ADAPT Health Coach
Training Program
COURSE GUIDE | Fall 2021 Enrollment
Make a living by making a difference ii
Table of Contents
A Note from Chris Kresser, the ADAPT Program
Founder & Executive Director ....................................................... 1
Why Become a Health Coach? .................................................... 2
What if you could make a living ... by making a
difference? .................................................................................... 2
What is health coaching, exactly? ....................................... 2
Why there’s no better time to become a
health coach................................................................................. 3
What does a health coaching career look like? ............. 3
How training can make you a good coach—and a
better person ............................................................................... 4
Find your team in the health coaching community ...... 5
Imagine your life as a health coach ... ................................ 6
About the ADAPT Health Coach Training Program ............ 7
Program overview ...................................................................... 7
The four pillars of the ADAPT program ............................ 8
The Three Key Areas of Study: Coaching,
Functional Health, and Business & Professional
Development ............................................................................... 9
Done-for-you tools & resources: The Marketing and
Practice Support Kit (MAPS)................................................10
Your Student Experience ..............................................................12
Master the concepts: Pre-Practicum
(approximately 6 months) ..................................................... 12
Apply the skills: Practicum
(approximately 6 months) .....................................................14
What’s the time commitment? ...........................................15
Coaching in action: How you’ll put what you
learn into practice .....................................................................16
New friends, lasting connections: The ADAPT
student community ..................................................................17
The ADAPT virtual classroom ..............................................18
Why ADAPT? Discover What Makes This
Program Different ............................................................................19
Proven techniques: An evidence-based model .............19
Don’t just learn—do: A focus on mastery .......................19
No firehoses! An innovative approach to learning .......19
The coaching ecosystem: How our collaborative
practice model works .............................................................20
A Functional Medicine foundation: What you’ll
learn as a coach .........................................................................21
The Ancestral Advantage: A powerful framework
for nutrition and lifestyle recommendations .................. 21
Certification ....................................................................................... 23
Why certification matters—and why not all
certifications are alike ............................................................ 23
What certifications can you earn through the
ADAPT Health Coach Training Program? .......................23
Eligibility: Who We’re Looking For .........................................25
Two ways to automatically qualify for admission ....... 25
Meet the Students and Alumni ..................................................26
An overview of the ADAPT student population ..........26
Where are they now? Student stories & careers ......... 27
Meet the Faculty ............................................................................. 30
Program Calendar and Important Dates ...............................33
Registration .......................................................................................34
Tuition ..................................................................................................35
Tuition and payment options ..............................................35
FAQs ......................................................................................................37 1
Chances are, you or someone you know has struggled
with chronic disease. You’re well aware that the struggle is
endless and frustrating and that certainly not all of it can
be solved during a doctor’s appointment.
As a Functional Medicine practitioner, I can tell you that
conventional medicine doesn’t stand a chance against chronic
disease. And more doctors isn’t the answer.
What we need are people trained to support, listen to, and empower those
suffering with disease.
What we need are health coaches. In fact, the future of medicine depends on it.
I’ve experienced first hand what it means to work with a healthcare professional who has
what I call “being skills”—the ability to listen, empathize, and connect.
And I know that the only way to address the epidemic is to train more people in this skill
set. It’s the best hope we have of helping people change the behaviors that keep them
stuck in a cycle of disease.
And that could very well be you.
Imagine being able to make a difference in someone’s life. Collaborating with doctors and
other practitioners. Turning your passion for healthy living into a fulfilling career.
Imagine being part of the solution—and changing the future of healthcare.
Because that’s what it means to be a health coach. It’s not just a job. It’s not just a
career, even. Its the opportunity to become a change agent—and turn the tide against
chronic disease.
If this idea lights you up, makes you feel excited and alive, then I couldn’t be more thrilled
to have you here. We’re honored that you’re considering us as a partner and a pathway to
a thrilling and fulfilling career in health coaching.
We look forward to welcoming you to our community of change agents!
Chris Kresser, M.S., L.Ac.
Founder & Executive Director
ADAPT Health Coach Training Program
A Note from Chris
Kresser, the ADAPT
Program Founder &
Executive Director 2
What if you could make a living …
by making a difference?
As you consider your next career move, you may not know exactly what it
looks like, but chances are you have an idea of what it should feel like.
And the right career path for you would let you:
Tap your natural gift for
communication and listening
Develop new skills and expertise
for helping others
Draw on your passion for
wellness, healthy living, and
disease prevention
Make a real and lasting impact
on others’ lives
Earn a living doing something
you actually believe in
Play a critical and fulfilling role in
something bigger
This is the job of a health coach.
And if it appeals to you, you may have exactly what it takes to become a great one.
What is health coaching, exactly?
When most of us hear the word “coach,” we think of a high school
basketball coach with a whistle around his neck, yelling at you.
That’s not how health coaching works (at all).
Here’s what a health coach really does:
EMPOWERS you to discover your own wisdom and strength
HELPS you create your own solutions to problems
SUPPORTS you without judgment
HOLDS you accountable to your goals
Why is this so critical? Because making real, lasting lifestyle and
behavior changes isn’t a switch you flip. It takes ongoing effort
and support.
In short, a health coach is a change agent.
You provide the right kind of support to help clients make critical lifestyle and behavior changes
aligned with their health goals.
Why Become a Health Coach?
“But Don’t I Need a Special
Degree or Medical Credential
to Do That?”
That’s because as a coach, you aren’t
practicing medicine; you’re using your
own arsenal of coaching tools, paired with
your natural communication skills, to help
your clients:
Identify their own motivation and
strategies for change
Align their actions with their values
Develop achievable, measurable goals 3
Why there’s no better time to
become a health coach
Given the alarming rise of chronic disease, and the
capacity of health coaches to prevent and reverse
it, it’s no surprise that health coaching is exploding
as a profession.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
has endorsed health coaching as vital to the future of
healthcare. Prestigious institutions like Cleveland Clinic
and Mayo Clinic have already integrated health coaches
into their care model. Almost half of US corporations offer
a wellness program to their employees—and many of
these programs include health coaching.
According to the Coach Federation, health coaching is
already a $6 billion market, and it’s one of the fastest-
growing professions in the US. Sixty-six percent of people
said they were aware of health coaching as a profession,
and 31 percent said they’ve hired a coach. There are
already 100,000 health coaches working in the United
States, and that number will only continue to grow as
health coaching advances as a profession.
What does a health coaching
career look like?
That’s up to you! One of the big perks of this profession is flexibility and the freedom to
forge your own path. Where you work depends on your preferences and your vision for
the future.
You can find health coaches working in a variety of settings and formats.
Coaches work in person with clients, in group sessions and classes, and over the
phone (or over the internet, or even via apps) with telehealth sessions.
