volumes:
Syslog servers – Syslog is a standard which normalizes logs, retaining only
essential information in a standardized format. Syslog lets you compress logs and
retain large quantities of historical data.
Deletion schedules – SIEMs automatically purge old logs that are no longer needed
for compliance. By accessing log files directly from storage, typically in Syslog
Log filtering – not all logs are really needed for the compliance requirements
faced by your organization, or for forensic purposes. Logs can be filtered by source
system, times, or by other rules defined by the SIEM administrator.
Summarization – log data can be summarized to maintain only important data
elements such as the count of events, unique IPs, etc.
Next-gen SIEM
Historic logs are not only useful for compliance
and forensics. They can also be used for deep
behavioral analysis. Next-generation SIEMs
provide user and entity behavior analytics
(UEBA) technology, which uses machine
learning and and behavioral profiling to
intelligently identify anomalies or trends, even if
they weren’t captured in the rules or statistical
correlations of the traditional SIEMs.
Next-generation SIEMs leverage low-cost
distributed storage, allowing organizations
to retain full source data. This enables deep
behavioral analysis of historic data, to catch a
broader range of anomalies and security issues. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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The Log Flow
A SIEM captures 100% of log data from across your organization. But then data
starts to flow down the log funnel, and hundreds of millions of log entries can be
whittled down to only a handful of actionable security alerts.
SIEMs filter out noise in logs to keep pertinent data only. Then they index and optimize the relevant
data to enable analysis. Finally, around 1% of data, which is the most relevant for your security
posture, is correlated and analyzed in more depth. Of those correlations, the ones which exceed
security thresholds become security alerts. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
SIEM Logging Sources
Which organizational systems feed their logs to the SIEM?
And which other business data is of interest to a SIEM?
Security Events Network Logs Applications and
IT Infrastructure
Intrusion detection
Endpoint security
(antivirus, anti-malware)
Data loss prevention
VPN concentrators
Web filters
DNS servers
Wireless access points
Data transfers
Private cloud networks
Application servers
Intranet applications
Web applications
SaaS applications
Cloud-hosted servers
End-user laptops or
Mobile devices
Network maps
Vulnerability reports
Software inventory
Next-gen SIEM
Until recently SIEMs couldn’t access log and event data from cloud
infrastructure like AWS or Microsoft Azure, or SaaS applications like
Salesforce and Google Apps. This created a huge blind spot in security
monitoring. Some next-generation solutions come with pre-built connectors
and SIEM integrations with modern cloud technology. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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SIEM Deployment Models
There are many deployment options to consider for SIEM. Here,
we look at four common ones.
Traditional SIEM
This is the traditional SIEM deployment model—host the SIEM in your data
center, often with a dedicated SIEM appliance, maintain storage systems,
and manage it with trained security personnel. This model made SIEM a
notoriously complex and expensive infrastructure to maintain.
Cloud SIEM, Self-Managed
You handle: Correlation, analysis, alerting and dashboards, security
processes leveraging SIEM data.
MSSP handles: Receiving events from organizational systems,
collection and aggregation.
IN HOUSE MSSP // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Self-Hosted, Hybrid-Managed
You handle: Purchasing software and hardware infrastructure.
MSSP together with your security sta: Deploying SIEM event collection /
aggregation, correlation, analysis, alerting and dashboards.
SIEM as a Service
You handle: Defining program goals.
MSSP handles: Event collection, aggregation, correlation, analysis,
alerting and dashboards.
IN HOUSE MSSPMSSP // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Which Hosting Model is Right for You?
The following considerations can help you select a
SIEM deployment model:
Do you have an existing SIEM infrastructure? If you’ve already purchased the
hardware and software, opt for self-hosted self-managed, or leverage an MSSP’s
expertise to jointly manage the SIEM with your local team.
Do you have security sta with SIEM expertise? The human factor is crucial in
getting true value from a SIEM. If you don’t have trained security sta, rent the
analysis services via a hybrid-managed or SIEM as a Service model.
Are you able to move data o-premises? If so, a cloud-hosted or fully managed
model can reduce costs and management overhead. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
SIEM Sizing: Velocity, Volume and
Hardware Requirements
A majority of SIEMs today are deployed on-premises. This requires organizations to
carefully consider the size of log and event data they are generating, and the system
resources required to manage it.
Calculating Velocity: Events Per Second (EPS)
A common measure of velocity is EPS, defined as:
EPS can vary between normal and peak times. For example, a Cisco router might
generate 0.6 EPS on average, but during peak times, such as during an attack, it can
generate as many as 154 EPS.
According to the SIEM Benchmarking Guide by the SANS Institute, organizations
should strike a balance between normal and peak EPS measurements. It’s not
practical, or necessary, to build a SIEM to handle peak EPS for all network devices,
because it’s unlikely all devices will hit their peak at once. On the other hand, you
must plan for crisis situations, in which the SIEM will be most needed.
A Simple Model for Predicting EPS During Normal
and Peak Times
01. Measure Normal EPS and Peak EPS, by looking at 90 days of data for the
target system
02. Estimate the Number of Peaks per Day
03. Estimate the Duration in Seconds of a Peak, and by extension, Total Peak
Seconds per Day
04. Calculate Total Peak Events per Day = (Total Peak Seconds per Day) * Peak EPS
05. Calculate Total Normal Events per Day = (Total Seconds – Total Peak Seconds
per Day) * Normal EPS
The sum of these two numbers is the total estimated velocity.
In addition, the SANS guide recommends adding:
10% for headroom
10% for growth
So that the final number of events per day will be:
(Total Peak Events per Day + Total Normal Events per Day)
* 110% headroom * 110% growth
TIME PERIOD IN SECONDS // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Calculating Velocity: Events Per Second (EPS)
The following table, provided by SANS, shows typical average EPS (normal EPS) and
peak EPS for selected network devices. The data is several years old but can provide
ballpark figures for your initial estimates.
In order to size your SIEM, conduct an inventory of the devices you intend to collect
logs from. Multiply the number of similar devices by their estimated EPS, to get a total
number of Events Per Day across your network.
Storage Needs
A rule of thumb is that an average event occupies 300 bytes. So for every
1,000 EPS (86.4 million events per day), the SIEM needs to store:
Source: SANS Institute // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Hardware Sizing
After you determine your event velocity and volume, consider the
following factors to size hardware for your SIEM:
Storage format – how will files be stored? Using a flat file format, a relational
database or an unstructured data store like Hadoop?
Storage deployment and hardware – is it possible to move data to the cloud? If
so, cloud services like Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Storage will be highly attractive
for storing most SIEM data. If not, consider what storage resources are available
locally, and whether to use commodity storage with Hadoop or NoSQL DBs, or high-
performance storage appliances.
Log compression – what technology is available to compress log data? Many SIEM
vendors advertise compression ratios of 1:8 or more.
Encryption – is there a need to encrypt data as it enters the SIEM data store?
Determine software and hardware requirements.
Hot storage (short-term data) – needs high performance to enable real time
monitoring data analysis.
Long-term storage (data retention) - needs high volume, low cost storage media to
enable maximum retention of historic data.
Failover and backup – as a mission critical system, the SIEM should be built with
redundancy, and be backed by a clear business continuity plan. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Scalability and Data Lakes
In the past decade, networks have grown, the number of connected devices has exploded, and
data volumes shot up exponentially. In addition, there is a growing need to have access to all
historic data—not just a filtered, summarized version of the data—to enable deeper analysis.
Modern SIEM technology can make sense of huge volumes of historic data and use it to
discover new anomalies and patterns.
In 2015 O’Reilly released a report, The Security Data Lake, which oered a robust approach for storing SIEM data in
a Hadoop data lake. The report clarifies that data lakes do not replace SIEMs—the SIEM is still needed for its ability
to parse and make sense of log data from many dierent systems, and later analyze and extract insights and alerts
from the data.
The data lake, as a companion to a SIEM, provides:
Nearly unlimited, low cost storage based on commodity devices.
New ways of processing big data—tools in the Hadoop ecosystem, such as Hive and Spark—enable fast
processing of huge quantities of data, while enabling traditional SIEM infrastructure to query the data via SQL.
The possibility of retaining all data across a multitude of new data sources, like cloud applications, IoT and
mobile devices.
Today additional technical options exist for implementing data lakes, besides the heavyweight Hadoop—including
Elasticsearch, Cassandra and MongoDB.
Next-gen SIEM
Another benefit of data lake storage is that
hardware costs become predictable. You can
simply add nodes to the data lake, running on
commodity or cloud hardware, to grow data
storage linearly. SIEMs based on data lake
technology can easily add new data sources or
expand data retention at low cost. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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SIEM Reporting, Dashboards
and Visualization
The main purpose of a SIEM is to generate actionable insights for security teams.
These come in several forms:
Alerts and notifications – prompt security sta to
investigate an anomaly or apparent security issue
Data exploration – enable security sta to freely
explore data to actively hunt for threats, or
investigate a known security incident
Dashboards – display status of security-related
systems and metrics and highlight potential security
APIs and web services – enable the use of external
systems, such as BI and behavioral analytics
tools, to access SIEM data and analyze it from new
Next-gen SIEM
Next-generation SIEMs use behavioral profiling and machine learning techniques to identify
security incidents and help teams collect pertinent data for the incident, across devices, user
profiles and time periods.
A dashboard and automatically-created incident ticket, provided by Exabeam’s next-generation SIEM platform.
Source: Exabeam // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
SIEM Architecture: Then and Now
Historically, SIEMs were an expensive, monolithic enterprise infrastructure, built with
proprietary software and custom hardware provisioned to handle its large data volumes.
Along with the software industry in general, SIEMs are evolving to become more agile and
lightweight, and much smarter than they were before.
Next-generation SIEM solutions use a modern architecture that is more aordable, easier to implement, and helps
security teams discover real security issues faster:
Modern data lake technology – oering big data storage with unlimited scalability, low cost and improved
New managed hosting and management options – MSSPs are helping organizations implement SIEM by running
part of the infrastructure (on-premises or on the cloud), and by providing expertise to manage security processes.
Dynamic scalability and predictable costs – SIEM administrators no longer need to meticulously calculate
sizing, and make architectural changes when data volumes grow. SIEM storage can now grow dynamically and
predictably when volumes increase.
New insights with user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) – SIEM architectures today include advanced
analytics components such as machine learning and behavioral profiling, which go beyond traditional correlations
to discover new relationships and anomalies across huge data sets. Read more in our chapter on UEBA.
Powering incident response – modern SIEMs leverage security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR)
technology that helps identify and automatically respond to security incidents, and supports incident investigation
by security operations center (SOC) sta. Read more in our chapter on incident response.
To see an example of a modern SIEM architecture, see
Exabeam’s Security Management Platform. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
Log Aggregation, Processing
and Analysis for Security
Logs and events are a foundation of modern security monitoring, investigation and forensics.
In this chapter you’ll learn in-depth how logs are aggregated, processed and stored, and how
they are used in the security operations center (SOC).
In this chapter you will learn:
Log aggregation – four methods of log
Log processing – how logs are parsed,
normalized, enriched and indexed for fast
Log types – examples of logs, understanding log
formats including CSV, JSON, CEF
Log monitoring – how logs are used to identify
problems and trends in production systems
Security event logs - the basics—what are
events and incidents and how they are used in
security investigations
Log analysis for security with SIEM – how SIEMs
use logs to help identify and investigate security
Using endpoint logs for security – Windows
event logs, Windows security logs, Linux event
logs and iOS logs
Managing endpoint detection and response
(EDR) logs – about EDR system logs, with
examples from Symantec and McAfee
Firewall logs – firewall log analysis basics,
examples from Windows Firewall, Linux
Firewall, Cisco and Check Point // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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What is Log Aggregation?
Log aggregation is the process of collecting logs from multiple computing systems, parsing them and extracting
structured data, and putting them together in a format that is easily searchable and explorable by modern data tools.
There are four common ways to aggregate logs—many log aggregation systems combine multiple methods.
Syslog Event streaming Log collectors Direct access
A standard logging protocol.
Network administrators can set
up a Syslog server that receives
logs from multiple systems,
storing them in an ecient,
condensed format which is
easily queryable.
Log aggregators can directly
read and process Syslog data.
Protocols like SNMP, Netflow
and IPFIX allow network devices
to provide standard information
about their operations, which
can be intercepted by the log
aggregator, parsed and added to
central log storage.
Software agents that run on
network devices, capture log
information, parse it and send
it to a centralized aggregator
component for storage and
Log aggregators can directly
access network devices or
computing systems, using an API
or network protocol to directly
receive logs. This approach
requires custom integration for
each data source. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Log parsing
Each log has a repeating data
format which includes data
fields and values. However,
the format varies between
systems, even between
dierent logs on the
same system.
A log parser is a software
component that can take a
specific log format and convert
it to structured data. Log
aggregation software includes
dozens or hundreds or parsers
written to process logs for
common systems.
Log normalization and
Normalization merges events
containing dierent data into
a reduced format which
contains common event
attributes. Most logs capture
the same basic information
—time, network address,
operation performed, etc.
Categorization involves adding
meaning to events—identifying
log data related to system
events, authentication, local/
remote operations, etc.
Log enrichment
Log enrichment involves
adding important information
that can make the data
more useful.
For example, if the original log
contained IP addresses, but
not actual physical locations of
the users accessing a system,
a log aggregator can use a
geolocation data service to find
out locations and add them to
the data.
Log indexing
Modern networks generate
huge volumes of log data. To
eectively search and explore
log data, there is need to create
an index of common attributes
across all log data.
