Corporate Fraud Prevention Policy Page 1 of 7
Category: Governance
Corporate Fraud Prevention Policy
Policy Number: GOV-110
Approved by: Council Resolution # C149-2023June 14, 2023
Administered by: Legal Services
Effective Date: June 14, 2023
1. Background .............................................................................................................................. 2
2. Purpose .................................................................................................................................... 2
3. Application and Scope ............................................................................................................. 2
4. Outcomes ................................................................................................................................. 2
5. Policy Statements .................................................................................................................... 2
6. Roles and Responsibilities ....................................................................................................... 4
7. Monitoring and Compliance .................................................................................................... 5
8. Definitions ................................................................................................................................ 6
9. References and Resources ....................................................................................................... 6
10. Revision History ....................................................................................................................... 7
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1. Background
The City of Brampton (“City”) is committed to maintaining an environment of fairness,
ethical behaviour, honesty, and intolerance of Fraud. In line with that commitment, the
City has implemented the Corporate Fraud Prevention Policy to reinforce the City’s
commitment to Fraud prevention and detection and set out the City’s response to
allegations of suspected or actual Fraud.
2. Purpose
This Policy aims to establish the requirements and responsibilities for the prevention,
detection, and reporting of Fraud, the conduct of Fraud investigations, and the
consequences when Fraud has occurred.
3. Application and Scope
This Council Policy applies to all employees or persons acting on behalf of the City,
including management, bargaining unit staff, and full-time, part-time, permanent,
volunteer, and contract employees.
3.1 Exceptions
3.1.1 This Council Policy does not apply to the Mayor and Councillors, whom the
Council Code of Conduct governs. Any allegations implicating the Mayor and
Councillors may be directed to the Office of the Integrity Commissioner.
4. Outcomes
4.1 An environment of fairness, ethical behaviour, honesty, and intolerance of Fraud.
4.2 Commitment to Fraud prevention and detection.
4.3 Defined roles and responsibilities in response to suspected acts of Fraud.
5. Policy Statements
5.1 This Policy addresses specific guidelines and responsibilities regarding actions for
detecting, reporting, and investigating Fraud or other similar irregularities.
5.2 The City will identify and promptly investigate any possible Fraud or unethical
activities against the City and pursue legal remedies when appropriate.
5.3 The City will take appropriate disciplinary and legal actions against employees and
entities, up to and including termination of employment or contract, restitution, and
forwarding information to the appropriate authorities for criminal prosecution.
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5.4 This Policy clarifies acts that are considered Fraudulent and describes the steps to
be taken when Fraud or other related irregularities are suspected or have occurred.
This statement also includes the procedures to follow in accounting for missing
funds, restitution, and recoveries.
5.5 Fraud Assessment and Investigation
a) Internal Audit will carry out an initial assessment. A determination of
whether the allegation warrants additional investigation will be made
after completing this assessment.
b) The Director of Internal Audit may delegate the investigation to City
management, Internal Audit staff, or a third-party investigator.
Allegations with implications that are in the purview of an Accountability
Office may be forwarded to the appropriate office. See “Special Cases”
for exceptions.
c) Internal Audit requires regular updates, findings, recommendations, and
confirmation of action taken, if applicable, from City management or a
third-party investigator.
d) Not all Fraud Allegations will result in an investigation. For example,
Internal Audit may not investigate allegations that lack relevant details,
have no reasonable factual basis to proceed, or are false or vexatious.
e) Investigators of suspected Fraud will not disclose or discuss the
investigation with anyone other than those with a legitimate need to
f) Internal Audit, in consultation with Legal Services, may report suspected
illegal activities to Peel Regional Police or appropriate government
g) Every reasonable effort shall be taken to recover losses due to Fraud.
5.6 Special Cases
a) Allegations Implicating Identifiable Senior Positions
Where the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Department Heads, City Clerk, City
Solicitor, Director of Internal Audit, Director of Human Resources, or City Treasurer are
implicated in allegations of Fraud, a third party will be retained to investigate the
allegations and transmit their findings to Brampton City Council.
b) Allegations on Matters That Fall Under the Accountability Offices
From time to time, allegations on matters intended for the Accountability Offices as
defined in the Municipal Act, 2001 may come through the City’s Ethics Hotline. In such
cases, Internal Audit will advise the complainant(s), forward the allegation to the
appropriate City of Brampton’s Accountability Office, and close the case. Cases may
also be forwarded to the City of Brampton’s Accountability Offices if an aspect of an
allegation falls within their purview. The City has established three Accountability Offices:
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The Integrity Commissioner, Lobbyist Registrar, and Closed Meeting Investigator. In
addition, the Ontario Ombudsman currently functions as Brampton’s Municipal
5.7 Protection Against Reprisal
The City will not tolerate any form of retaliation against persons who, in good faith,
provide information concerning Fraud. No one governed by this Policy shall retaliate
against an employee reporting Fraud with the intent of adversely affecting the terms or
conditions of employment or otherwise.