Health coaches also work in diverse environments, including:
Medical clinics (whether conventional or Functional/Integrative)
Primary care groups
Wellness centers
Corporate wellness programs
Schools and training programs
Health food stores
Day spas
Private practice
Most health coaches choose a hybrid approach. You could split your time between running
your own private business, contracting with medical clinics, and working part time in a corporate
environment. You could also choose to branch out and work for a school or a training institution,
teach your own group classes, work with municipalities, or chart another path that’s entirely new.
This is a growing field, and it’s the perfect opportunity to try new things and build
your own future.
When I signed up for the course I had
a dream of becoming a health coach,
but I wasn’t sure how realistic that
dream was. It felt a bit like jumping
off a cliff and then just trusting that
the parachute would open or that
somehow I would land unharmed. I
am confident that I made the right
choice. I know that I can do this and
look forward to starting a career as
a health coach.
Saskatchewan, Canada 4
How training can make you a good coach—
and a better person
There are lots of reasons to become a health coach.
You’re ready for a new career. You’re passionate about health. You want to
contribute to something larger. You want to put your own experience to good
use in helping others.
But one of the most powerful reasons to invest in a health coach training
program is simply this:
The best health coach training is about more than career education.
It’s true. Because the capacities you need to be a good health coach really do serve you
in every other area of your life, from your relationship with your partner to the way you parent
your kids to how you experience your life and the world around you.
Think about how your life and relationships would improve if you were to hone your skills in:
These are the skills that a well-trained health coach should have.
But they’re also skills that make us better humans.
I would (and do) say even if I never get a job as a health
coach (which I intend to do) this has been the best thing I’ve
ever done for myself. The mindfulness and NVC [non-violent
communication] part of the course is brilliant. They should be
required courses in schools everywhere. There is no part of
my life that hasn’t improved because of them but especially
my relationships and sense of connectedness to everyone and
everything. I could expound on this alone for pages!
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Mindfulness, which is the ability
to stay present with yourself
and others
Positive psychology, which
emphasizes cultivating strengths
rather than fixing whats broken
Empathy, which is a respectful
way of understanding what
others are experiencing and is the
foundation of building trust and
rapport in a relationship
Mastering behavior change,
which enables you to achieve
your goals and support others in
achieving theirs
Reflective listening, which helps
you to connect more deeply
with others 5
Find connection in the ADAPT Health
coaching community
A core tenet of coaching is that deep listening creates
connection. We listen to you and provide the opportunity
for you to listen to your fellow students. This forges a
trusting and nurturing community of like-minded
change agents.
Our students and graduates understand that they are
receiving quality information in functional health, the art
and practice of coaching, and business development but are
routinely surprised by the intangible benefits of their
ADAPT experience.
It can sometimes feel lonely on your own personal wellness journey.
Perhaps you are not feeling supported by friends and family as you explore
a new way of thinking about your own health. Change is challenging, especially
when you feel alone.
Relatedness is vital for motivation. When you share perspective and values with a community
you superpower your confidence and accomplish your goals. Feeling like you belong and
that you are truly heard are assets to you as a coach and that you can pay forward to your
future clients.
I can’t recommend this
program enough! It exceeded
my expectations in so many
ways. Not only have I delved
deep within myself and
established a daily mindfulness
practice, but my relationships
with my family have changed
for the better and I am working
on being more empathetic and
non-judgmental. I’ve learned
that change can only come
from within but there are many
powerful ways to elicit those
thoughts and curiosity in myself
and someone else.
Mill Valley, California
This course is very thorough on
three tracks—coaching, Functional
Health, and marketing and
administration. I think it’s the most
thorough, attentive, and reflective
program out there. There’s a diverse,
amazing, and AVAILABLE staff
of people; strong engagement
among students; and a real sense
of community with the school. I am
only half-way through but I already
feel ready to coach and more than
that, ready to start my coaching
business. I can’t wait to capitalize on
this amazing community as I pivot
toward stepping out with my own
private practice.
Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico 6
Imagine your life as a health coach ...
Becoming a health coach has changed so many of our students’ lives. Could it change yours?
Imagine ...
Jumping out of bed each morning because you can’t wait to start work
Feeling a deep sense of satisfaction at the end of your day, knowing that your work is
changing lives
Making a great living doing something you are passionate about
Collaborating with doctors and medical professionals as part of a care team
Having a career that helps you develop and grow as a person
This is what’s waiting for you if you become a professional health coach.
This program has literally changed my life and will have a
significant impact on the way I work with clients going forward.
My background is biology and psychology and this program
beautifully melded my worlds together. From the functional
health information and professional development, to positive
ways to influence behavior change, the ADAPT program is
robust and complete. It has FAR exceeded my expectations!
St. Louis, Missouri 7
About the ADAPT
Health Coach
Training Program
Program overview
The ADAPT Health Coach Training Program (HCTP) is a robust, 12-month, online
certification program that was created by Chris Kresser, M.S., L.Ac., a New York Times
best-selling author and one of the most respected Functional Medicine clinicians and
thought leaders in the world.
It offers hands-on, experiential training in core coaching modalities (e.g., positive
psychology, motivational interviewing, stages of change, etc.), Functional Medicine,
ancestral diet and lifestyle, and business and professional development.
The ADAPT HCTP is an Approved Health and Wellness Coach Training & Education Program by
the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching (NBHWC). Graduates of NBHWC-approved
programs are eligible to become a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, a credential
that is gaining recognition as the gold standard for health coach education and training—and that
may even be required in the future for insurance reimbursement of health coach sessions.
Our program is unique in its dedication to practical application and mastery—the development and
refinement of skills and competencies over memorizing information from a book. We provide more
hours of supervision and mentorship, in both group and one-on-one formats, than any other health
coach training program we’re aware of.
We also emphasize live participation and community. Unlike many other programs, which offer
only recorded webinars, our students interact directly with our faculty in engaging live lectures and
demonstrations, roundtable discussions, and Q&As. They also receive both group and one-on-one
supervision and feedback from mentor coaches, teaching assistants, and professional evaluators. 8
The four pillars of the ADAPT program
This comprehensive program ensures that you get everything you need to establish and grow your
coaching career.
Education & Training
Our program offers top-notch content
on the art and practice of coaching,
Functional Health, and business
and professional development,
delivered in a way that informs—
without overwhelming.
Practice & Supervision
Our emphasis on practical application,
mentorship, and peer-to-peer
coaching means that you’ll have plenty
of focused feedback and guidance and
never be left to fend for yourself.
The ADAPT community is an engaged
and connected group of ambitious
and health-minded professionals
like you dedicated to maintaining
supportive relationships with their
clients and each other.