Searches or data queries that
use the index keys can be an
order of magnitude faster,
compared to a full scan of all
log data.
Log storage
Because of the massive
volumes of logs, and their
exponential growth, log storage
is rapidly evolving. Historically,
log aggregators would store
logs in a centralized repository.
Today, logs are increasingly
stored on data lake technology,
such as Amazon S3 or Hadoop.
Data lakes can support
unlimited storage volumes with
low incremental storage cost,
and can provide access to the
data via distributed processing
engines like MapReduce, or
modern high performance
analytics tools.
What is Log Processing?
Log processing is the art of taking raw system logs from multiple sources, identifying their structure or schema, and
turning them into a consistent, standardized data source.
The Log Processing Flow // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Endpoint logs
An endpoint is a computing
device within a network
such as a desktop, laptop,
smartphone, server or
workstation. Endpoints
generate multiple logs,
from dierent levels of their
software stack—hardware,
operating system, middleware
and database, and applications.
Endpoint logs are taken from
the lower levels of the stack,
and used to understand the
status, activity and health of
the endpoint device.
Router logs
Network devices like routers,
switches and load balancers
are the backbone of network
infrastructure. Their logs
provide critical data about
trac flows, including
destinations visited by internal
users, sources of external
trac, trac volumes,
protocols used, and more.
Routers typically transmit data
via the Syslog format, and data
can be captured and analyzed
via your network’s Syslog
Application event logs
Applications running on
servers or end user devices
generate and log events. The
Windows operating system
provides a centralized event
log that collects startup,
shutdown, heartbeat and
run-time error events from
running applications. In Linux,
application log messages can
be found in the /var/log folder.
In addition, log aggregators can
directly collect and parse logs
from enterprise applications,
such as email, web or
database servers.
IoT logs
A new and growing source of
log data is internet of things
(IoT) connected devices. IoT
devices may log their own
activity and/or sensor data
captured by the device. IoT
visibility is a major challenge
for most organizations, as
many devices have no logging
at all, or save log data to
local file systems, limiting the
ability to access or aggregate
it. Advanced IoT deployments
save log data to a central cloud
service; many are adopting a
new log collection protocol,
syslog-ng, which focuses on
portability and central log
Proxy logs
Many networks maintain a
transparent proxy, providing
visibility over trac of internal
users. Proxy server logs
contain requests made by
users and applications on
a local network, as well as
application or service requests
made over the internet, such
as application updates. To
be useful, proxies must be
enforced across all, or at least
critical segments, of user
trac, and measures must
be in place to decrypt and
interpret HTTPS trac.
Log Types
Almost every computing system generates logs. Below are a few of the most common
sources of log data. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Examples of Logs
Example of Windows log data: Account successfully logged in.
Image Source: Microsoft
Common Log Formats
Common log formats: CSV, JSON, key value pair,
common event format (CEF)
CSV log format
5:39:55 Time
[Fname, Lname, name@company] User Credentials
Failed Authentication Event IP
/app/oce365 App User Signed Into
JSON log format
MachineName User’s host
Message The event is a Kerberos service ticket
(user already authenticated and sending access request
for specific service)
TimeGenerated Time of event
TargetUserName Username attempting to login
TargetDomainName Domain user attempted to login to
ServiceName Service user attempted to log into
Common event format (CEF)
CEF is an open log management standard that makes
it easier to share security-related data from dierent
network devices and applications. It also provides a
common event log format, making it easier to collect and
aggregate log data. CEF uses the syslog message format.
Common event format
CEF:Version|Device Vendor|Device Product|Device
Bracket enclosing Trend Micro .. 3.5.4 Uniquely
identifies the sending device. No two products may
use the same vendor-product pair.
600 Unique identifier per event type, for example
in IDS systems each signature or rule has a unique
Signature ID
4 Severity of the event from 1-10
Suser=Master.. a collection of key-value pairs
which allow the log entry to contain additional info,
from an extensive Extension Dictionary including
events like deviceAction, ApplicationProtocol,
deviceHostName, destinationAdress and
DestinationPort, or custom events.
Sample log entry
Jan 18 11:07:53 dsmhost CEF:0|Trend Micro|Deep
Security Manager|3.5.4|600|Administrator Signed
In|4|suser=Master // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
What is Log Monitoring?
There is a wealth of information in log files that can help identify problems
and patterns in production systems. Log monitoring involves scanning
log files, searching for patterns, rules or inferred behavior that indicates
important events, and triggering an alert sent to operations or security sta.
Log monitoring can help identify problems before they are experienced by
users. It can uncover suspicious behavior that might represent an attack on
organizational systems. It can also help record baseline behavior of devices,
systems or users, in order to identify anomalies that require investigation. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Security Event Logs—the Basics
Log aggregation and log monitoring is a central activity for security teams. Collecting log information from critical
systems and security tools, and analyzing those logs, is the most common way to identify anomalous or suspicious
events, which might represent a security incident.
The two basic concepts of security log management are events and incidents—an event is something that happens on
a network on an endpoint device. One or more events can be identified as an incident—an attack, violation of security
policies, unauthorized access, or change to data or systems without the owner’s consent.
Common Security-Relevant Log Events
Report from antivirus software that a device is infected by malware
Report from firewall about trac to/from a prohibited network address
Attempt to access a critical system from an unknown host or IP address
Repeated failed attempts to access a critical system
Change in user privileges
Usage of insecure or prohibited protocols / ports
Common Security Incidents
Malicious email received and activated by organizational users
Malicious website accessed by organizational users (e.g., drive by download)
Improper or prohibited usage by an authorized user
Unauthorized access
An attempt to compromise, deny access to, or delete organizational systems
Loss or theft of equipment, such as employee laptops, servers
Data leak or malware infection via removable media // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Log Analysis for Security with SIEM
In the security world, the primary system that aggregates logs, monitors them and generates alerts
about possible security systems, is a SIEM solution.
Traditional SIEM Log Analysis
Traditionally, the SIEM used two techniques to generate alerts from log data:
correlation rules, specifying a sequence of events that indicates an anomaly, which
could represent a security threat, vulnerability or active security incident; and
vulnerabilities and risk assessment, which involves scanning networks for known
attack patterns and vulnerabilities.
The drawback of these older techniques is that they generate a lot of false positives,
and are not successful at detecting new and unexpected event types.
SIEM platforms aggregate historical log data and real-time alerts from security
solutions and IT systems like email servers, web servers and authentication systems.
They analyze the data and establish relationships that help identify anomalies,
vulnerabilities and incidents. The SIEM’s main focus is on security-related events such
as suspicious logins, malware or escalation of privileges.
The SIEM’s goal is to identify which events has security significance and should be
reviewed by a human analyst, and send notifications for those events. Modern SIEMs
also provide extensive dashboards and data visualization tools, allowing analysts to
actively seek data points that might indicate a security incident—known as
threat hunting.
Next-Generation SIEM Log Analysis
Advanced SIEMs use technology called user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA).
UEBA leverages machine learning to look at patterns of human behavior,
automatically establish baselines, and intelligently identify suspicious or
anomalous behavior.
This can help detect risks that are unknown or dicult to define with correlation
rules, such as insider threats, targeted attacks, fraud, and anomalies across long
periods of time or across multiple organizational systems. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Using Endpoint Logs for Security
Traditionally, monitoring and security eorts focused on network trac to identify threats. Today, there is a growing focus on endpoints, such
as desktop computers, servers and mobile devices. Endpoints are frequently targeted by threat actors who can bypass traditional security
measures—for example, a laptop forgotten on a train can be stolen by an attacker and used to penetrate organizational systems. Without careful
monitoring of the laptop’s activity, this and similar attacks could go undetected.
Windows Event Logs
The Windows operating system provides an event
logging protocol that allows applications, and the
operating system itself, to log important hardware and
software events. The events can be viewed directly by
an administrator using the Windows Event Viewer.
Which events are logged?
Events logged in Windows event logs include
application installations, security management (see
Windows security logs below), initial startup operations,
and problems or errors. All these event types can have
security significance, and should be monitored by log
aggregation and monitoring tools.
Example of Windows event log
Warning 5/11/2018 10:29:47 AM Kernel-Event Tracing
1 Logging
Windows Security Logs
The Windows security log is a part of the Windows
event log framework. It contains security-related events
specified by administrators using the system’s audit
policy. Microsoft describes the security log as “Your
Best and Last Defense” when investigating security
breaches on Windows systems.
Which events are logged?
The following types of Windows log events can be
defined as security events: account logon, account
management, directory service access, logon, object
access (for example, file access), policy change,
privilege use, tracking of system processes, system
iOS Logs and iOS Crash Reports
Unlike Windows and Linux, the iOS operating system
does not log system and application events by default,
with the exception of application crash reports. iOS
10.0 onwards oers a logging API that allows specific
applications to log application events and store them
to a centralized location on disk. Log messages can be
viewed using the console app of the log command-line
Because iOS does not provide convenient remote access
to logs, several third-party solutions have emerged that
allow for remote collection and aggregation of iOS logs.
Linux Event Logs
Linux logs record a timeline of events that occur in
the Linux operating system and applications. Central
system logs are stored in the /var/log directory, and
logs for specific applications may be stored in the
application folder, for example ‘~/.chrome/Crash
Reports’ for Google Chrome.
Which events are logged?
There are Linux log files for system events, kernel,
package managers, boot processes, Xorg, Apache,
MySQL, and other common services. As in Windows, all
these events could possibly have security significance.
Which are the most critical Linux logs to monitor?
/var/log/syslog or /var/log/messages—stores all activity data across
the Linux system.
/var/log/auth.log or /var/log/secure—stores authentication logs
/var/log/boot.log—messages logged during startup
/var/log/maillog or var/log/mail.log—events related to email servers
/var/log/kern—Kernel logs
/var/log/dmesg—device driver logs
/var/log/faillog—failed login attempts
/var/log/cron—events related to cron jobs or the cron daemon
/var/log/yum.log—events related to installation of yum packages
/var/log/httpd/—HTTP errors and access logs containing all HTTP
/var/log/mysqld.log or /var/log/mysql.log—MySQL log files // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Managing Endpoint Detection and
Response (EDR) Logs
Endpoint detection and response (EDR) technology helps to detect, investigate and mitigate
security incidents on organizational endpoints. EDR is complementary to traditional endpoint
tools such as antivirus, data loss prevention (DLP) and SIEM. EDR technology provides visibility
into events taking place on endpoints, including application access and activity, operating
system operations, creation, modification, copying and movement of data, memory usage, and
user access to predefined sensitive data.
EDR systems provide aggregated logs that allow security teams to analyze and explore events
from across the enterprise endpoint portfolio.
Symantec Endpoint Protection Logs
Symantec Endpoint Protection is a security suite that
includes intrusion prevention, firewall, and anti-
malware. Endpoint Protection logs contains information
about configuration changes, security-related activities
such as virus detections, errors on specific endpoints,
and trac that enters and exits the endpoint.
Which events are logged?
Symantec Endpoint Protection log types include:
Policy modifications
Application and device control—events on endpoint
devices where some behavior was blocked
Compliance logs
Computer status—operational status such as
computer name, IP address, infection status
Deception logs—attacker interaction with
“honeypots” deployed by the security solution
Network and host exploit mitigation
Virus scan events
Risk events detected by Symantec
System log—information about operating system
and services.
McAfee Endpoint Security
McAfee Endpoint Security provides centralized
management for endpoint devices, anti-malware
protection, application containment, web security,
threat forensics and machine learning analysis for
detection of unknown threats.
The solution allows you to set each endpoint device to
one of three log levels: no logging, event logging, and
debug logging. Logs are saved on the endpoints in the
McAfee folder.
Which events are logged?
McAfee Endpoint Security saves several log files on
each endpoint device:
myAgent.logaggregate log file containing historic logs
myNotices.log—notices and warnings generated by
the McAfee agent
myUninstall.log—software uninstall events
myUpdate.log—software update events
myInstall.log—software installation events // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Managing Firewall Logs
Firewall logs are extremely valuable for security analysis, because they contain trails of almost all trac flowing into and out of your network.
If malicious activity is occurring, even if it cannot be detected by known malware or attack signatures, it will be captured by the firewall and can
probably be seen by analyzing firewall logs for unusual behavior.
For example, when a zero-day virus infects computers on your network, even if it cannot be detected yet by antivirus software, firewall logs may show unusually high numbers
of denied connections, or allowed connections, with suspicious remote hosts. A routine review of firewall logs can discover trojans or rootkits trying to connect to their command
and control systems via IRC, over the firewall.
Cisco Syslog and Logging Levels
Cisco routers save logs in Syslog format, and also allow
logs to be viewed by the admin interface. Messages are
tagged with message codes—for example, most denied
connections have a message code in the 106001 to
106023 range. Most firewall devices do not have local
storage space, so logs must be configured to be sent
elsewhere—Cisco allows saving logs to a Syslog server
on the network, via SMTP, via console port, telnet, or
several other options.
What log entries are important to analyze?
Connections allowed by firewall security policies—
these can help spot “holes” in the security policies
Connections denied by firewall security policies—
might contain suspicious or attack behavior
Using the deny rate logging feature can show DoS or
brute force attacks
IDS activity messages—show attacks identified by
Cisco Intrusion Detection features
User authentication and command usage—let you
review and audit firewall policy changes
Bandwidth usage—shows connections by duration
and trac volume—outliers could be interesting to
Protocol usage messages—show protocols and port
numbers—can show unusual or insecure protocols
used on the network
NAT or PAT connections—check if you receive a report
of malicious activity coming inside your network
Check Point Logging
Check Point routers can save logs in Syslog format, and
also allow logs to be viewed over an admin interface.
