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For decades, employers have partnered with organizations to
deliver programs to improve the health of their employee population—but how do employers know if their partner
is delivering the best health and wellness programs for the population?
NCQAs Wellness and Health Promotion Accreditation program evaluates whether wellness and health
promotion organizations incorporate industry best practices and apply evidence-based methods to programs that
support health and improve outcomes.
What Is Wellness and Health Promotion Accreditation?
NCQA Wellness and Health Promotion Accreditation was developed to provide a framework for
evaluating programs that engage individuals in improving their health. Thirteen categories, comprising
more than 60 elements, evaluate organizations in areas such as:
Wellness and Health
Promotion Accreditation
How does the organization identify
the needs of its population and
target efforts to these individuals?
How does the organization increase
health awareness and engage
employees in wellness activities?
Can the organization exchange and
integrate data into the operations of
the program?
Does the organization measure the
quality of its programs and take action
to improve, based on measurement?
The National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit that
uses measurement, transparency and accountability to improve health care. NCQA
creates standards, measures performance and highlights organizations that do well.
All this helps drive improvement, save lives, keep people healthy and save money.
1100 13th Street NW | Third Floor | Washington, DC 20005
What Should Employers Do?
Employers should determine if the organizations that provide wellness and health promotion programs
to their employees are NCQA Accredited. Information about Accredited plans can also be found on
NCQAs Report Cards.
What Does Wellness and Health Promotion Accreditation Mean for Employers?
As employers implement wellness programs, engaging with organizations that have earned NCQA
Wellness and Health Promotion Accreditation assures them that their partner is committed to following
evidence-based methods for program delivery and employee engagement.
For more
information and
resources for
employers, visit
Organizations that provide programs around specific areas, such as health coaching, self-
management tools or health appraisals may choose to receive a NCQA Wellness and Health
Promotion certification. For example, companies specializing in health coaching may choose to follow
the certification standards set around health coaching programs. Or a company with a new app to
help manage a specific chronic condition might wish to focus on a self-management certification.
Regardless of the company’s wellness focus, NCQA provides the standards that companies should
abide by if they are committed to delivering a quality program.
What Is Certification and How Does it Differ from Accreditation?