Career Development
Health coaching doesn’t start with
serving clients, but with finding them.
We help you set up, establish, and
structure your work so that you can
run it as a profitable business. 9
The Three Key Areas of Study: Coaching,
Functional Health, and Business &
Professional Development
There’s a lot to cover! Here are the three key areas where you’ll focus your study and what’s included in each.
Art & Practice of
Core coaching skills
Positive psychology
Character strengths
Motivational interviewing
The stages of change
Coaching relationship skills
The science and art of
behavior change
Difficult conversations and
conflict resolution
Goal setting and accountability
Mindfulness and coaching
Legal and ethical considerations
for coaches
Ancestral nutrition
Principles of Functional
Diet variations: AIP, low-
FODMAP, ketogenic, etc.
Principles of personalization for
unique diet and health goals
Overview of Functional
Medicine lab testing
(understanding when/why tests
are ordered)
Better understanding of
specific conditions ranging from
autoimmune to thyroid, gut
health, and more
The role of nutrient status and
The power of lifestyle and
behavior modifications
(exercise, sleep, stress, toxins)
Food and kitchen prep
and shopping
Business & Professional
How to build and manage
a practice
Clarifying your vision, purpose,
and brand
Content, marketing, and
sales strategy
Establishing your online
presence and platform
Career opportunities for private
practice and employment
Business set-up (legal, banking,
bookkeeping, accounting,
How to collaborate with licensed
providers in a clinical setting
Productivity, time management,
and fulfillment 10
Done-for-You Tools & Resources: The Marketing and
Practice Support Kit (MAPS)
Imagine having not only the answers to your pressing coaching and business questions, but also the written
procedures and ready-made forms to go along with them.
Coaching Support: 50+ guides,
worksheets, cheat sheets
These are designed to help you to quickly and effectively
implement everything you learn in the course. Examples include:
5 Steps to Success with Motivational Interviewing
Finding Your Authentic Voice as a Coach
7 Keys to Asking Powerful Questions
Hardware and Software Tools for Behavior Change
Finding and Developing Your Niche
Client Support: 50+ customizable
client handouts
Customize these client resources with your own branding using our
handout generator. Examples include:
Healthy Eating on a Budget
Evaluating Your Kitchen and Pantry
Functional vs. Conventional Medicine
Identifying and Building on Your Strengths
Getting Started with Meditation/Mindfulness
Guide to a Toxin-Free Home and Workplace
Success Pack: 30+ forms, templates,
and resources
Everything you need for getting your practice up and running—
quickly and affordably. Examples include:
New client intake forms
Cancellation and late policy
Confidentiality agreement
Informed consent template
Email templates 11
This is the most comprehensive health coach training program
that I could have wished for. As a long time follower of Chris
Kresser’s I had full confidence, coming into the program, that I
would receive the highest quality education, but the program
has far exceeded my expectations. Whether or not you are
planning on being a full-time health coach or not, the coaching
track alone will change your life for the better! From the
Positive Psychology material to the Motivational Interviewing,
Non-Violent Communication modules, I feel fully equipped to
help people make long-lasting behavioral changes.
Studio City, California
Curious about Health Coach
Career Options?
Download our free eBook to learn more about turning your
passion for health into a successful and rewarding career.
In this eBook, you’ll learn:
What health coaching is—and isn’t
Why health coaching is one of the fastest-growing
professions today
How to know whether a health coach career is right for you
What a health coach career looks like
And more ...
Download Now 12
Your Student
A good program prepares you for your career. But a
standout program does more than provide resources and
support—it gives you a transformative experience. We
have designed the ADAPT Health Coach Training Program
not only to give you a solid foundation and education,
but to be engaging, community-focused, and a dynamic
learning experience. We draw on cutting-edge innovations
in learning to ensure that you’re able to absorb and apply
what you learn—in real time.
So here’s what that looks like.
The ADAPT HCTP is a robust one-year program with an emphasis on practice
and mastery. It is divided into two sections:
A Pre-Practicum, where you develop the skills and competencies you need to be a
successful health coach.
A Practicum, where you further refine your skills with both group and one-on-one
feedback and supervision and prepare for your professional health coach certification.
Master the concepts: Pre-Practicum APPROXIMATELY SIX MONTHS
Master and apply key concepts in an interactive, innovative format based on advanced
learning theory (we promise—no death by PowerPoint)
You’ll devote the first six months of your education to laying the foundation of knowledge for your
coaching practice.
But unlike other text-heavy programs, where you drink from a firehose of information and then
promptly forget all of it, we designed this program so you can digest it and put it into practice right
No, we don’t expect you to learn all about coaching from a slide deck.
It’s not all one-way content, either. The practical application starts during this Pre-Practicum period,
with peer-to-peer coaching, mentor coaching sessions, and dedicated time for developing skills so
that you can put what you learn into practice—right away.
Plus, you’ll have opportunities to connect with your fellow classmates and colleagues in our online
community so that you can share ideas and interact with TAs and mentor coaches. 13
Here’s what Pre-Practicum looks like:
Watch recorded content,
review the handouts, do the exercises
and worksheets, and discuss with your
Participate in a weekly
with live demos, breakout sessions,
and Q&As led by faculty instructors
Develop your core
coaching skills
independently and with your
Conduct peer-to-peer
coaching sessions
with other students to build your
chops and gain experience
Get feedback and
answers to your
in weekly small-group sessions with
mentor coaches and TAs
Attend a live, bimonthly
discussion and Q&A
with ADAPT Health Coach Training
Program founder Chris Kresser 14
Apply the skills: Pre-Practicum APPROXIMATELY SIX MONTHS
Next, you’ll put core coaching competencies into action in real-life, mentor-based,
peer-to-peer, and client coaching sessions.
This Practicum period is what sets our program apart from just about any other coaching program
you’ll find, as we are one of the only year-long programs that feature a full six months of Practicum.
Here’s what Practicum looks like:
Watch recorded content
emphasizing practical application and
case studies
Participate in a weekly
with live demos, breakout sessions,
and Q&As led by faculty instructors
Practice with real-life
through 25+ practice coaching
sessions (we’ll show you how to
find them)
Practice with peers and
during 35+ practice sessions and
plenty of structured independent
skills practice 15
for the practical skills assessment
(PSA) and final exam review
Attend a live, monthly
discussion and Q&A
with ADAPT Health Coach Training
Program founder Chris Kresser
Receive feedback and
on your coaching in weekly small-
group sessions with mentor coaches
and TAs
What’s the Time
You’re excited to dig in—but chances are, you’ve got to
balance lots of other obligations, too. We’ve designed
this program to be able to accommodate your life—
including the people and work you attend to outside
of your study.