Check Point routers maintain a security log which saves
events that are deemed to have security significance.
Categories of events saved to security log:
Connection accepted
Connection decrypted
Connection dropped
Connection encrypted
Connection rejected
Connection monitored—a security event was monitored but
not blocked according to current firewall policy
URL allowed—URL allowed for access by internal users
URL filtered—URL disallowed for access by internal users
Virus detected—virus detected in an email
Potential spam stamped—email marked as potential spam
Potential spam detected—email rejected as potential spam
Mail allowed—non-spam email was logged
VStream antivirus blocked a connection.
Severity levels in the Check Point security log:
Red—connection attempts blocked by the firewall, by
security policy downloaded from the service center
or user-defined rules
Orange—trac detected as suspicious but accepted
by the firewall
Green—trac accepted by the firewall // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Log Management and
Next-Generation SIEMs
Log management has always been complex, and is becoming more so with the proliferation of
network devices, endpoints, microservices and cloud services, and exponentially increasing
trac and data volumes.
In a security environment, next-generation SIEM solutions can help manage and extract value
from security-relevant log events:
Next-generation SIEMs are based on data lake technology which can store unlimited data
volumes of historical logs
Next-generation SIEMs come with UEBA technology which can automatically establish
baseline activity for devices and users, and identify anomalous or suspicious behavior
Next-generation SIEMs provide advanced data exploration capabilities which can help
security analysts perform threat hunting by actively searching through logs
Exabeam is an example of a next-generation SIEM platform that provides these capabilities. It
can pull together logs from enterprise systems and security tools and perform the complete
log management process, including log collection and aggregation, log processing, log analysis
using advanced analytics and UEBA technology, and alerting about security incidents.
Learn more at // The Essential Guide to SIEM
User and Entity Behavior
User and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) is
a new category of security solutions that use
innovative analytics technology, including
machine learning and deep learning, to discover
abnormal and risky behavior by users, machines
and other entities on the corporate network.
UEBA can detect security incidents that
traditional tools do not see, because they do
not conform to predefined correlation rules or
attack patterns, or because they span multiple
organizational systems and data sources.
In this chapter you will learn:
The three pillars of UEBA solutions as defined by Gartner
How UEBA solutions are converging with security
information and event management (SIEM)
Major use cases of UEBA – malicious insider, incident
prioritization, DLP, and more
How UEBA works –behavioral profiling, risk modeling and
timeline analysis
An example of an integrated SIEM and UEBA solution // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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What is User and Entity Behavior
Analytics (UEBA)?
UEBA solutions build profiles that model standard behavior for users and entities
in an IT environment, such as servers, routers and data repositories. This is known
as baselining. Using a variety of analytics techniques, UEBA technology can identify
activity that is anomalous compared to the established baselines, discover threats
and detect security incidents.
Three Pillars of UEBA
Gartner defines UEBA solutions across three dimensions:
Use cases – UEBA solutions provide information on the behavior of users
and other entities in the corporate network. They should perform monitoring,
detection and alerting of anomalies. And they should be applicable for
multiple use cases–unlike specialized tools for employee monitoring, trusted
hosts monitoring, fraud, and so on.
Data sources – UEBA solutions are able to ingest data from a general data
repository such as a data lake or data warehouse, or through a SIEM. They
should not deploy agents directly in the IT environment to collect the data.
Analytics – UEBA solutions detect anomalies using a variety of analytics
approaches–statistical models, machine learning, rules, threat signatures
and more.
Convergence of UEBA and SIEM
There is a close relationship between UEBA and SIEM technologies, because
UEBA relies on cross-organizational security data to perform its analyses, and
this data is typically collected and stored by a SIEM.
In Gartner’s vision of a next-generation SIEM solution, a SIEM should include
built-in UEBA functionality. The report lists the following as critical capabilities of
a modern SIEM:
User monitoring, including baselining and advanced analytics to analyze
access and authentication data, establish user context and report on
suspicious behavior.
Advanced analytics – applying sophisticated statistical and quantitative
models, such as machine learning and deep learning, on security log and event
data to detect anomalous activity. Advanced analytics should complement the
traditional rule and correlation-based analytics available in traditional SIEMs. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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UEBA Use Cases
Malicious insider
A malicious insider is an employee or contractor with
privileged access to IT systems, who intends to perform
a cyber attack against the organization. It is dicult
to measure malicious intent or discover it through log
files or regular security events. UEBA solutions help by
establishing a baseline of a user’s typical behavior and
detect abnormal activity.
Compromised insider
It’s common for attackers to infiltrate an organization
and compromise a privileged user account or trusted
host on the network, and continue the attack from
there. UEBA solutions can help rapidly detect and
analyze bad activities that the attacker carries on via
the compromised account.
Traditional security tools find it dicult to detect a
compromised insider if the attack pattern or kill chain
is not currently known(such as in a zero day attack), or
if the attack moves laterally through an organization by
changing credentials, IP addresses, or machines. UEBA
technology, however, can detect these types of attacks,
because they will almost always force assets to behave
dierently from established baselines.
Incident prioritization
A SIEM collects events and logs from multiple security
tools and critical systems, and generates a large
number of alerts that must be investigated by security
sta. This leads to alert fatigue, a common challenge of
security operations centers (SOC).
UEBA solutions can help understand which incidents
are particularly abnormal, suspicious or potentially
dangerous in the context of your organization. UEBA
can go beyond baselines and threat models by adding
data about organizational structure–for example, the
criticality of assets and the roles and access levels
of specific organizational functions. A small deviation
from norm for a critical protected system or a top-level
administrator, might be worth a look for an investigator;
for a run-of-the-mill employee only a major deviation
would receive high priority.
Data loss prevention (DLP) and data
leakage prevention
Data loss prevention (DLP) tools are used to prevent
data exfiltration, or the illicit transfer of data outside
organizational boundaries. Traditional DLP tools
report on any unusual activity carried out on sensitive
data—they create a high volume of alerts which can be
dicult for security teams to handle.
UEBA solutions can take DLP alerts, prioritize and
consolidate them by understanding which events
represent anomalous behavior compared to known
baselines. This saves time for investigators and helps
them discover real security incidents faster.
Entity analytics (IoT)
UEBA can be especially important in dealing with
Internet of Things (IoT) security risks. Organizations
deploy large fleets of connected devices, often with
minimal or no security measures. Attackers can
compromise IoT devices, use them to steal data or gain
access to other IT systems, or worse—leverage them in
DDoS or other attacks against third parties.
Two sensitive categories of IoT are medical devices and
manufacturing equipment. Connected medical devices
may contain critical data, and may be life threatening if
used directly for patient care. Manufacturing equipment
can cause large financial losses if disrupted, and in some
cases may threaten employee safety.
UEBA can track an unlimited number of connected
devices, establish a behavioral baseline for each device
or group of similar devices, and immediately detect if a
device is behaving outside its regular boundaries. For
Connections to or from unusual addresses or devices
Activity at unusual times
Device features activated which are typically not used
Unusual activity by an insider–detected by the Exabeam UEBA
solution as part of its next-generation SIEM. Source: Exabeam // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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UEBA Analytics Methods
Some UEBA solutions rely on traditional methods to identify suspicious activity. These can
include manually-defined rules, correlations between security events and known attack
patterns. The limitation of traditional techniques is that they are only as good as the rules
defined by security administrators, and cannot adapt to new types of threats or
system behavior.
Advanced analytics, which is the hallmark of UEBA
tools, involves several modern technologies that can
help identify abnormal behavior even in the absence of
known patterns:
Supervised machine learning – sets of known good
behavior and known bad behavior are fed into the
system. The tool learns to analyze new behavior
and determine if it is “similar to” the known good or
known bad behavior set.
Bayesian networks – can combine supervised
machine learning and rules to create behavioral
Unsupervised learning – the system learns normal
behavior, and is able to detect and alert on abnormal
behavior. It will not be able to tell if the abnormal
behavior is good or bad, only that it deviates from
Reinforced / semi-supervised machine learning
– a hybrid model where the basis is unsupervised
learning, and actual alert resolutions are fed back
into the system to allow fine tuning of the model and
reduce the signal-to-noise ratio.
Deep learning – enables virtual alert triage and
investigation. The system trains on data sets
representing security alerts and their triage
outcomes, performs self-identification of features,
and is able to predict triage outcomes for new sets of
security alerts.
Traditional analytics techniques are deterministic, in
the sense that if certain conditions were true, an alert
was generated, and if not the system assumed “all is
fine”. The advanced analytics methods listed above are
dierent in that they are heuristic. They compute a risk
score which is a probability that an event represents
an anomaly or security incident. When the risk score
exceeds a certain threshold, the system creates a
security alert. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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How UEBA Works
Holistic Analysis Across Multiple Data Sources
The true power of a UEBA solution is in its ability to cut across organizational boundaries,
IT systems and data sources and analyze all the data available for a specific user or entity.
A UEBA solution should analyze as many data sources
as possible. Some example data sources include:
Authentication systems like Active Directory
Access systems like VPN and proxies
Configuration management databases
Human resources data–new employees, departed
employees, and any data that provides additional
context on users
Firewall, intrusion detection and prevention systems
Anti-malware and antivirus systems
Endpoint detection and desponse systems
Network trac analytics
Threat intelligence feeds
For example, a UEBA solution should be able to identify
unusual login via Active Directory, cross reference it
with the criticality of the device being logged onto, the
sensitiveness of the files accessed, and recent unusual
network or malware activity which may have enabled a
Behavioral Baselining and Risk Scores
A UEBA solution learns normal behavior to identify
abnormal behavior. It examines a broad set of data to
determine a user’s baseline or behavioral profile.
For example, the system monitors a user and sees how
they use a VPN, at what time they arrive to work and
which systems they log into, what printer they use, how
often and what size of files they send by email or load
to a USB drive, and many other data points that define
the user’s “normal behavior”. The same is done for
servers, databases or any significant IT system.
When there is deviation from the baseline, the system
adds to the risk score of that user or machine. The
more unusual the behavior, the higher the risk score.
As more and more suspicious behavior accumulates,
the risk score increases until it hits a threshold, causing
it to be escalated to an analyst for investigation.
This analytical approach has several advantages:
Aggregation – the risk score is made up of numerous
events, so there is no need for analysts to manually
review large numbers of individual alerts and
mentally combine them to detect a threat.
Reduced false positives – one slightly abnormal
event on its own will not result in a security alert. The
system requires multiple signs of abnormal behavior
to create an alert, reducing the number of false
positives and saving time for analysts.
More context – traditional correlation rules defined
by security administrators may have been correct
for one set of users or systems, but not for others.
For example, if a department starts employing shift
workers or oshore workers, they will start logging
in at unusual times, which would trigger a rule-
based alert all the time. UEBA is smarter because
it establishes a context-sensitive baseline for each
user group. An oshore worker logging in at 3:00
a.m. local time would not be considered an
abnormal event. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Timeline Analysis and Session Stitching
When analyzing security incidents, the timeline is a critical concept which can tie together
seemingly unrelated activities. Modern attacks are processes, not isolated events.
Advanced UEBA solutions can “stitch” together data from
dierent systems and event streams, to construct the complete
timeline of a security incident.
For example, consider a user who logged in, performed
suspicious activity and then disappeared from the logs. Was the
same IP used to connect to other organizational systems shortly
afterwards? If so, this could be part of the same incident, with
the same user continuing their attempt to penetrate the system.
An additional example could be an attacker logging in to the
same machine multiple times using dierent credentials. This
also requires “stitching” together data about the various login
attempts and flagging them as a single incident.
Once a UEBA solution stitches together all relevant data, it can assign risk scores to any activity along
the event timeline.
Normal behavior for all users and
machines is learned
Exabeam Smart Timeline illustrating an attack chain.
Image Source: Exabeam
Risk score is added for high risk
and anomalous behavior // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Example of an Integrated SIEM
and UEBA Solution
Gartner’s vision of an integrated SIEM and UEBA solution is today a reality. Several systems are
deployed in the field which combine the breadth of data in a SIEM with the deep analytics made
possible by cutting-edge UEBA engines.
One example of an integrated system is Exabeam’s
Security Management Platform (SMP). Exabeam
is a full SIEM solution based on modern data lake
technology. In addition, it provides the following
UEBA capabilities:
Rule and signature-free incident detection
Exabeam uses advanced analytics to identify
abnormal and risky activity without predefined
correlation rules or threat patterns. It provides
meaningful alerts without requiring heavy setup
and fine tuning, and with lower false positives.
Automatic timelines for security incidents
Exabeam can stitch together related security
events into a timeline that shows a security
incident, spanning multiple users, IP addresses
and IT systems.
Dynamic peer groupings – Exabeam not only
performs behavioral baselining of individual entities,
it also dynamically groups similar entities (such as
users from the same department, or IoT devices
of the same class), to analyze normal collective
behavior across the entire group and detect
individuals who exhibit risky behavior.
Lateral movement detection – Exabeam detects
attackers as they move through a network using
dierent IP addresses, credentials and machines, in
search of sensitive data or key assets. It ties together
data from multiple sources to connect the dots and
view the attacker’s journey through the network.
Learn more about Exabeam’s
SIEM-integrated UEBA capabilities.
Image Source: Exabeam // The Essential Guide to SIEM
10 SIEM Use Cases in a
Modern Threat Landscape
Security information and event management (SIEM) systems aggregate security data from across the enterprise; help security teams detect
and respond to security incidents; and create compliance and regulatory reports about security-related events. Because SIEM is a core security
infrastructure with access to data from across the enterprise, there are a large variety of SIEM use cases.