The estimated time commitment for this program is between
10 and 12 hours per week, which includes:
Watching recorded content
Taking part in live demos with breakout sessions and Q&A
Participating in small-group sessions led by mentor coaches
and TAs
Practicing skill development and practice (self-guided
and peer-to-peer)
Being part of peer-to-peer and practice client
coaching sessions 16
Coaching in action: How you’ll put what you learn into practice
If you wanted to learn to play tennis or the piano, you’d have to do more than read books. You’d
have to practice and play—ideally under the supervision of an experienced teacher.
It’s the same with learning to be a health coach. Books and recorded video presentations can help
give you the basic understanding and knowledge you need. But the only way to learn how to be a
good health coach is to coach!
In the ADAPT HCTP, you’ll have many opportunities to practice health coaching in a safe and
supportive environment, with feedback from your peers, master faculty, and experienced mentor
coaches and teaching assistants.
This is not a program where you sit back and watch from the sidelines. You’ll participate in:
The ADAPT Health Coach Training Program has been a wonderful experience. I look
forward to the content every week. I am a busy mom of three that has been able to
balance home life, work, and the ADAPT program without feeling overwhelmed. I
feel empowered and knowledgeable to help others change their lives.
Boerne, Texas
Weekly peer-to-peer coaching sessions, where you
practice your new skills with another student in the
program—starting in the first week of the course!
Live faculty lectures and demonstrations, where
students may volunteer for coaching technique
demonstrates led by faculty members.
A bimonthly webinar and Q&A with ADAPT
Founder and Executive Director Chris Kresser,
where you can ask him questions and learn about
the latest developments in Functional Medicine,
ancestral nutrition, and health coaching.
Group mentor coaching sessions, where you
practice your coaching techniques and gain valuable
feedback and insight from experienced mentor
coaches and get your coaching questions answered.
Breakout sessions, where you have the chance to
practice a new technique that was demonstrated by
a mentor coach with another student.
Group TA sessions, where you can ask questions
about Functional Health and receive answers from
our Registered Dietitian and/or Certified Nutrition
Specialist teaching assistant.
Mentor coach and TA live demonstrations, where
the mentor coaches and TAs demonstrate our
unique ADAPT coaching model with an actual
client/case and give students a chance to practice
and participate.
25 sessions with practice clients, where you get
to develop and hone your skills with clients from
outside of the program.
Three skills development sessions, with
individualized one-on-one feedback from one of our
experienced mentor coaches.
Engaging forum discussions with your peers in the
program, moderated by our staff of mentor coaches,
TAs, and student advisors.
Students are required to attend two or three live 90-minute sessions via Zoom each week:
You will have access to your calendar enabling you to schedule sessions several months in advance
All sessions are recorded and available for replay and download; listening to a recorded session does not count
towards the live attendance requirements
Be sure to schedule a call with an Enrollment Advisor if you have questions or concerns about this. 17
New friends, lasting connections:
The ADAPT student community
Top-notch faculty and content are critical to a stellar
education. But we’re equally proud of our robust and
engaged student community. Our graduates consistently
tell us that the relationships they formed with other
students are among the most memorable and rewarding
parts of the program.
You’ll have a chance to connect with students in a
variety of ways:
Through peer-to-peer coaching sessions
In group mentor coaching and TA sessions
In live demos, Q&As, and roundtables
In the forum
In student-organized study groups
In local meetup groups (previous students have
organized these with great results!)
And the experience doesn’t stop when
the program ends. Upon completion
of the ADAPT HCTP, you’ll have access
to a graduate section of the forum so
you can stay in touch with all of your
new friends and colleagues. You’ll also
have a chance to stay connected with
them through ongoing local meetup
groups, at ADAPT continuing education
events online, and at future in-person
ADAPT conferences.
As a student and graduate of this
program, you’ll be part of the growing
professional community of credentialed
Functional Health coaches. You’ll feel
like you’re playing an integral role in the
larger movement to reinvent healthcare
and reverse chronic disease.
This course has changed my life.
I have learned so much valuable
content that will inform me in
my work with clients. The skill
development, though, has been the
most crucial. The coaching skills
portion of the course has made such
an impact on me that I was already
able to transition into a new job
as a health coach for a weight loss
company. Amazing!!!
Coon Rapids, Minnesota 18
The ADAPT virtual classroom
The ADAPT program combines a live, dynamic
learning environment with the ease of at-home
study and participation. You’ll participate
in our program via our cutting-edge online
learning platform, which allows you to access
coursework, complete assignments, and
communicate with classmates and our staff
using both desktop and mobile devices.
The live sessions with faculty, mentor coaches,
and TAs are hosted on the Zoom video-
conferencing platform. This allows students to
engage with our faculty and each other just
as they would in a physical classroom—but
with the convenience and flexibility of a virtual
connection. You can attend sessions
from your home, workplace, or even
while traveling!
This course exceeded my expectations for an online program.
Having another full time career, I was hesitant that an online
program would be dull, take too much time and I wouldn’t
learn as much, but it has been the opposite. The live MC and TA
sessions are great, and the live instructor sessions pair nicely
with the content. The way the course videos and handouts
were delivered (slowly) really accelerated my learning. The
low stakes quizzes helped me retain my learning in a low
stress environment.
Oakland, California 19
Discover What
Makes This
Program Different
We’ve designed the ADAPT Health Coach Training
Program to stand out—not just in the quality of our
content, faculty, and community, but also in the way in
which students master the coaching discipline. While some
programs firehose you with information or simply mimic a
traditional, institutional (read: outdated) educational model, we’ve
designed our program not just to be studied, but to be practiced—and we
do so by adopting a cutting-edge approach to learning.
Proven techniques: An evidence-based model
Anyone can share their best ideas about coaching; not everyone can show you proven
techniques for putting it into practice. Our expert faculty has developed a powerful, evidence-
based model of health coaching. For new coaches—and even those with more experience—
having a clear model to follow accelerates your learning and improves your results.
To learn more, download our handout, The ADAPT Model of Coaching.
Don’t just learn—do: A focus on mastery
You can’t learn coaching without practicing, anymore than you can learn piano without your hands
on the keys. You have to play over and over to master the skill.
Whereas most coach training programs are 90 percent information and 10 percent practice, we aim
for the reverse: with as much as 70 percent focus on practical application and 30 percent content
over the course of the year.
No firehoses! An innovative approach to learning
The traditional methods for learning (which you were taught in school) don’t work. So we don’t use
them. No “firehose” of information. No brute-force memorization. The research on learning theory is
very clear—these methods don’t help you actually absorb or use information.
We use the “sprinkler” method:
Content is delivered a little bit at a time, over a longer period of time. Think a couple of
hours a week over several months rather than a three-day workshop.
Topics unfold in a way that mimics how you will apply them later. This helps you put what
you learn into practice so it doesn’t just go in one ear and out the other.
Our approach encourages thinking, analysis, problem solving, and discovery—the same skills
you need to be successful as a health coach.
We use low-stakes quizzes, prompts, action steps, peer-to-peer practice, and other tools for
increasing comprehension and retention. There is no learning without action. 20
The coaching ecosystem: How our
collaborative practice model works
The future of medicine isn’t individual expertise, but a thriving
and collaborative ecosystem.
Our traditional “sickcare” model of medicine is all about division—one
practitioner from another, this specialist from that one, and doctors apart from, well,
everyone else.
The future of healthcare isn’t defined by how different we are, but by where and how we collaborate.
And that’s a skill and mindset that coaches and practitioners must master in order to lead the way to a
new era of healthcare.
We hear from health coaches all the time about the problems they run into between clients and
practitioners. For instance:
Your client comes to you and asks why her practitioner is ordering a certain Functional Medicine test
You refer your client to a doctor who then puts her on a low-fat, AHA diet—and she starts getting
worse, not better
This lack of communication and collaboration between coach and practitioner can spell frustration
for both of you—and trouble for the client.
If coaches are going to be part of the future of medicine, then collaboration is key. It’s crucial to your work,
your client’s health, and the reinvention of healthcare. And few, if any, programs are equipped to offer it.
Coaches struggle to find Functional Medicine practitioners to refer clients to—and practitioners are in
desperate need of good coaches.
We’re the first organization that trains practitioners and coaches under the same theoretical and
practical framework.
The ADAPT program provides more than training; it’s an ecosystem in which coaches and practitioners
are not only trained in the same approach—they have the opportunity to connect with each other.
The result? Far more effective and synergistic collaboration.
Why “ADAPT”?
We call this the ADAPT Health Coach Training Program for a few reasons. Naturally, ADAPT
refers to the fact that we must address mismatch between our genetic code and the
modern world we live in by adapting—by aligning our bodies with our environment.
But ADAPT also refers to another thing that must change: our entire
medical system.
The sickcare model that evolved to address acute issues
(infection, broken bones, etc.) is not equipped to address the
greater threat of chronic disease.
We not only need to adapt our individual behaviors; we need to
adapt as a society so that we can more effectively address the
issues posing the largest threat to our health and our lives.
ADAPT is about making positive changes that last … and when
you’re trained in this approach, you become a change agent. 21
A Functional Medicine foundation:
What you’ll learn as a coach
While coaches are not trained to practice medicine,
having a clearer understanding of how Functional
Medicine works can give you a powerful lens for working
with both clients and practitioners.
As part of the ADAPT Health Coach Training Program,
you’ll also:
Gain insights into Functional Medicine that make you
more informed
Understand the basics of Functional Medicine lab
testing (without leading you beyond the health coach
scope of practice)
Learn three distinct models for collaborating with practitioners
Receive specific guidance on how to initiate and form partnerships
with licensed clinicians
The Ancestral Advantage: A powerful framework for
nutrition and lifestyle recommendations
Few health coaching programs offer much in the way of nutrition training. Those that do
tend to give an overview of different diets—Mediterranean, vegetarian, vegan—without
specific recommendations backed up by science.
We provide in-depth and evidence-based training on ancestral health and nutrition—which
we believe is the most powerful lens for focusing your nutrition and lifestyle recommendations as a
coach. We’ll tell you what works—and why.
Why an ancestral diet?
The reason we’re able to provide far more practical diet and lifestyle information than any other
program is because we take an ancestral approach to diet and lifestyle—the most effective
approach for preventing and reversing disease. Here’s why:
Like all organisms, humans adapted to survive and thrive in a particular environment.
Our environment has changed dramatically since the days of our hunter–gatherer ancestors.
Processed foods, artificial light, and our largely sedentary lives have affected everything from
our digestion to our sleep patterns.
The human body has not caught up to the changes in the modern environment—causing a
mismatch between our genes and the world around us.
This mismatch is the driving factor behind the modern epidemic of chronic disease.
The goal: realign your body with the environment. 22
You’ll learn:
How our modern lifestyle is a mismatch for our bodies—and how it’s contributing to chronic
How humans lived when they were free of chronic illness—and what that can teach us about
diet and lifestyle today
The ways in which ancestral health informs diet, physical activity, stress management, sleep,
and other lifestyle factors
How to reduce exposure to toxins, based on our knowledge of a time before they existed
Questions? Schedule a Free Call With an
Enrollment Advisor
Speak with one of our enrollment advisors to get your questions answered and
find out whether our program is a good fit for you.
Our enrollment advisors are graduates of our program and
working health coaches. They can:
Answer your questions about our program
Direct you to additional resources that may support
your decision
Explore the career opportunities that may be the best
fit for you
Discuss differences in education, training, and
certification among programs you may be evaluating
Book a Free Call
You answered all my questions and were incredibly
helpful, knowledgeable, and supportive in a way that didn’t
feel gimmicky or sales-driven. It was just what I needed to help
me feel really good about making the commitment.
Dallas, Texas 23
Why certification matters—and why not all
certifications are alike
As more clients take notice and seek out qualified coaches—and more
clinics and companies consider adding coaches to their staff—earning
the field’s highest-level professional credential becomes even more
important. For health coaches, thats the National Board Certified Health
& Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC) credential.
As a health coach, earning an NBC-HWC credential and becoming a
board-certified coach sets you apart in the field and signals to your
potential clients and prospective employers that you have the education
and training needed to be a health coach. It lets your clients know that
you’ve mastered the core competencies that will best serve them in the
coaching process. It’s a boost to your career as a health coach, too—as
health coaching becomes more integrated in our healthcare system,
companies looking to hire are becoming more interested in the NBC-HWC
credential as a requirement for employment.
The first step toward becoming a board-certified coach is attending
an approved health coach training course. We’re proud to say that
the ADAPT HCTP is one of the few programs worldwide that is
fully approved by the National Board of Health & Wellness Coaches
(NBHWC). Graduating from our program means that, in addition
to earning an ADAPT-Certified Functional Health Coach (A-CFHC)
credential, you have the option to pursue an NBC-HWC certification.
What certifications can you earn through the
ADAPT Health Coach Training Program?
There are two certifications you can earn when you complete the
ADAPT-Certified Functional Health Coach (A-CFHC)
National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)
Please see the sidebar on this page for definitions of key terms.
ADAPT-Certified Functional Health Coach
This is the certification you will receive by successfully
completing our program.