Below are common SIEM use case examples, from traditional uses such as compliance, to cutting edge use cases such as insider threat
detection and IoT security.
Compliance Insider Threats Advanced Security
Learn how a SIEM can help your organization
comply with standards:
01. PCI DSS compliance
02. GDPR compliance
03. HIPAA compliance
04. SOX compliance
05. Insider threats
06. Highly privileged access abuse
07. Trusted host and entity compromise
08. Threat hunting
09. Data exfiltration
10. IoT security
Learn how a SIEM can help mitigate threats
originating from trusted entities:
Learn how a SIEM can help with advanced
security threats requiring rich data analysis: // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
SIEM for PCI Compliance
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) was created to secure
credit cardholder data from theft and misuse. It defines 12 security areas in which
companies should enhance protection for this type of data. The requirements apply
to anyone involved in credit card processing, including merchants, processors, and
third party service providers.
5 Ways SIEMs Can Help with PCI Compliance
01. Perimeter security - detecting unauthorized network connections and
correlating with change management, searching for insecure protocols
and services, and checking how trac is flowing across the DMZ.
02. User identities - monitoring any event that results in changes to user
credentials, and activity by terminated users
03. Real time threat detection - monitoring antivirus logs, monitoring insecure
ports and services and correlating with threat intelligence.
04. Production and data systems - searching for dev/test or default
credentials, replicas, etc. on production systems.
05. Auditing and reporting - collecting system and security logs, including
specific PCI logging requirements, auditing them in a format suitable for
PCI reporting, and generating compliance reports. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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SIEM for GDPR Compliance
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is Europe’s new framework for protecting
security and privacy for personally identifiable information (PII), which came into force in May
2018. GDPR applies to any legal entity which stores, controls or processes personal data for
EU citizens, and focuses on two categories: personal data, such as an IP address or username,
and sensitive personal data, such as biometric or genetic data.
5 Ways SIEMs Can Help with PCI Compliance
01. Data protection by design - verifying and auditing security controls,
to show that user data underwent appropriate treatment.
02. Visibility into log data - providing structured access to log information to
enable reporting to individual data owners.
03. GDPR logging and auditing - monitoring critical changes to credentials,
security groups, and so on; auditing databases and servers storing PII, and
automatically tracking assets that store sensitive data.
04. Breach notification - detecting data breaches, alerting security sta,
analyzing the incident to uncover full impact, and quickly generating
detailed reports as required by GDPR.
05. Record of data processing - identifying events related to personal data,
auditing any changes to the data and generating reports as required by
The SIEM itself can represent a risk under
GDPR, because log data might contain PII.
GDPR permits retaining data for “legitimate
interest” (Article 6), which may allow the
retention of log files for security purposes.
Consult with your legal council to understand
what data you can or cannot retain in the SIEM
under GDPR provisions. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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SIEM for HIPAA Compliance
HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, is a United States standard
pertaining to organizations that transmit health information in electronic form. It applies
to organizations of all sizes, from a single physician to national healthcare bodies. HIPAA’s
security management process standard requires organizations to perform risk analysis, risk
management, have a sanction policy for data breaches, and conducts information system
activity reviews—a key element of the standard which ensures all the other parts are in order.
9 Ways SIEMs Can Help with HIPAA Compliance
01. Security management process - discovering new
IT assets, identifying systems at risk, monitoring
access to system files, user activity and privileges
in critical systems
02. Employee access - monitoring access to critical
files and data, capturing login attempts and logins
from terminated users.
03. Information access management - identifying
logon success and failures, privilege escalation
and modification of user accounts.
04. Security awareness - detecting vulnerabilities
and malware, detecting systems with no antivirus,
monitoring logon to security devices and critical
05. Security incidents - automatically detecting
threats, generating alerts and prioritizing them,
enabling threat investigation, and orchestrating
automated response to incidents.
06. Access control - monitoring changes to credentials
and permissions, session timeouts, and changes to
encryption settings.
07. Audit controls - monitoring changes to policies,
data leakage protection (DLP) events, file integrity
and log analysis for protected data.
08. Data integrity - monitoring modification of health
information and changes to data policies.
09. Transmission security - identifying unauthorized
communications and attempts to modify
applications or storage containing health
information. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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SIEM for SOX Compliance
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) is a regulation that sets requirements for US public
company boards, management and accounting firms. It was enacted as a reaction to several
corporate accounting scandals, including Enron and WorldCom. Two frameworks commonly
used by IT organizations to comply with SOX are COSO and COBIT.
The SOX regulation focuses on making sure that an organization informs
management, and is able to demonstrate, via SOX reporting procedures:
Where sensitive data is stored
Who has access to it
What happened to it
A SIEM can be helpful in gathering this data and recording it for SOX audits.
01. Security policies and standards - tracking
information security policies (for example, an
email security policy) and standards (for example,
a standard way to secure Windows desktop
machines). A SIEM can identify which IT systems
are in compliance with policies and standards, and
alert about violations in real time.
02. Access and authentication - monitoring account
creation, change requests, and activity by
terminated employees.
03. Network security - monitoring alerts from firewalls
and other edge security devices,
and identifying known attack patterns in
network trac.
04. Log monitoring - aggregating security events and
alerting on invalid login attempts, port scans, privilege
escalations, etc.
05. Segregation of duties - the SOX standard requires that
no one person controls an entire data process from
beginning to end. A SIEM can ensure, for example, that
data entry sta only access the data they are creating,
and never view or modify other data.
5 Ways SIEM Can Help with SOX Compliance and Audits // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Insider Threats
According to insider threat statistics provided in the Verizon 2018 Data Breach Investigation Report,
three of the top five causes of security breaches were related to an insider threat, and insider threats
go undetected for months (in 42% of cases) or even years (38% of cases).
Insider threat detection is challenging—behavior doesn’t set o alerts in most security tools,
because the threat actor appears to be a legitimate user. However, a SIEM can help discover insider
threat indicators via behavioral analysis, helping security teams identify and mitigate attacks.
6 Ways a SIEM Can Help Stop Insider Threats
01. Detecting compromised user credentials - SIEMs
can use behavioral analysis to detect anomalous
behavior by users, indicating a compromise. For
example, logins at unusual hours, at unusual
frequency, or accessing unusual data or systems.
02. Anomalous privilege escalation - SIEMs can
detect users changing or escalating privileges for
critical systems.
03. Command and control communication - SIEMs can
correlate network trac with threat intelligence,
to discover malware communicating with external
attackers. This is a sign of a compromised user
04. Data exfiltration - SIEMs can use behavioral
analysis to combine and analyze seemingly
unrelated events, such as insertion of USB
thumb drives, use of personal email services,
unauthorized cloud storage or excessive printing.
05. Rapid encryption - SIEMs can detect and stop
encryption of large volumes of data. This might
indicate a ransomware attack, which often
originates from compromised insiders.
06. Lateral movement - insiders conducting an attack
may attempt to switch accounts, machines and
IP addresses on their way to a target. SIEMs can
detect this behavior because they have a broad
view of multiple IT systems.
Next-gen SIEM
Most of the capabilities in this and the
following sections are made possible by
next-generation SIEMs that combine user
and entity behavior analytics (UEBA). UEBA
technology uses machine learning and
behavioral profiling to establish baselines of
IT users and systems, and intelligently identify
anomalies, beyond the rules and statistical
correlations used by traditional SIEMs.
There is growing awareness of internal security threats, first and foremost insider threats:
Malicious insider - a security threat originating from organization’s employees, former
employees, contractors or associates
Compromised insider - an external entity which has obtained the credentials of an insider // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Highly Privileged Access Abuse
Privileged access abuse is a complex problem stemming from gaps in access control at
organizations. Users with access to IT systems are able to perform undesirable actions, because
they have more access rights than they need to do their jobs. According to the Verizon 2018 Data
Breach Investigation Report, privileged access abuse was the third largest cause of data breaches
and the second largest cause of security incidents.
5 Ways a SIEM Can Help Stop Privileged
Access Abuse
01. Unwanted activity - monitoring and reporting on suspicious access to any
sensitive data.
02. Third-party violations - monitoring activity by external vendors and
partners who have access to organizational systems, in order to identify
anomalous behavior or escalation of privileges.
03. Departed employees - alerting on any activity by terminated user
accounts, or unexpected activity on accounts that are normally inactive.
04. Human error - alerting on anomalous activity that could be a disasterous
human error, such as deletion of large quantities of data.
05. Overexposure - reporting on users who are accessing systems or data
that is not within their regular usage profile. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Trusted Host and Entity Compromise
It is very common for attackers to take control of user credentials or hosts within an
organizational network, and carry out attacks stealthily for months or years. According
to the Ponemon 2017 Cost of Data Breaches report, the average time US companies took
to detect a data breach was 206 days. So a major goal for security teams is to detect and
subvert attacks quickly.
4 Ways a SIEM Can Help Detect and Stop Trusted
Entity Compromise
01. User accounts - identifying anomalous activity, alerting about it and
providing investigators the data they need to understand if a privileged
user account was breached.
02. Servers - creating a trusted baseline of server activity, detecting
deviations from this baseline and alerting security sta.
03. Network devices - monitoring trac over time and detecting unusual
spikes, non-trusted communication sources, insecure protocols, and other
signs of malicious behavior.
04. Anti-virus monitoring - malware is a common entry point for host
compromise. SIEMs can look at antivirus deployments broadly, reporting
on events like protection disabled, antivirus removed, or status of threat
updates. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Threat Hunting
Threat hunting is the practice of actively seeking out cyber threats in an organization
or network. A threat hunt can be conducted on the heels of a security incident, but also
proactively, to discover new and unknown attacks or breaches. According to a 2017 study
by the SANS Institute, 45% of organizations do threat hunting on an ad hoc or regular basis.
Threat hunting requires broad access to security data from across the organization, which
can be provided by a SIEM.
7 Ways SIEM Can Help with Threat Hunting
01. Alerts from security systems - delivering actionable alerts that provide
context and data to help investigate a potential incident.
02. Environment anomalies - identifying anomalies in IT systems using
correlations and behavioral analytics
03. New vulnerabilities - organizing data around a new vulnerability—timeline
and systems, data and users aected.
04. Tips from peers or the media - searching historical data for attack
patterns or signatures similar to known attacks.
05. Threat intelligence - combining threat intelligence with security data, to
intelligently detect attacks in IT systems.
06. Hypotheses based on known risks - helping analysts frame a hypothesis
and test it by exploring security data in the SIEM.
07. Similar incidents - checking if “this happened before”—searching security
data for patterns similar to a current or previous security incident. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Data Exfiltration Detection
Data exfiltration happens when sensitive data is illicitly transferred outside an organization.
It can happen manually, when a user transfers data over the internet or copies it to a
physical device and moves it outside the premises, or automatically, as the result of
malware infecting local systems.
6 Ways a SIEM Can Help Prevent Data Exfiltration
01. Backdoors, rootkits and botnets - detecting network trac to command
and control centers and identifying infected systems transmitting data to
unauthorized parties.
02. FTP and cloud storage - monitoring network trac over protocols that
facilitate large data transfer, and alerting when unusual quantities or file
types are being transferred, or when the target is unknown or malicious.
03. Web applications - monitoring usage of organizational web applications
by outsiders, or inside usage of external web applications, which might
involve downloads or browser access to sensitive data.
04. Email forwarding - detecting emails forwarded or sent to other entities
other than stated recipient.
05. Lateral movement - data exfiltration typically involves attackers
attempting to escalate privileges or accessing other IT systems, on
their way to a lucrative target. SIEMs can detect lateral movement by
correlating data from multiple IT systems.
06. Mobile data security - a SIEM can monitor data from the mobile workforce
and identify anomalies that might indicate information leakage via a
mobile device. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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IoT Security
Many organizations are using connected devices to manage critical operations. Examples
include network-connected medical equipment, industrial machinery and sensors, and
power grid infrastructure. Internet of things (IoT) devices were not designed with security in
mind, and many suer from vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities are dicult to remediate
once the devices are already deployed in the field.
6 Ways a SIEM Can Help Mitigate IoT Threats
01. Denial of Service (DoS) attacks - identifying unusual trac from
organization-owned IoT devices, which might be leveraged by an attacker
to perform an attack.
02. IoT vulnerability management - detecting old operating systems,
unpatched vulnerabilities and insecure protocols on IoT devices.
03. Access control - monitoring who is accessing IoT devices and where they
connect to, and alerting when source or target is unknown or suspicious.
04. Data flow monitoring - many IoT devices communicate over unencrypted
protocols, most commonly NetFlow, and can be used as a vehicle to
transfer sensitive data. A SIEM can monitor unusual data flows to and from
IoT devices and alert security sta.
05. Devices at risk - identifying devices at risk due to security vulnerabilities,
access to sensitive data or critical functions.
06. Compromised devices - identifying anomalous or suspicious behavior of
IoT devices and alerting security sta that a device or fleet of devices has
been compromised. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Next-Generation SIEM Technology and
Advanced Use Cases
Next-generation security information and event management (SIEM) solutions, built in line
with Gartner’s vision of a SIEM platform integrated with advanced analytics and automation
tools, can make many of these advanced use cases possible. Specifically, user and entity
behavior analytics (UEBA) technology makes it possible to detect insider threats, perform
more sophisticated threat hunting, prevent data exfiltration and mitigate IoT threats, even
when traditional security tools don’t raise a single alert.once the devices are already
deployed in the field.
Exabeam’s Security Management Platform (SMP) is an example of a next-generation SIEM
that comes integrated with Advanced Analytics based on UEBA technology—enabling
automated detection of insider threats and mitigation of anomalous behavior that cannot be
captured by traditional correlation rules. Learn more at // The Essential Guide to SIEM
Security Big Data Analytics:
Past, Present and Future
Security big data analytics (or cybersecurity
analytics) is a rising force that is helping security
analysts and tool vendors do much more with
log and event data. In the past we were limited to
manually defining correlation rules, which were
brittle, hard to maintain, and resulted in many
false positives.
New machine learning techniques can help
security systems identify patterns and threats
with no prior definitions, rules or attack
signatures, and with much higher accuracy.
However, to be eective, machine learning needs
very big data. The challenge is storing so much
more data than ever before, analyzing it in a
timely manner, and extracting new insights.
In this chapter you will learn:
How big data analytics helps combat cyber threats - both
traditional and advanced analytics techniques.
Key concepts in big data and security - including data
science, machine learning, deep learning and user and
entity behavior analytics (UEBA).
Three algorithms for detecting anomalies - random
forest, dimension reduction and isolation forest.
How SIEMs leverage big data analytics - to provide new
security capabilities. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Traditionally, security technologies used two primary analytical
techniques to detect security incidents:
Correlation rules - manually defined rules specifying a sequence of events that
indicates an anomaly, which could represent a security threat, vulnerability or
active security incident.
Network vulnerabilities and risk assessment - scanning networks for known
attack patterns and known vulnerabilities, such as open ports and insecure
The common denominator of these older techniques is that they are
good at detecting known bad behavior. However they suer from two
key drawbacks:
False positives - Because they are based on rigid, predefined rules and signatures,
there is a high level of false positives, leading to alert fatigue.
Unexpected events - what happens if a new type of attack is attempted that no one
had created a rule for? What happens if an unknown type of malware infects your
systems? Traditional systems based on correlation rules find it dicult to detect
unknown threats.
How Can Security Big Data Analytics
Combat Cyber Threats? // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Supervised learning for phishing domain detection
Next-gen SIEM
Advanced Threat Analytics Powered by Machine Learning
Addressing unknown risks—including insider threats, which are trickly to detect because they are users
legitimately logged into corporate systems—requires advanced analytics. Advanced threat analytics
technology can:
Identify anomalies in personnel or device
behavior - creating a model of “normal
behavior” for a person, a device or group
of devices on the network, and intelligently
identifying anomalies, even ones that were not
predefined as rules.
Detect anomalies in the network - creating
a model of network trac and intelligently
identifying anomalies in trac. Is something
happening that is dierent than usual for this
period or time of day?
Perform machine learning-based malware
detection - intelligently analyzing binaries
transmitted by email or downloaded, even
if not flagged by antivirus, to understand if
it is a benign program or more likely to be a
malicious program.
Perform machine learning based intrusion
detection - identifying patterns in network
trac or access control that are similar to
historic intrusions or attacks.
In order to achieve these types of analysis, new analytics
methods are needed, as well as access to more data than
ever before. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Data Science, Machine Learning
and Cybersecurity
What is Data Science?
Data science is a new discipline that leverages
scientific and mathematical analysis of data sets,
as well as human understanding and exploration, to
derive business insights from big data.
Data science is helping security analysts and
security tools make better use of security data, to
discover hidden patterns and better understand
system behavior.
What is Machine Learning in
Cyber Security?
Machine learning is part of the general field of artificial
intelligence (AI). It uses statistical techniques to allow
machines to learn without being explicitly programmed.
Machine learning goes beyond correlation rules, to
examine unknown patterns and use algorithms for
prediction, classification and insight generation.
Important note
Artificial intelligence (AI) is claimed to be a part
of many security analytics solutions. Don’t take
vendor claims for granted—check what exactly
is included in the term “AI”. How are vendors
building their models? Which algorithms are
used? Look under the hood to understand what
exactly is being oered. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning
In supervised learning, the machine learns from a data set that contains inputs
and known outputs. A function or model is built that makes it possible to
predict what the output variables will be for new, unknown outputs.
Security tools learn to analyze new behavior and determine if it is “similar to”
previous known good or known bad behavior.
In unsupervised learning, the system learns from a dataset that contains only input
variables. There is no correct answer, instead the algorithm is encouraged to discover
new patterns in the data.
Security tools use unsupervised learning to detect and act on abnormal behavior
(without classifying it or understanding if it is good or bad). // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
What is Deep Learning in Cybersecurity?
Deep learning techniques simulate the human brain by creating networks of
digital “neurons” and using them to process small pieces of data, to assemble a
bigger picture. Deep learning is most commonly applied to unstructured data, and
can automatically learn the significant features of data artifacts. Most modern
applications of deep learning utilize supervised learning.
Deep learning is primarily used in packet stream and malware binary analysis, to
discover features of trac patterns and software programs and identify malicious
What is Data Mining in Cybersecurity?
Data mining is the use of analytics techniques, primarily deep learning, to uncover
hidden insights in large volumes of data. For example, data mining can uncover
hidden relations between entities, discover frequent sequences of events to assist
prediction, and discover classification models which help group entities into useful
Data mining techniques is used by security tools to perform tasks like anomaly
detection in very large data sets, classification of incidents or network events, and
prediction of future attacks based on historic data.
What is User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)?
UEBA solutions are based on a concept called baselining. They build profiles that
model standard behavior for users, hosts and devices (called entities) in an IT
environment. Using primarily machine learning techniques, they identify activity that
is anomalous, compared to the established baselines, and detect security incidents.
The primary advantage of UEBA over traditional security solutions is that it can
detect unknown or elusive threats, such as zero day attacks and insider threats. In
addition, UEBA reduces the number of false positives because it adapts and learns
actual system behavior, rather than relying on predetermined rules which may not be
relevant in the current context. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Algorithms for Detecting Outliers
and Anomalies
Random Forest
Random forest is a powerful supervised learning
algorithm that addresses the shortcomings of classic
decision tree algorithms. A decision tree attempts to fit
behavior into a hierarchical tree of known parameters.
For example, in the tree below customer satisfaction
is distributed according to two variables, product
color and customer age. A decision tree algorithm will
inaccurately predict that a dierent color or slightly
dierent age is a good predictor of satisfaction. This
is called overfitting—the model uses insucient or
inaccurate data to make predictions on new data.
Random forest automatically breaks up decision
trees into a large number of sub-trees or stumps.
Each sub-tree emphasizes dierent information
about the population under analysis. It then obtains
the result of each sub-tree, and takes a majority
vote of all the sub-trees to obtain the final result (a
technique called bagging).
By combining all the sub-trees together, Random
forest can cancel out the errors of each individual
tree and dramatically improve model fitting.
Random forest can help analyze sequential event
paths and improve predictions about new events,
even when the underlying data is insucient or
improperly structured. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Dimension Reduction
Dimension reduction is the process of converting a data set with a high number of
dimensions (or parameters describing the data) to a data set with less dimensions,
without losing important information.
For example, if the data includes one dimension for the length of objects in
centimeters and another dimension for inches, one of these dimensions is
redundant and does not really add any information, as can be seen by their high
correlation. Removing one of these dimensions will make the data easier to explain.
Generally speaking, a dimension reduction algorithm can determine which
dimensions do not add relevant information and reduce a data set with n
dimensions to k, where k<n.
Besides correlation analysis, other ways to remove redundant dimensions include
analysis of missing values; variables with low variance across the data set; using
decision trees to automatically pick the least important variables, and augmenting
those trees with random forest; factor analysis; backward feature elimination (BFE);
and principal component analysis (PCA).
Security data typically consists of logs with
a large number of data points about events
in IT systems. Dimensional reduction can
be used to remove the dimensions that are
not necessary for answering the question
at hand, helping security tools identify
anomalies more accurately.
Isolation Forest
Isolation forest is a relatively new technique for detecting anomalies or outliers.
It isolates data points by randomly selecting a feature of the data, then randomly
selecting a value between the maximum and minimum values of that feature. The
process is repeated until the feature is found to be substantially dierent from the
rest of the data set.
The system repeats this process for a large number of features, and builds a random
decision tree for each feature. An anomaly score is then computed for each feature,
based on the following assumptions:
Features which are really anomalies will take only a small number of isolation
steps to be far o from the rest of the data set.
Features which are not anomalies will take numerous isolation steps to become
far o from the data set.
A threshold is defined, and features which require relatively long decision trees to
become fully isolated are determined to be “normal”, with the rest determined to be
Isolation forest is a central technique used
by UEBA and other next-gen security tools
to identify data points that are anomalous
compared to the surrounding data.
Image Source: Inside Big Data // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
SIEM and Big Data Analytics
Security information and event management (SIEM) systems are a core component of large security organizations.
They capture, organize and analyze log data and alerts from security tools across the organization. Traditionally, SIEM
correlation rules were used to automatically identify and alert on security incidents.
Because SIEMs provide context on users, devices and events in virtually all IT systems across the organization, they
oer ripe ground for advanced analytics techniques. Today’s SIEMs either integrate with advanced analytics platforms
like UEBA, or provide these capabilities as an integral part of their product.
Exabeam is an example of a next-generation SIEM that comes with advanced analytics capabilities built in—including
complex threat identification, automatic event timelines, dynamic peer grouping of similar users or entities, lateral
movement detection and automatic detection of asset ownership. Learn more at
Next-generation SIEMs can leverage machine learning,
deep learning and UEBA to go beyond correlation rules
and provide:
Complex threat identification - modern attacks are
often comprised of several types of events, each of
which might appear innocuous on its own. Advanced
data analytics can look at data for multiple events
over a historic timeline, and capture suspicious
Entity behavior analysis - SIEMs can learn the
normal baseline behavior of critical assets like
servers, medical equipment or industrial machinery,
and automatically discover anomalies that suggest
a threat.
Lateral movement detection - attackers who
penetrate an organization typically move through a
network, accessing dierent machines and switching
credentials, to escalate their access to sensitive data.
SIEMs can analyze data from across the network and
multiple system resources, and use machine learning
to detect lateral movement.
Inside threats - SIEMs can identify that a person
or system resource is behaving abnormally. They
can “connect the dots” between a misbehaving user
account and other data points, to discover a malicious
insider, or compromise of an insider account.
Detection of new types of attacks - by leveraging
advanced analytics, SIEMs can capture and alert on
zero day attacks, or malware which does not match a
known binary pattern. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
Incident Response
Automation and Security
Orchestration with SOAR
In this chapter, we explain the basics of incident response, and introduce a new category of
tools—security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR)—which make incident response
more ecient, more eective and more manageable at scale.
07 // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Reactive incident response
Incident response is an organizational process that allows security teams to contain
security incidents or cyber attacks, prevent or control damages. Incident response
also allows teams to handle the aftermath of the attack—recovery, remediating
security holes exposed by the attack, forensics, communication and auditing. This is
known as reactive incident response.
Proactive incident response
Many security incidents are only discovered weeks or months after they took place—
while some are never discovered. Many organizations are developing proactive
incident response capabilities. This involves actively searching corporate systems for
signs of a cyber attack.
Threat hunting
Threat hunting is the core activity of proactive incident response, which is carried
out by skilled security analysts. It typically involves querying security data using a
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), and running vulnerability scans
or penetration tests against organizational systems. The objective is to discover
suspicious activity or anomalies that represent a security incident.
What is Incident Response? // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Case management solutions help security sta:
Open a case for a confirmed security incident
Quickly aggregate all relevant data into a digital representation of
the case
Enable fast prioritization of cases for response
Investigate and add information to the case
Record activity in the aftermath of an attack and close the case
What is Case Management?
Case management involves collecting, distributing and analyzing data tied to specific
security incidents, to allow teams to eectively respond. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Gartner defines SOAR as tools that:
Collect security threat data and alerts from dierent sources
Enable incident analysis, triage and prioritization, both automatically and manually
with machine assistance
Define and enforce a standard workflow for incident response activities
Encode incident analysis and response procedures in a digital workflow format,
enabling automation of some or all incident responses
What is Security Orchestration,
Automation and Response (SOAR)?
Security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR) is a new category
of security tools defined by Gartner in their paper, Preparing Your Security
Operations for Orchestration and Automation Tools (a departure from Gartner’s
previous definition the category, in 2015, as “Security Operations, Analytics
and Reporting”). // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
3 Key SOAR Capabilities
SOAR tools provide the following four capabilities that help security
operations centers respond to incidents more eectively.
Orchestration is the ability to coordinate decision making, and automate responsive
actions based on an assessment of risks and environment states.
SOAR tools can do this by integrating with other security solutions in a way that
lets them “pull” data and also “push” proactive actions. SOAR provides a generic
interface, allowing analysts to define actions on security tools and IT systems
without being experts in those systems or their APIs.
01. A SOAR tool can investigate whether the sender has a bad reputation, via
threat intelligence, and use DNS tools to confirm the origin.
02. The tool can automatically extract hyperlinks and validate them via URL
reputation, detonate the links in a secure environment, or run attachments in
a sandbox.
03. Then, if an incident is confirmed, a playbook is run. The playbook looks in the
email system to find all messages from the same sender or with the same
links or attachments and quarantines them.
A detonating file, extracting anomalous behavioral and network indicators using Exabeam, a
next-generation SIEM which includes an Incident Responder SOAR module.
Image Source: Exabeam // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Automation is related to orchestration—it is machine-driven execution of actions
on security tools and IT systems, as part of a response to an incident. SOAR tools
allow security teams to define standardized automation steps and a decision-making
workflow, with enforcement, status tracking and auditing capabilities.
Automation relies on security playbooks, which analysts can code using a visual UI
or a programming language like Python.