The A-CFHC credential:
Shows your commitment to obtaining the highest
level of health coach education and training available
Gives potential employers, other practitioners, and
the public confidence that you have mastered the
knowledge and skills required to be an effective
health coach
Definitions of key
certification terms
ADAPT Health Coach
Training Program
Students who complete the ADAPT
HCTP requirements for course
completion and certification will
become an ADAPT-Certified
Functional Health Coach (A-CFHC).
The National Board for Health &
Wellness Coaching. NBHWC is
the organization that approves
programs that train health and
wellness coaches.
National Board Certified Health
& Wellness Coach. This is the
certification credential for health and
wellness coaches established by the
NBHWC and offered in partnership
with the NBME.
The National Board of Medical
Examiners, a highly respected
medical organization dedicated
to the assessment of healthcare
professionals. NBME partners
with NBHWC to implement the
standards that lead to National
Board Certification. 24
Entitles you to a listing in Kresser Institute’s online directory of certified coaches, where the
public can find and contact the coach nearest them
Makes you eligible for employment opportunities through companies that specifically seek out
ADAPT-trained providers
Gives you access to our Alumni Forum, where you can network and connect with other
ADAPT-trained coaches as well as ADAPT-trained doctors and other practitioners
And finally, your A-CFHC credential will enable you to sit for the National Board Certification
for Health & Wellness Coaching exam (assuming you meet all of the board’s other application
There is no additional fee for the A-CFHC certification—it is included in the ADAPT HCTP
program tuition.
National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach
Once you earn the A-CFHC, you become eligible to sit for the exam to become
a National Board-Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)—assuming you
have met the exam requirements.
According to the NBHWC:
The national certification is accelerating the
professionalization of this emerging field, and
enabling the growth of an evidence base. Reputable
coach training and education programs have joined
this endeavor. The national certification allows proficient
coaches to stand apart from coaches who
have not received adequate coach training
or assessment of their coaching skills and
As a nationally certified and recognized health coach,
you’ll be among an elite group of coaches that has opted
to pursue the highest standard of education and training
for your profession. This sends a clear signal to your
future clients, potential employers and collaborators, and
future colleagues that you are committed to excellence in
your profession. 25
Eligibility: Who We’re
Looking For
Above all, we’re looking for people with:
A passion for health and wellness
A desire to help others thrive and achieve their goals
A commitment to grow and develop personally and
A belief in a holistic, integrative approach to health
If this sounds like you, our program could be a great fit!
There are two ways to automatically qualify
for admission:
1. A professional license, certification, or associate’s degree or higher in any healthcare or
wellness-related field
2. At least two years of full-time work experience in a health- or wellness-related field
If you don’t meet either of the two criteria above, you can use the scoring system below to
determine if you may still be eligible for the program. Candidates must have a score of 5 or
higher in order to qualify for the training and must provide proof of degree/certification/
work experience.
Criteria Score
Student in a licensing, certification, or associate’s degree program in a
health or wellness field
Bachelor’s degree or higher in a field unrelated to health or wellness
High school diploma, GED, or equivalent
Have read Unconventional Medicine by Chris Kresser 1
Have read The Paleo Cure by Chris Kresser 1
If you still do not meet the criteria using the scoring system above, you may petition for admission.
Please schedule a call with one of our enrollment advisors to discuss this. 26
Students from
42 countries
18% international
Students from
47 states
Student Ages
Student Gender
> 55
> 25
Career Plans
Full-time coach
Part-time coach
Adding coaching to existing career
of students would recommend the
course to someone who was interested in
becoming a health coach
Career Stage
Re-entering the
Already working in the
healthcare industry
Meet the Students and Alumni
Our students come from diverse personal and professional backgrounds and are united by their
shared passion for health and transformation.
An overview of the ADAPT student population 27
Where are they now? Student stories & careers
The ADAPT Health Coach Training Program empowers graduates to pursue working as a health coach in a variety
of settings: Integrative/Functional Medicine clinics, corporate wellness programs, educational settings, or your own
private practice—to name a few.
Here are some of their stories. (See more student stories, including videos.)
“This program was way more than I could have anticipated. It not only has
prepared me to be a health coach and coach clients but to run a business, to
market myself, and to feel confident doing those things. It has also made me
a better friend and a better listener as well as more mindful and more aware.
Cincinnati, Ohio
“I am a graduate of [another health coach training program] and feel like the
ADAPT course is my ‘masters degree.’ The course is moving me toward my
goals of earning a higher income from coaching and building my confidence
to reach for opportunities I did not feel qualified for in the past.
Manhasset, New York
“The ADAPT Health Coach Training program has helped me grow
immensely and not just in ways that I expected. To be a good coach,
you have to show up for your clients ready to truly listen and without
your own hidden agenda. The ADAPT program stretches you personally
through journaling, meditation, thinking about your purpose, and
understanding your own core needs so that you show up for your clients
in the best possible way to support them. The course won’t just change
you professionally, it will also change your life.
Boulder, Colorado
“Diet and lifestyle changes have helped my autoimmune condition so I desire
to help others on their health journey. I learned so much about motivational
interviewing, powerful coaching questions, empathic communication,
meditation, not to mention continued learning about Functional Medicine.
Goshen, Indiana 28
“Even though I have a Masters Degree in health education I have found
the ADAPT Health Coach Training to be exceptional. It’s balanced,
practical, extremely well organized, and challenging in all the right ways.
Alamo, California
“I was struggling with the cascade of health effects from ciguatera
neurotoxin for 2.5 years before the the ADAPT Health Coach Training
Program started. My illness changed so many parts of my life. I knew
I could only heal through Functional Medicine and I wanted a career
switch from wildlife biologist to health coach. I have learned amazing
lifelong skills in this course and it has been incredibly worth it, both for
myself and the people in my life who I will help in the future.
Arcata, California
“The program will make you a better person. Your communication
confidence will improve. Your listening skills will improve. You’ll learn
health practices that can accelerate your well-being. And you’ll be
taught all the in’s and outs of starting a business.
Bountiful, Utah
“I fully and passionately endorse the ADAPT Health Coach Training
Program. The live sessions with TAs and MCs provide a safe and low
stakes environment for taking risks, reviewing material, asking questions
and making meaningful connections with peers. In addition, I’ve learned
and absorbed new tips, techniques and strategies to incorporate not
only into coaching but into my own life. I’m a fuller, more functional
human being thanks to the course work.
Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada 29
“The ADAPT Health Coach Training Program is an excellent course. It’s
very comprehensive and the instructors, MC’s and TA’s are amazing. This
course truly cares that their students learn and become the best health
coaches they can be. It is a responsible program in that it truly teaches
you not only how to coach but also about Functional Medicine. People
taking the course are like minded so it is an amazing community and
force of people who want to help change the world.
Irvine, California
“This course has been so helpful. I completely understand what my role
as a Health Coach is, how to help people change their lives and how
to communicate better. I have also learned so much about building a
business, protecting that business and marketing my business.