01. The SOAR tool scans the malware file and detonates the file in a sandbox
using external services.
02. The SOAR tool checks the file against reputation services such as VirusTotal
for accuracy.
03. The SOAR tool identifies the geolocation of the source or originating IP address.
04. The system notifies the user about the malware and a post-analysis cleanup
is performed.
An automation playbook editor provided by Exabeam. Image Source: Exabeam // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Incident management and collaboration
This SOAR capability helps security teams manage security incidents, collaborate and share
data to resolve the incident eciently.
Alert processing and triage
A SOAR tool gathers and analyzes security data, typically taken from the SIEM, correlates
data to identify priority and criticality, and automatically generates incidents for
investigation. The incident already includes relevant context information, allowing analysts
to investigate further. This removes the need for a human to notice the relevant security
data, identify it as a security incident and manually set up an incident in the system.
Journaling and evidentiary support
A SOAR tool provides an investigation timeline to collect and store artifacts of the security
incident, for current and future analysis. Artifacts may relate to known attacker’s activities,
which may be carried out over an extended period. Additional artifacts can be pulled in to
investigate if they are related to the ongoing incident.
Case management
The tool can record actions and decisions made by the security team, making them visible
to the entire organization, as well as external auditors. Over time, the SOAR tool creates an
organizational knowledge base of tribal knowledge—threats, incidents, historical responses
and decisions and their outcomes.
Management of threat intelligence
A SOAR tools brings in threat data from open-source databases, industry leaders,
coordinated response organizations, and commercial threat intelligence providers. The
SOAR tool attaches the relevant threat information to specific incidents, and makes threat
intelligence easily accessible to analysts as they are investigating an incident.
A security incident created automatically by Exabeam’s Incident Responder.
Image Source: Exabeam // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
SOAR tools generate reports and dashboards including:
Analyst-level reporting on activity by each analyst, such as number and types of
incidents, mean time to detect and respond per analyst, and so on.
SOC manager reports—reporting on the number of analysts, incidents handled per
analyst, and mean time for specific stages of incident response process, to identify
CISO-level reports—alignment of risks with IT metrics to see the impact of incidents
on business performance and regulations; measuring eciently by looking at
MTTD and MTTR across the entire organization, and reduction of labor through
Dashboards and Reporting
SOAR tools are not only responsible for coordinating and automating incident
response, but also for enabling central measurement of SOC activity. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
SOAR tools work closely with SIEM, the SOC’s central information system. SOAR tools
leverage the integration with SIEM to:
Receive alerts and additional security data to identify security incidents
Draw in data required for analysts to further investigate an incident
Assist analysts in proactive incident response and threat hunting, which relies on
querying and exploring cross-organization data
SOAR as Part of Next-Gen SIEM Solutions
According to Gartner’s Critical Capabilities for SIEM 2017 report, next-generation
SIEM solution must include a native component that enables handling and responding
to detected incidents via automated and manual case management, workflow and
orchestration, as well as capabilities for advanced threat defense.
So while SOAR tools are evolving as a separate category, in Gartner’s vision, SOAR should
be an integrated part of the SIEM.
Exabeam’s Security Management Platform is an example of this new hybrid. Exabeam is
a SIEM solution based on modern data lake technology, which enables advanced analytics
and user entity behavioral analytics. In addition, Exabeam comes with two components
that provide full SOAR functionality:
Exabeam Incident Responder - provides security case management, integration with
third-party tools, centralized security orchestration, and automated incident response
via security response playbooks.
Exabeam Threat Hunter - a point-and-click interface that lets SOC analysts quickly
perform searches to identify patterns in vast amounts of historic security data. It also
provides access to complete incident timelines for past and present security incidents.
How Does SOAR Fit in With SIEM? // The Essential Guide to SIEM
The Modern SOC,
SecOps and SIEM:
How They Work Together
This section is a comprehensive guide to the
modern security operations center (SOC).
In this chapter you will learn:
What a modern SOC looks like - why organizations build a
SOC and their objectives
What is SecOps and DevSecOps - how these new
practices are transforming the SOC
SOC deployment models - including new models like
distributed and virtual SOC
SOC command hierarchy - Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 analysts
and supporting roles
Technologies used in the SOC - from traditional tools like
SIEM, GRC and IDS, to new developments like NTA, EDR
and UEBA
SOC processes - the incident response model and how
SIEMs power the basic operations of the SOC // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
What is a SOC?
An information security operations center (ISOC or SOC) is a facility
where security sta monitor enterprise systems, defend against
security breaches, and proactively identify and mitigate security risks.
In the past, the SOC was considered a heavyweight infrastructure which is only
within the reach of very large or security-minded organizations. Today, with new
collaboration tools and security technology, many smaller organizations are setting
up virtual SOCs which do not require a dedicated facility, and can use part-time sta
from security, operations and development groups. Many organizations are setting up
managed SOCs or hybrid SOCs which combine in-house sta with tools and expertise
from managed security service providers (MSSPs).
Motivation for Building a SOC
A SOC is an advanced stage in the security maturity of an organization. The following
are drivers that typically push companies to take this step:
Requirements of standards such as the Payment Card Industry Data Security
Standard (PCI DSS), government regulations, or client requirements
The business must defend very sensitive data
Past security breaches and/or public scrutiny
Type of organization—for example, a government agency or Fortune 500 company
will almost always have the scale and threat profile that justifies a SOC, or even
multiple SOCs // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Focus Areas of a SOC
A SOC can have several dierent functions in an organization, which can be combined.
Below are SOC focus areas with the level of importance by US organizations
according to the Exabeam 2018 State of the SOC survey.
SOC Facilities
The classic security operations center is a physical facility which is well protected
in terms of cybersecurity and physical security. It is a large room, with security sta
sitting at desks facing a wall with screens showing security stats, alerts and details of
ongoing incidents. Nowadays, many SOCs look quite dierent. For example, a virtual
SOC (VSOC) is not a physical facility, but rather a group of security professionals
working together in a coordinated manner to perform the duties of a SOC.
SOC Focus Area Level of Importance in US SOCs
Control and Digital Forensics - enforcing compliance,
penetration testing, vulnerability testing.
Monitoring and Risk Management - capturing events
from logs and security systems, identifying incidents and
Network and System Administration - administering
security systems and processes such as identity and
access management, key management, endpoint
management, firewall administration, etc.
48% // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Challenges When Building a
Security Operations Center
Security teams building a SOC face several common challenges:
Limited visibility - a centralized SOC does not always have access to all
organizational systems. These could include endpoints, encrypted data, or systems
controlled by third parties which have an impact on security.
White noise - a SOC receives immense volumes of data and much of it is
insignificant for security. Security information and event management (SIEM)
and other tools used in the SOC are getting better at filtering out the noise, by
leveraging machine learning and advanced analytics.
False positives and alert fatigue - SOC systems generate large quantities of
alerts, many of which turn out not to be real security incidents. False positives can
consume a large part of security analysts’ time, and make it more dicult to notice
when real alerts occur.
All three of these challenges are addressed by
a SIEM system, which powers daily operations
in modern SOCs. Read more about SIEMs below
in Technologies Used in the SOC. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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What is SecOps?
Security operations (SecOps) is a collaboration between security and IT operations teams,
where security and operations sta assume joint ownership and responsibility for security
concerns. It is a set of SOC processes, practices and tools which can help organizations meet
security goals more eciently.
Before SecOps Before SecOps Towards DevSecOps
In the past, operations and security teams had
conflicting goals. Operations was responsible
for setting up systems to achieve uptime and
performance goals. Security was responsible
for verifying a checklist of regulatory or
compliance requirements, closing security
holes and putting defenses in place.
In this environment, security was a burden—
perceived as something that slows down
operations and creates overhead. But in
reality, security is part of the requirements of
every IT system, just like uptime, performance
or basic functionality.
SecOps combines operations and security
teams into one organization. Security is
“shifting left”—instead of coming in at
the end of the process, it is present at the
beginning, when requirements are stated
and systems are designed. Instead of having
ops set up a system, then having security
come in to secure it, systems are built from
the get go with security in mind.
SecOps has additional implications in
organizations which practice DevOps—joining
development and operations teams into
one group with shared responsibility for IT
systems. In this environment, SecOps involves
even broader cooperation—between security,
ops and software development teams. This is
known as DevSecOps. It shifts security even
further left—baking security into systems from
the first iteration of development. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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SecOps in the SOC
The classic SOC is not compatible with SecOps—security analysts sit in their own
room and respond to incidents, while operations are in another room, or building,
running IT systems, with little or no communications between them. However, the
modern SOC can foster a SecOps mentality:
Analysts can continuously inform operations sta about threats to the
organization’s systems, and actual incidents
Analysts can proactively seek out security gaps and work with operations to
close them
Operations can come to the SOC for guidance about security implications of
systems, components, vendors or changes // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
The Security Maturity Spectrum—
Are You Ready for a SOC?
Dierent organizations find themselves at dierent stages of developing their security presence. We define five stages of security maturity—
in stages 4 and 5, an investment in a SOC Center becomes relevant and worthwhile.
Initial Developing Defined Managed Optimizing
1 2 3 4 5
“Security isn’t our top
concern. We’ve got AV and
FWs. We’re good!”
“We haven’t explored
solutions and don’t believe
we are at risk. We’ll deal with
a breach if it happens.
“We’re at risk, but budget is a
problem. We’re overwhelmed
by the alerts we’re facing.
We need help prioritizing and
addressing threats.
“We have budget to invest
in security. We have limited
personnel and need to
maximize them.
Security Mature
“We’re knowledgable about
security. We continuously
innovate and improve our
No logging.
Basic FW at perimeter.
AV in use.
Some logging.
Patch management added.
Dedicated FW & DMZ.
Basic identity and access
management (IAM) added.
Considering a SIEM or has
basic SIEM deployment.
Multi-FW and network
segmentation added.
Data classification added.
Overhelemed by alerts and
Needs to prioritize them.
Concerned with optimizing
budget due to limited
SIEM is integrated with
most areas.
Considering analytics as a
way to cut down on alert
Starting to think about
tools to optimize incident
Looking to increase
operational eciency and
maximize personnel output.
Intrigued by the idea of
threat hunting.
Very mature SIEM
Integrated with virtually all
Performs threat hunting
with senior analysts.
Has customized security
capabilities that integrate
into their workflows.
Capable of building their
own DS algorithms.
Interested in cost eciency
and reduced risk from third
party solutions. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
SOC Deployment Models
Following are common models for deploying a SOC within your organization:
Classic SOC with dedicated facility, dedicated full time sta, operated fully in house, 24×7 operations.
Distributed SOC
Some full time sta and some part-time, typically operates 8×5 in each region.
Multifunctional SOC / NOC
A dedicated facility with a dedicated team which performs both the functions of a network
operations center (NOC) and a SOC.
Fusion SOC
A traditional SOC combined with new functions such as threat intelligence, operational technology
Command SOC / Global SOC
Coordinates other SOCs in a global enterprise, provides threat intelligence, situational awareness
and guidance.
Virtual SOC
No dedicated facility, part-time team members, usually reactive and activated by a high profile alert
or security incident. The term virtual SOC is also sometimes used for an MSSP or managed SOC (see
Managed SOC / MSSP / MDR
Many organizations are turning to managed security service providers (MSSP) to provide SOC
services on an outsourced basis. Modern oerings are called managed detection and response
(MDR). Managed SOCs can be outsourced completely or co-managed with in-house security sta. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Who Works in a SOC?
A SOC has a hierarchy of roles with a clear escalation path. Day-to-day alerts are received and
investigated by the Tier 1 analyst; a real security incident is stepped up to a Tier 2 analyst; and
business critical incidents pull in the Tier 3 analyst and if necessary, the SOC manager. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Role Qualifications Duties
Tier 1 Analyst
Alert Investigator
System administration skills, web
programming languages such as Python,
Ruby, PHP, scripting languages, security
certifications such as CISSP or SANS
Monitors SIEM alerts, manages and configures security monitoring tools.
Prioritizes alerts or issues and performs triage to confirm a real security
incident is taking place.
Tier 2 Analyst
Incident Responder
Similar to Tier 1 analyst but with more
experience including incident response.
Advanced forensics, malware assessment,
threat intelligence. White hat hacker
certification or training is a major
Receives incidents and performs deep analysis, correlates with threat
intelligence to identify the threat actor, nature of the attack and systems
or data aected. Decides on strategy for containment, remediation and
recovery and acts on it.
Tier 3 Analyst
Subject Matter
Expert / Threat
Similar to Tier 2 analyst but with even
more experience including high-level
incidents. Experience with penetration
testing tools and cross-organization
data visualization. Malware reverse
engineering, experience identifying and
developing responses to new threats and
attack patterns.
Day-to-day, conducts vulnerability assessments and penetration tests,
and reviews alerts, industry news, threat intelligence and security data.
Actively hunts for threats that have found their way into the network, as
well as unknown vulnerabilities and security gaps. When a major incident
occurs, joins the Tier 2 analyst in responding and containing it.
Tier 4 SOC Manager
Similar to Tier 3 analyst, including
project management skills, incident
response management training, strong
communication skills.
Like the commander of a military unit, responsible for hiring and training
SOC sta, in charge of defensive and oensive strategy, manages
resources, priorities and projects, and manages the team directly when
responding to business critical security incidents. Acts as point of contact
for the business for security incidents, compliance and other security
Security Engineer
Support and
Degree in computer science, computer
engineering or information assurance,
typically combined with certifications like
A software or hardware specialist who focuses on security aspects in
the design of information systems. Creates solutions and tools that help
organizations deal robustly with disruption of operations or malicious
attack. Sometimes employed within the SOC and sometimes supporting
the SOC as part of development or operations teams. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Technologies Used in the SOC
The foundational technology of a SOC is a security information and event management (SIEM)
system, which aggregates system logs and events from security tools from across the entire
organization. The SIEM uses correlation and statistical models to identify events that might
constitute a security incident, alert SOC sta about them, and provide contextual information
to assist investigation. A SIEM functions as a “single pane of glass” which enables the SOC to
monitor enterprise systems.
Traditional Tools Used in the SOC Next-Gen Tools Leveraged by Advanced SOCs
Security information and event management (SIEM)
Governance, risk and compliance (GRC) systems
Vulnerability scanners and penetration testing tools
Intrusion detection systems (IDS), intrusion prevention
systems (IPS), and wireless intrusion prevention
Firewalls and next-generation firewalls (NGFW) which can
function as an IPS
Log management systems (commonly as part of the SIEM)
Cyber threat intelligence feeds and databases
Next-generation SIEMs which include machine learning and
advanced behavioral analytics, threat hunting, built-in incident
response and SOC automation
Network trac analysis (NTA) and application performance
monitoring (APM) tools
Endpoint detection and response (EDR), which helps detect and
mitigate suspicious activities on hosts and user devices
User and entity behavior analytics (UEBA), which uses machine
learning to identify suspicious behavioral patterns // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
SOC Monitoring
Monitoring is a key function of tools used in the SOC. The SOC is responsible for enterprise-wide monitoring of IT
systems and user accounts, and also monitoring of the security tools themselves—for example, ensuring antivirus
is installed and updated on all organizational systems. The main tool that orchestrates monitoring is the SIEM.
Organizations use many dedicated monitoring tools, such as network monitoring and application performance
monitoring (APM). However, for security purposes only the SIEM, with its cross-organizational view of IT and security
data, can provide a complete monitoring solution.
SOC Processes Facilitated by a SIEM: Key Examples
Malware investigation
The SIEM can help security sta combine data about malware detected across the organization, correlate it with threat
intelligence and help understand the systems and data aected. Next-gen SIEMs provide security orchestration capabilities,
a visualization of incident timelines, and can even automatically “detonate” malware in a threat intelligence sandbox.
Phishing prevention and detection
The SIEM can use correlations and behavioral analysis to determine that a user clicked a phishing link, distributed via
email or other means. When an alert is raised, analysts can search for similar patterns across the organization and across
timelines to identify the full scope of the attack.
HR investigation
When an employee is suspected of direct involvement in a security incident, a SIEM can help by drawing in all data about the
employee’s interaction with IT systems, over long periods of time. A SIEM can uncover anomalies like logins into corporate
systems at unusual hours, escalation of privileges, or moving large quantities of data.
Departed employees risk mitigation
According to a 2014 Intermedia study, The Ex-Employee Menace, 89% of employees who leave their jobs retain access to at
least some corporate systems, and use those credentials to log in. A SIEM can map out the problem in a large organization,
identifying which systems have unused credentials, which former employees are accessing systems, and which sensitive
data is aected. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Motivation for Using Next-Generation SOC Tooling
Next-generation SIEM - helps lower alert fatigue, lets analysts focus on the alerts
that matter. New analytics capabilities, combined with a huge breadth of security
data, allow next-gen SIEMs to discover incidents that no individual security tool
can see.
NTA - easy to implement, great at detecting abnormal network behaviors. Useful
when the SOC has access to the trac under investigation and is interested in
investigating lateral movement by attackers already inside the perimeter.
UEBA - uses machine learning and data science techniques to detect malicious
insiders, or bypass of security controls. Makes it much easier to identify account
compromise, whether by outside attackers or insiders.
EDR - provides a strong defense against compromise of workstations or servers,
helps manage the mobile workforce. Provides the data needed to carry out
historic investigations and track root causes. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Which Tools Should You Start With?
These stages of tools adoption were proposed by Anthony Chuvakin of Gartner.
Greenfield SOCs SIEM only
Established SOC Add automated threat intelligence sandboxing, NTA and EDR.
Forward Leaning Add UEBA and a full in-house threat intelligence platform—provided as a
part of next-generation SIEMs
SOC Processes
How SecOps and DevSecOps are Transforming the SOC
Security operations center processes used to be completely isolated from other parts
of the organization. Developers would build systems, IT operations would run them,
and security were responsible for securing them. Today it is understood that joining
these three functions into one organization—with joint responsibility over security—
can improve security and create major operational eciencies.
Here are a few ways in which a SOC can integrate its processes with dev and IT:
Creating a distributed SOC with DevOps members - DevOps teams can help with
incident response due to their deep knowledge of IT systems, and can learn from
security sta about threats and critical vulnerabilities.
Pairing threat hunters with DevOps team leaders - instead of discovering a threat
and reporting it upwards, threat hunters can work directly with dev or ops teams to
close the security gap at its source.
Opening the SOC for guidance and advice - anyone doing work that has a
security impact should have an easy path to reach the SOC and consult with the
organization’s top security experts.
Creating security centers of excellence - the SOC can work with selected dev and
operations groups to implement security best practices, and then showcase these
successes to the entire organization to promote SecOps practices. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
A Basic Incident Response Model
While SOCs are undergoing transformation and assuming additional roles, their core activity remains incident response. The SOC is the organizational unit that is expected to
detect, contain, and mitigate cyber attacks against the organization. The people responsible for incident response are Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 analysts, and the software they
primarily rely on is the SOC’s security information and event management (SIEM) system.
Event Classification
Tier 1 analysts monitor user
activity, network events, and
signals from security tools
to identify events that merit
Prioritization and
Tier 1 analysts prioritize, select
the most important alerts, and
investigate them further. Real
security incidents are passed to
Tier 2 analysts.
Containment and Recovery
Once a security incident has been
identified, the race is on to gather
more data, identify the source of
the attack, contain it, recover data
and restore system operations.
Remediation and
SOC sta work to identify broad
security gaps related to the attack
and plan mitigation steps to
prevent additional attacks.
Assessment and Audit
SOC sta assess the attack
and mitigation steps, gather
additional forensic data,
draw final conclusions and
recommendations, and finalize
auditing and documentation.
A SIEM is a foundational technology in a SOC—here is how a SIEM can help with each incident response stage:
Alert generation and ticketing
A SIEM collects security data
from organizational systems and
security tools, correlates it with
other events or threat data, and
generates alerts for suspicious or
anomalous events.
Searching and exploring data
A SIEM can help Tier 1 and Tier
2 analysts search, filter, slice
and dice, and visualize years of
security data. Analysts can easily
pull and compare relevant data to
better understand an incident.
Context on incidents and
security orchestration
When a real security incident is
identified, a SIEM provides context
around the incident—for example,
which other systems were
accessed by the same IPs or user
Reporting and dashboarding
Remediation and mitigation are an
ongoing activity, and they require
visibility of the status and activity
of critical security and IT systems.
SIEMs have a cross-organization
view which can provide this
Compliance reporting
One of the core functions of
a SIEM is to produce reports
and audits for regulatory
requirements and standards like
PCI DSS, HIPAA and SOX—both on
an ongoing basis and following an
incident or breach.
Next-gen SIEM
Next-generation SIEMs leverage
machine learning and behavioral
analytics to reduce false positives
and alert fatigue, and discover
hard-to-detect complex events
like lateral movement, insider
threats and data exfiltration.
Next-gen SIEM
Next-generation SIEMs are based
on data lake technology that
allows organizations to store
unlimited data at low cost. They
also leverage machine learning
and user and entity behavior
analytics (UEBA) to easily identify
high risk events and surface them
to analysts.
Next-gen SIEM
Next-generation SIEMs provide
security orchestration, automation
and response (SOAR) capabilities.
They integrate with other security
systems and can automatically
perform containment actions.
Next-gen SIEM
Next-generation SIEMs leverage
machine learning and data
science capabilities that establish
smart baselines for groups of
users and devices. This allows
faster and more accurate
detection of insecure systems or
suspicious activity.
1 2 3 4 5 // The Essential Guide to SIEM
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Measuring the SOC
Here are a few important metrics that can help you understand the scale of activity in the SOC, and how eectively
analysts are handling the workload.
Metric Definition What it Measures
Mean time to detection (MTTD)
Average time the SOC takes to detect an incident How eective the SOC is at processing important
alerts and identifying real incidents
Mean time to resolution (MTTR)
Average time that transpires until the SOC takes
action and neutralizes the threat
How eective the SOC is at gathering relevant data,
coordinating a response and taking action
Total cases per month
Number of security incidents detected and processed
by the SOC
How busy the security environment is and the scale of
action the SOC is managing
Types of cases
Number of incidents by type—web attack, attrition
(brute force and destruction), email, loss or theft of
equipment, etc.
The main types of activity managed by the SOC and
where security preventative measures should be
Analyst productivity
Number of units processed per analyst—alerts for
Tier 1, incidents for Tier 2, threats discovered for
Tier 3
How eective analysts are at covering maximum
possible alerts and threats
Case escalation breakdown
Number of events that enter the SIEM, alerts
reported, suspected incidents, confirmed incidents,
escalated incidents
The eective capacity of the SOC at each level and the
workload expected for dierent analyst groups // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
The Future of the SOC
The SOC is undergoing an exciting transformation. It is integrating with ops and development
departments, and is empowered by powerful new technologies, while retaining its traditional
command structure and roles—to identify and respond to critical security incidents.
We showed how SIEM is a foundational technology of the SOC, and how next-generation SIEMs, which include new
capabilities like behavioral analytics, machine learning and SOC automation, open up new possibilities for security
The impact of a next-gen SIEM on the SOC can be significant:
Reduce alert fatigue—via user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) that goes beyond correlation rules, helps
reduce false positives and discover hidden threats.
Improve MTTD—by helping analysts discover incidents faster and gather all relevant data.
Improve MTTR—by integrating with security systems and leveraging security orchestration, automation and
response (SOAR) technology.
Enable threat hunting—by giving analysts fast and easy access and powerful exploration of unlimited volumes of
security data.
Exabeam is an example of a next-generation SIEM which combines data lake technology,
visibility into cloud infrastructure, behavioral analytics, an automated incident responder and a
threat hunting module with powerful data querying and visualization.
Learn more at // The Essential Guide to SIEM
Evaluating and Selecting
SIEM Tools - A Buyer’s Guide
A security information and event management
(SIEM) system is a foundation of the modern
security operations center (SOC). It collects logs
and events from security tools and IT systems
across the enterprise, parses the data and uses
threat intelligence, rules and analytics to identify
security incidents.
Selecting, purchasing and implementing a SIEM
is no small task. SIEMs were traditionally very
expensive systems, both from a licensing and
a hardware perspective. They also have high
operating expenses, as they require trained
security sta to interpret alerts and identify
security incidents.
Modern SIEMs have reduced both types of
costs, by oering cloud-hosted and SIEM as
a service, by leveraging advanced low cost
storage technology, and by making it much
easier for analysts to sift through, interpret and
operationalize SIEM data.
In this buyer’s guide to modern
SIEM solutions you will learn:
Needs, use cases and required capabilities of SIEM
products - 5 core areas in which a SIEM can help your
What does a next-generation SIEM include? Next-gen
components in the new, expanded SIEM model proposed
by Gartner, including UEBA and SOAR
SOC pains and required capabilities of modern SIEM
solutions - top 4 issues experienced in the modern SOC
and how SIEMs can alleviate them
SIEM comparisons - open source vs. commercial vs. home
grown and in-house vs. managed
SIEM total cost of ownership - licensing models,
hardware costs and sizing, storage costs, and in-house
analyst costs
Compliance and security considerations // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
User Monitoring
The need: Monitoring user
activity within and outside the
Monitoring user activity
Privileged user monitoring
Baselining user activity and
identifying anomalies
Threat Detection
The need: Specialized tools to
monitor, analyze and detect
Detecting known attack
patterns, signatures, and
correlations indicating an
Detect unknown attack
chains via machine learning
and advanced analytics.
Security Analysis
The need: Deriving more
insights into security data from
multiple sources
Statistical analysis and
correlation rules
Machine learning to
establish baselines of
normal activity and detect
Incident Management
The need: An organized way to
address and manage security
incidents and alerts
Incident prioritization
—understanding which
incidents are particularly
abnormal or dangerous
Automated collection of
evidence for investigators
Automated response
Compliance and
Security Reporting
The need: Automatically
verifying regulatory
requirements and generating
audit reports, managing data
privacy and governance
PCI DSS compliance
HIPAA compliance
SOX compliance
GDPR compliance
Other standards and
Needs, Use Cases and Required
Capabilities of SIEM Products // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Next-gen SIEM Components
Threat intelligence
Combines internal data with third-party threat
intelligence feeds on threats and vulnerabilities.
Data aggregation
Collects and aggregates data from security systems and
network devices.
Correlation, security monitoring and alerts
Links events and related data into security incidents,
threats or forensic findings, analyzes events and sends
alerts to notify security sta of immediate issues.
Advanced analytics
Uses statistical models and machine learning to identify
anomalies and detect advanced threats, detect unknown
threats, detect lateral movements within a network, and
enrich the context of security alerts to make it easier to
investigate and detect elusive threats.
Creates visualizations to let sta review event data, identify
patterns and anomalies
Search, data exploration and reporting
Search vast amounts of security data without reviewing raw
data and without data science expertise, active explore data
to discover patterns and hunt for threats, create and schedule
reports on important data points.