Wheat Ridge, Colorado
“Thus far, the results are astonishing ... I feel like a whole new person.
I’ve transcended feelings of being unintelligent (even though I am
a successful environmental engineer who graduated from a top 5
engineering school, Colorado School of Mines). The learning theory built
into the HCTP has taken my learning and confidence to the next level.
So this training was priceless.
Capitola, California
Meet the Faculty
Chris Kresser, MS, LAc
Founder and Executive Director
Chris Kresser, M.S., L.Ac., is the co-director of the California Center
for Functional Medicine, founder of Kresser Institute, creator of, and the New York Times best-selling author of
The Paleo Cure and Unconventional Medicine. He is one of the most
respected clinicians and educators in the fields of Functional Medicine
and ancestral health and has trained over 1,500 clinicians and health
coaches in his unique approach. Chris was named one of the 100
most influential people in health and fitness by and has
appeared as a featured guest on Dr. Oz, Fox & Friends, and in other
national media outlets.
Jody Hereford
Program Director
Jody is on a mission to change health and care in healthcare. She has a
passion for health and how we create it, both in our individual lives and within
organizations and populations.
As a registered nurse, a certified coach, and member of the Motivational
Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT), Jody has been fortunate to practice
this passion in a number of organizations, including Kaiser Permanente, The
Boeing Company, and HealthGrades. She’s also played a variety of roles
in which she helped create strategy, reinvent policy, design programs and
curriculum, facilitate, travel, speak, train, and coach. Among other roles, Jody
has served as the president of the American Association of Cardiovascular and
Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR). She served on the Council of Advisors
for the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching, and she was a designer,
facilitator, and faculty member for the Clinical Health Coach Training Program.
In her free time, Jody can be found exploring and enjoying the Colorado high
country with her golden retriever therapy dog, Pearl.
Robert Biswas-Diener, PhD
Robert is the foremost authority on positive psychology coaching and has consulted
with a wide range of international organizations on performance management and
talent development.
He conducts trainings on coaching, strengths, positivity, courage, and appreciative inquiry with
organizations and businesses around the world and through his own coaching school, Positive
Acorn. Robert has trained professionals in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, South
America, and the Middle East. He has a doctorate in social psychology and a master’s degree
in clinical psychology and is an ICF Professional Certified Coach. He is the author of Practicing
Positive Psychology Coaching, The Courage Quotient, and The Upside of Your Dark Side, among
other books. 31
John Kinyon, MS
John is on a mission to help people learn communication and conflict resolution skills that
create empathy, compassion, and collaboration. For more than two decades, John has mediated
conflicts in a wide range of contexts, including families, businesses, and organizations.
A certified trainer of the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) since 2000, he’s the
co-creator of the international Mediate Your Life (MYL) training program, which draws on the
international work of Compassionate Communication (Nonviolent Communication/NVC) with
mindfulness and a mediation framework.
A seasoned speaker, trainer, and coach, he’s the author of several books, including When Your
Mind Sabotages Your Dreams: Turning Your Critical Internal Voices into Collaborative Allies. He
studied clinical psychology at Penn State University, and during his five years of doctoral study,
he worked as a psychotherapist with individuals and groups and as a research assistant at the
Stress and Anxiety Disorders Institute. John lives with his wife and children in the San Francisco
Bay Area.
Forest Fein, MA
Forest Fein, MA, is the Founder and Executive Director of Wise Up: Greater Wisdom + Wellbeing
for All offering innovative mindfulness-based, science-backed coaching and training to
organizations and corporations. He is also the Head of Youth Mindfulness Programs at UCSF
Hospital Osher Center for Integrative Medicine.
Through community partnerships, Forest designs and teaches mindfulness-based wellness
programs that incorporate yoga, social and emotional intelligence, and positive psychology to
support at-risk and homeless youth to experience greater resiliency, health, and well-being. As
of 2020, his programs have touched the lives of over 4,500 underserved youth. All his work is
rooted in teachings and practices that support compassionate awareness of and care for oneself,
one another, and the earth. Forest has been practicing mindfulness since 1999.
Kerry Evers, PhD
Kerry is Co-President and CEO of Pro-Change Behavior Systems, Inc., a research and
development company on a mission to disseminate evidence-based behavior change solutions to
maximize health and well-being.
In July 2011, Kerry was named one of Rhode Island’s top businesspeople in the annual “40
Under Forty” feature in Providence Business News based on her career success and community
involvement. She has close to 40 publications and has been invited to speak at close to 100
meetings and conferences in the United States and around the world.
She obtained Pro-Change’s first SBIR funding from NIH in 1998 and has been integral in the
awarding and implementation of many of Pro-Change’s corporate contracts. She is currently the
Principal Investigator on $2.5 million of SBIR contracts with the National Institutes of Health. She
received her PhD from the University of Rhode Island, where she is now adjunct faculty. She is
actively involved in a variety of professional societies and several boards of local nonprofits. 32
Ken Kraybill, MSW
Ken has worked in health, behavioral health, and homelessness/housing for
over 30 years. He is a Senior Associate at the Center for Social Innovation
and Director of Training for t3 (think. teach. transform.).
Drawing on his direct service and supervisory experience, Ken has
developed various curricula in best practices. He provides onsite and online
training nationally on motivational interviewing, supervision, outreach and
engagement, tenancy support, trauma-informed care, and renewal for care
providers. Ken earned his master’s degree at the University of Washington in
Seattle and his undergraduate degree from Goshen College in Indiana.
Keith Rhys
For more than 30 years, Keith has helped natural health and wellness
companies and entrepreneurs find their unique message, attract their
passionate audience, and create lasting authority, impact, and income.
As a former health products marketing VP, content marketing expert, and
strategic advisor, Keith has helped health practitioners, wellness authors,
supplement formulators, and some of the biggest alternative wellness
companies in the world break through the noise and get noticed.
Keith has shown his clients how to go from nonexistent to #1 on Google for
meaningful keywords in under six months and grow their lists from 5,000 to
100,000 in under a year. In addition to producing multiple New York Times
best-selling health authors, he has helped health practitioners launch digital
products that produce 200 percent more income annually than they make
from seeing patients.
Keith now works exclusively with current and future thought leaders in
health and wellness through private consulting and via his online guided
course, Evergreen Authority. He teaches you how to build an audience and
attract clients, patients, and followers without becoming a full-time marketer,
without putting your practice on the back burner, and without sacrificing
your purpose and authenticity.
Mary Beth McGavran, PhD
Mary Beth Diener McGavran, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the
Department of Psychology at the University of Kentucky and serves as the
Associate Director of Clinical Training.
Her work focuses on clinical training with graduate students in clinical
psychology, and she also enjoys working on an interprofessional team to
facilitate service learning with medical and allied health students. Since 2014
she has been a mental health specialist doing pro bono work with people
who are refugees at the Survivors of Torture Recovery Center in Louisville,
Kentucky. Dr. McGavran graduated from Grinnell College with Phi Beta
Kappa honors and earned her PhD at the University of Kentucky in 1999. She
grew up in Illinois. 33
Program Calendar
and Important Dates
Enrollment begins
Enrollment ends
Pre-Practicum begins
Holiday break
Break week
Practicum begins
Break week
Course complete and all homework due
Final deadline for A-CFHC certification application
2023 34
Follow these steps to register:
Choose your
payment option
Complete the registration
form on our website
Or, if you need assistance or have questions, please schedule a call with one of our enrollment
advisors. They’d be happy to answer your questions, help you determine if it’s right for you, and walk
you through the enrollment process if you’re ready to register.
Tuition and payment options
We offer three payment options for the ADAPT HCTP:
Tuition and Financing
total price
12 monthly payments
Invest in a new and exciting career for a fraction of the time and cost of a
bachelor’s or master’s degree
One of the benefits of choosing a health coaching career is that you can obtain your training and certification for
significantly less than you would spend if you pursued similar professions in the health and wellness field.
For example, imagine you wanted to become a registered dietitian or certified nutrition specialist, and you don’t yet have
a bachelor’s degree. This is what your path would look like:
Registered Dietitian or Nutritionist ADAPT HCTP
4-year undergraduate degree
2- to 4-year master’s degree and internship
You can earn your ADAPT certification in one year
Further expenses for housing, books, moving, and student fees Minimal additional cost (<$50) for 2 to 3 required course textbooks
Outdated learning model that many students don’t thrive in Based on cutting-edge learning theory to maximize retention and
Often requires a change in residence to attend the school on-site You can participate in the course from anywhere with an internet
connection 24/7
Much of what you learn may not be practical or useful for your
work with clients
A focus on experiential, hands-on training that you can
immediately put to use
Total time commitment: 6 to 8+ years
Total cost: $40,000–$100,000+
Total time commitment: 1 year
Total cost: Approximately $10,000
18 monthly payments 36
Ready to Take the Next Step?
Schedule a call with one of our enrollment advisors to get your questions
answered and learn more about the program.
Our enrollment advisors are graduates of our program and
working health coaches. They can:
Answer your questions about our program
Direct you to additional resources that may support
your decision
Explore the career opportunities that may be the best
fit for you
Discuss differences in education, training, and
certification among programs you may be evaluating
Book a Free Call 37
Do I have to travel to participate?
Nope! While some coaching programs require that you
fly to another location several times a year (which can
add thousands of dollars in expenses), our program is
delivered virtually, so you can learn from the comfort of
your home or office.
Will I get support or any individual
You’ll get tons of support! The program is designed not just to
educate, but to offer hands-on training, supervision, and plenty of
opportunities for feedback, Q&A with the instructors, and small-group
coaching. You will also receive three skills development sessions with our
highly trained mentor coaches to further develop and refine your coaching skills.
The ADAPT HCTP offers more hours of support and mentorship than any other health
coach training program we are aware of.
Will you help me set up my business?
We put a lot of emphasis on helping you succeed in your career as a health coach. In fact,
Business & Professional Development is one of the three main areas of study and training in
the program.
We’ll help you understand the career options for health coaches and how to choose the one that’s
right for you. We’ll teach you how to collaborate with licensed clinicians, and how to approach
them and propose a partnership. And if you decide to start your own practice, we’ll teach you how
to do that too: from the nuts and bolts of setting up your business (legal, banking, bookkeeping,
accounting, scheduling) to clarifying your vision and choosing your niche, from attracting and
retaining clients to launching your online platform, and from optimizing your productivity to
managing your time.
What is the weekly time commitment?
We estimate that with the recorded content, live sessions, and the work you’ll do on your own and
with your assigned partner, you’ll spend 10 to 12 hours per week on this course.
Can I take this program if I don’t live in the United States?
Yes, we’ll hold live support sessions at various times and make every effort to accommodate those
living in different time zones. And of course since the content is virtual, you can access it anytime.
What formats will the content be delivered in?
You’ll learn in a variety of ways. There will be live sessions, video content, and slide decks, as well as
audio content and downloadable worksheets and resources. All you need is an internet connection
to participate! 38
Can I work ahead?
The content will be released weekly, so you can’t work ahead, but trust us—you will have plenty to
do, and we believe the value in this course is that you’re not drinking from a firehose, but instead
will have the chance to pace yourself and really absorb and apply the material.
How long will I have access to the content?
To be eligible for the ADAPT-Certified Functional Health Coach (A-CFHC) certification, including
a certificate of course completion, you will need to complete all required coursework within the
12-month course schedule. You will have an additional nine months to complete the coaching log of
25 practice sessions for the A-CFHC certification beyond the end of the 12-month course.
You will also have access to all the online course materials for your reference for an additional 12
months beyond the 12-month course calendar, but live support will end after course completion or
the first 12 months.
Are there live attendance requirements? What if I miss a
live event?
We do have attendance requirements for live instructor, mentor coach, and teaching assistant
sessions, as some coaching skills need direct interaction to achieve mastery. Attendance is via video
call. But not to worry--we schedule live sessions at times to accommodate most time zones (even
international ones). And the requirements are flexible enough to fit most schedules. Speak to an
enrollment advisor for further details. We also record all live events, so you can catch up on any you
If I wasn’t able to order labs prior to starting this program, will I
be able to order labs after becoming certified in this program?
Ordering and interpreting lab tests would be considered diagnosing a disease, which is outside of
the scope of practice of a health coach—unless you have an existing license (e.g., MD, NP, etc.) that
enables you to do this. Please see this article for a thorough discussion of this topic.
What kind of contact will I have with Chris Kresser?
Chris will host a live Q&A every other month on a series of topics throughout the program. He also
hosts or cohosts periodic webinars on special topics, such as health coach scope of practice, the
collaborative care model, and behavior change.
What if I start the program and decide it’s not for me? Is there a
money-back guarantee?
We make every effort to ensure that you have everything you need to make a confident and
informed decision before you enroll. If you are considering enrolling but feel unsure, please schedule
a free consultation with an enrollment advisor.
We offer a refund prior to the end of the enrollment period. We also have a satisfaction/refund
policy that applies to the first six weeks of the course. You can read the details of the refund policy
here. After six weeks, no refunds are offered. 39
Register Now to
Secure Your Spot in
the Fall ’21 Cohort
Enrollment is simple, can be done online,
and only takes a few minutes!