Gathers log data for standards like HIPAA, PCI/DSS, HITECH,
SOX and GDPR and generates compliance reports. Helps to
meet compliance and security regulations requirements, for
example by alerting about security conditions for protected data.
Stores long-term historical data, useful for compliance and
forensic investigations. Built in data lake technology facilitate
unlimited, low cost, long-term storage.
Forensic analysis
Enables exploration of log and event data to discover
details of a security incident, with automated attachment
of additional evidence organized in a situation timeline.
Threat hunting
Enables security sta to run queries on log and event data,
and freely explore data to proactively uncover threats.
Once a threat is discovered, automatically pulls in relevant
evidence for investigation.
Incident response support
Helps security teams identify and respond to security
incidents automatically, bringing in all relevant data
rapidly and providing decision support.
SOC automation
Automatically responds to incidents but automating
and orchestrating security systems, known as security
orchestration, automation and response (SOAR).
What Does a Next-Generation SIEM Include?
According to Gartner’s Critical Capabilities for SIEM 2017 report, next-generation SIEMs must
incorporate additional technologies alongside the traditional log management, statistical analysis,
alerting and reporting capabilities. New SIEMs must include:
User and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) -
technology that models standard behavior for users,
endpoints and network devices, establishing a
baseline and intelligently identifying anomalies, via
advanced analytics and machine learning techniques.
Security orchestration, automation and response
(SOAR) - technology that collects security data,
prioritizes incidents, and encodes incident response
in a digital workflow format, enabling automation of
some or all incident response stages. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Security Operations Center Pain Points How a Next-Generation SIEM Can Help
Alert fatigue – too many alerts to
review and incidents to investigate
Next-generation SIEMs generate less alerts for security analysts to review [explain how
facilitated by behavioral profiling]
They can also categorize incidents based on risk reasons, incident type, and priority, enabling
analysts to filter and prioritize based on risk scores and business impact.
Analyst fatigue due to mundane tasks
Next-generation SIEMs provide security automation via playbooks. They integrate with
IT systems and security tools to automatically attach more evidence to incidents and aid
investigators in closing incidents quickly.
Takes too long to investigate incidents
Next-generation SIEMs create a timeline that pulls together all the evidence related to a
specific incident, across multiple users and organizational systems. This allows analysts to
view the entire scope of an incident and its potential risks on one pane of glass.
Lack of skilled analysts – need to
quickly train and onboard new sta
Next-generation SIEMs are easier to use and provide easy to interpret incidents packaged with
ancillary information. They also allow easy ways to query and explore security data, without
requiring analysts to become SQL experts or data scientists. This allows even junior analysts to
assess risks, prioritize incidents, and push confirmed incidents to a next-tier analyst.
SOC Pains and Required Capabilities of
Modern SIEM Solutions
SIEMs have been a fundamental infrastructure of the security operations center (SOC) for over two
decades. However, SOC analysts experience several pains that traditional SIEMs can’t solve. Below
we show how next-generation SIEM technology can solve these pains. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
SIEM Comparisons
There are three main options for procuring a SIEM platform. Following are some of the pros and cons.
Building an open source SIEM
Open source tools such as OSSIM, OSSEC and Apache
Metron can provide many SIEM capabilities including
event collection, processing, correlation and alerting.
Some open source solutions also provide intrusion
detection system (IDS) capabilities.
Leveraging a commercial SIEM tool
Traditional SIEM tools from players like HPE, IBM and
McAfee (now Intel Security) were the common choice
of large organizations building a SOC to centralize
security activity and incident response.
In recent years, new lightweight SIEM solutions have
emerged, which are powerful, less expensive and much
faster to implement. Three of these solutions have
been featured in the Gartner SIEM Magic Quadrant 2018:
Exabeam, Rapid7 and Securonix.
Building a SIEM platform in-house
The ELK stack – Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana
– is a great starting point for building your own SIEM
solution. In fact, most of the new contenders in the SIEM
market are based on this stack. Can be suitable for very
large organizations who need tailored capabilities, and
want to integrate with previous investments in threat
intelligence, monitoring or analytics.
No upfront expense, simpler to
implement an open source SIEM than
traditional SIEM solutions.
Ongoing maintenance costs can outweigh
the saving in license costs. Open source
SIEMs are not fully featured, mainly
suitable for smaller deployments. No
next-gen SIEM features.
Enterprise grade, proven technology,
most products have at least some next-
gen SIEM capabilities.
License costs, SOC procedures are built
around a specific solution’s processes,
leading to vendor lock in.
Complete customization of all SIEM
capabilities, easier integration with legacy
systems and in-house security feeds.
Very high upfront expense and an ongoing
development cost to support changes and
maintenance. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
In-House vs. Managed SIEM
SIEMs provided and managed by managed security service providers (MSSP) are
a growing trend. Managed SIEMs are making it possible for smaller organizations,
which do not have sucient full time security sta, to enter the SIEM game.
There are four common SIEM hosting models:
Self-hosted, Self-managed - SIEM is purchased or build, then hosted in local data
center and run by dedicated security sta.
Self-hosted, Hybrid-managed - a SIEM is deployed in-house, typically a legacy
investment, and run together by local security sta and MSSP experts.
Cloud SIEM, Self-managed - a SIEM is run by an MSSP but ongoing security
operations managed by in-house sta.
SIEM as a service - the SIEM runs in the cloud, including data storage, with local
security sta managing security processes leveraging SIEM data. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Evaluating SIEM Total Cost of Ownership
Procuring a SIEM involves several dierent costs, some of which are capital expenditures and
some are operating expenditures.
A SIEM Costing Model
SIEM CAPEX budget items SIEM OPEX budget items
Development and integration
Hardware and storage equipment
(for on-premises SIEM)
Periodic scaling up of hardware or storage
equipment (for on-premises SIEM)
Dedicated/outsourced security analysts
IT maintenance and resource provisioning
(for on-premises SIEM)
Ongoing integration with new
organizational systems
Cloud storage and cloud-based compute
resources (for hosted SIEM)
Licensing Models
Your SIEM solution will likely use one of these three
license models:
Volume licensing – payment based on number of
messages per second, events ingested, etc. For
large organizations can drive up license costs
User-based pricing – SIEM is priced based on
number of “seats” without respect to the volume
of data. In most organizations this will provide
the lowest cost, even as data volumes grow, and
without respect to the amount of historic data
SaaS pricing – SIEM is paid as a subscription
based on actual usage. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Hardware Costs and Sizing
Organizations adopting SIEM on-premises will have to provision hardware to run
the SIEM. To determine how much hardware is needed, you should first estimate the
number of events the SIEM needs to handle.
The number and type of servers needed is defined by event volume, as well as the
storage format, your decision whether to store data locally on in the cloud, the ratio of
log compression, encryption requirements, and quantity of short-term data vs. long-
term data retention.
Storage Costs and Sizing
The same calculation of events per day can be used to determine the SIEM’s storage
requirements. The cost of storage will depend on your SIEM deployment model:
For on-premises SIEM, you will either need to setup storage infrastructure
independently, and scale it up as data volumes grow. Or purchase an appliance from
the SIEM vendor, but when you scale beyond the appliance’s capacity, you’ll have to
manager storage yourself.
For cloud-based SIEM, there is typically a charge per data volume, to compensate
the vendor for the cost of cloud storage. Check for how many days the SIEM permits
you to retain data, and if there are additional retention costs.
Number of In-House Analysts
A SIEM is not valuable without security analysts who can receive and act upon its
alerts. Security analysts are needed to:
Review alerts and decide which are actual security incidents
Investigate incidents by pulling together relevant information, and escalating to a
higher-tier analyst for action
Analysts must be skilled and trained, preferably with a relevant security
If you use a managed security service provider (MSSP), analysts will be outsourced
by the service provider, or work will be divided between in-house sta and external
If you use a SIEM with AI or machine learning capabilities, the tool’s intelligence
is not a substitute for human analysts. You will still need analysts, but eective AI
processing of security data can substantially reduce false positives, help security
analysts get the data they need faster, substantially reducing analyst labor.
Compliance and Security Considerations
When purchasing a SIEM, consider which standards or regulations your organization
as a whole needs to comply with (across all departments—because SIEM is a cross-
organizational infrastructure.
Important to consider:
Review the standard and map out sections which might be related to SIEM
capabilitiesfor example, logging and reporting on failed login attempts.
Ensure your SIEM deployment and customization makes it easy to fulfill these
Check which compliance and audit reports you need to submit which the SIEM can
generate automaticallyand whether your SIEM solution of choice can generate
What are the compliance requirements on the SIEM itself, e.g., which data can be
saved according to GDPR?
How will the SIEM be secureddierent depending on deployment model
on-premises, cloud, MSSP. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Exabeam - Next Generation SIEM with
Unlimited Storage, Advanced Analytics and
Automated Incident Response
Exabeam provides a next-generation Security Management Platform, a modern SIEM that
combines end-to-end data collection, analysis, monitoring, threat detection and automated
response in a single management and operations platform.
Exabeam Next-Gen SIEM Capabilities
Exabeam is a modern SIEM platform that provides all the next-gen SIEM capabilities defined in Gartner’s model:
Advanced Analytics and Forensic Analysis
Exabeam provides threat identification with behavioral analysis based on machine learning. It creates
behavioral baselines and intelligently identifies anomalies. Exabeam can also dynamically group
peers of entities to identify suspicious individuals, and detect lateral movement across dierent
computer systems and user accounts. To enable forensic analysis, Exabeam automatically collects all
the evidence related to an incident and constructs timelines to visualize security incidents.
Image Source: Exabeam // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Data Exploration, Reporting and Retention
Exabeam provides unlimited log data retention with flat pricing, leveraging modern data lake technology.
It provides context-aware log parsing and presentation that helps security analysts quickly find what
they need, and makes it possible to build rules and queries using natural language. Analysts can quickly
explore, slice and dice security data without requiring expert knowledge of data science or SQL. Like
traditional SIEM platforms, Exabeam also provides prebuild compliance reports for PCI-DSS, SOX, GDPR,
and more.
Incident Response and SOC Automation
Exabeam provides customizable case management designed for security incidents. It provides a
centralized approach to incident response, gathering data from hundreds of tools and orchestrating a
response to dierent types of incidents, via tools like email servers, active directory and firewalls, using
security playbooks. Playbooks can automate investigations, containment, and mitigation.
Threat Hunting
Exabeam provides a point-and-click interface that lets anyone in the SOC easily create complex queries
on security data. When an incident is identified, it collects evidence and organizes it into a complete
incident timeline. Analysts can also enter an Alert ID from an anti malware or DLP tool, and immediately
view a timeline of all related security events.
Image Source: Exabeam
Image Source: Exabeam
Image Source: Exabeam // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Exabeam SIEM: Addressing SOC Pain Points
Exabeam’s next-generation capabilities can help resolve the most common pain
points in the modern SOC:
Alert fatigue – Exabeam reduces fatigue by leveraging UEBA technology. It focuses
analysts on alerts that represent anomalies, compared to behavioral baselines of
users and network entities, and helps prioritize incidents based on organizational
Analyst fatigue due to mundane tasks – Exabeam integrates with security tools
and executes automated security playbooks when specific types of security
incidents occur.
Takes too long to investigate incidents – Exabeam automatically pulls in all
evidence relevant to a security incident, and lays it out on an incident timeline.
This provides an instant look of the incident, across multiple IT systems, users and
Lack of skilled analysts – Exabeam automatically prioritizes incidents via
behavioral analysis, and allows users to construct complex queries on security
data using a simple drag-and-drop interface, with no need for data science or
SQL expertise. This allows even junior analysts to identify important incidents and
conduct in-depth investigation. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10
Exabeam SIEM Total Cost of Ownership
Traditional SIEM Exabeam
Licensing Model
Based on event volumes Based on seats—flat pricing for large data volumes
Hardware Costs
Server costs should be estimated based on estimated
an events per day model.
Exabeam server costs are similar to that of a traditional
SIEM for the same event volume.
Storage Costs
Storage costs grow with data volume—whether
storage is on-premise or in the cloud. Usually
additional costs per retention period.
Flat cost of storage included in the SIEM seat price
In-House Analysts
Dedicated, expert-level in-house security sta needed
to interpret and investigate SIEM alerts
Prioritized, friendly SIEM alerts with automated incident
timelines—allows managing the SIEM with part-time or
junior security analysts.
Refer to our SIEM Cost Comparison calculator to calculate exact pricing for traditional SIEM vs. Exabeam.
To test drive a next-generation SIEM, request a demo of the Exabeam Security Management Platform. // The Essential Guide to SIEM
SIEM Essentials Quiz
Are you ready to show o your SIEM knowledge?
These 25 essential questions will test just how
well you know network security.
START QUIZ // The Essential Guide to SIEM
About Exabeam
Exabeam is the Smarter SIEM™ company. We empower enterprises to
detect, investigate and respond to cyberattacks more eciently so their
security operations and insider threat teams can work smarter. Security
organizations no longer have to live with excessive logging fees, missed
distributed attacks and unknown threats, or manual investigations and
remediation. With the Exabeam Security Management Platform, analysts
can collect unlimited log data, use behavioral analytics to detect attacks,
and automate incident response, both on-premises or in the cloud.
Exabeam Smart Timelines, sequences of user and device behavior created
using machine learning, further reduce the time and specialization
required to detect attacker tactics, techniques and procedures. For more
information, visit
Exabeam, Smarter SIEM, Smart Timelines and Security Management Platform are trademarks
or registered trademarks of Exabeam, Inc. in the United States and other countries. All other
brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective owners. © 2019
Exabeam, Inc. All rights reserved.