5.8 This Policy is designed to augment any other corporate policies containing related
information. It does not replace or preclude them. To the extent that this Policy may
conflict with any other corporate policies containing related information, this Policy
will take precedence to the extent only of such conflict. Alternatively, please refer to
clause 6.10 of this policy for resolution.
6. Roles and Responsibilities
Employee Responsibilities
6.1 All employees must review this Policy annually and sign an acknowledgment form.
When suspected Fraudulent incidents or practices are observed by or made known to
any person governed by this Policy, the following will be done:
a) Suspected incidents or practices of Fraud will be reported to the
supervisor for reporting to the proper management official. When the
employee believes the supervisor may be involved in inappropriate
activity, the employee will make the report directly to a higher level of
b) All suspected Fraudulent incidents or practices must be reported to the
City’s Ethics Hotline immediately. Reporting can be done either by the
employee, their supervisor, or the Human Resources staff that they have
consulted with. Reporters using the Hotline may choose to remain
c) Any City employees will report suspected Fraud to the City’s Ethics
Hotline and, when doing so, must act in good faith and have reasonable
grounds for believing the information provided. No person shall make an
allegation that is known to be false.
d) The person reporting the Fraud shall provide sufficient information to
allow a reviewer to assess the allegation. This should include a synopsis
of the Fraud, specific actions, dates or timelines, and persons involved.
e) All employees must cooperate with Fraud investigations
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Management Responsibilities
6.1 Management should be familiar with the types of Fraud in their area and create and
maintain effective monitoring, review, and control procedures to prevent and detect
Fraud, misappropriations, and other irregularities.
The Corporate Leadership Team is responsible for taking corrective actions on confirmed
Fraud and engaging Human Resources and Legal Services as required.
Human Resource Responsibility
6.1 Human Resources will provide all new employees and volunteers with a copy of the
Policy as part of their orientation. In addition, the new employees and volunteers
will acknowledge receipt of the Policy in writing.
6.2 On an annual basis, all employees must read and acknowledge understanding of
this Policy by signing an acknowledgment form.
6.3 Human Resources will retain copies of the written acknowledgment by individuals
who have received this Policy. Acceptable record retention includes digital
acknowledgement and check-box.
Internal Audit Responsibilities
6.4 Internal Audit is responsible for managing and coordinating the investigation of all
suspected Fraud and related investigative activities with appropriate parties and
6.5 Internal Audit shall advise the Council and the Chief Administrative Officer of any
allegations involving significant and imminent risk to the City.
City Legal Services Responsibilities
6.6 City Legal Services owns the City’s Fraud Prevention Policy and is responsible for
this Policy’s periodic review, revision, and interpretation.
7. Monitoring and Compliance
7.1 Consequences of non-compliance
7.1.1 Failure to follow this Policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and
including termination of employment and prosecution by appropriate
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8. Definitions
8.1 ‘Fraud’ for this Policy means all unethical or dishonest acts, deception, abuse,
waste, and misconduct including, but not limited to:
a) Diversion, manipulation, misapplication, mistreatment, or misuse of
City resources;
b) A false representation of facts, including making false or misleading
statements or trying to hide wrongdoing by a person or an
c) Deception which is intentional and results in a benefit to a person,
causes damage, harm, or loss to the City or others;
d) Unnecessary spending or careless squandering of the City’s
e) Conduct contrary to the Employee Code of Conduct, specifically:
Failure to disclose a conflict of interest, whether direct or indirect;
Breach of trust;
Solicitation of gifts and benefits; and
Unauthorized use of City property and Assets for personal benefit, gain, or
Please refer to Appendix A for some examples of Fraud under this Policy.
9. References and Resources
This Council Policy should be read and applied in conjunction with the following
references and resources as updated from time to time. Please note that some of
the following documents may not be publicly available.
9.1 References to related bylaws, Council policies, and administrative directives
Employee Code of Conduct
Employee Expense Policies
Information Technology Use Policy
Respectful Workplace Policy
Purchasing Card Policy PUR-120
Purchasing By-Law 19-2018
Conflict of Interest Provincial Offences Act Policy
9.2 References to related corporate-wide procedures, forms, and resources
Fraud Service Card
ClearView Connects (Ethics Reporting Hotline)
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10. Revision History
Date Description
2018/03/07 Replaces Policy 2.14.0 Corporate Fraud Prevention Policy
2019/09/25 The annual review resulted in minor edits. Amended by Council
Resolutions C353-2019 and AU0352019.
2023/05/25 Policy amended through Council Resolution C149-2023.
The review resulted in revisions/additions to clarify the following:
City Legal Services, as the Chief Administrative
Officer’s designate, owns the Fraud Prevention Policy
and is responsible for the policy’s periodic review,
update, and interpretation.
The City’s Fraud Hotline has been renamed to
“Ethics Reporting Hotline.”
Internal Audit leads the assessment, investigation,
and reporting processes of allegations received by the
Ethics Reporting Hotline.
Where the CAO, Department Heads, City Clerk, City
Solicitor, City Treasurer, Director of Human Resources, or
Director of Internal Audit are implicated in allegations of
ethics violations, the investigative process has been
In addition, minor changes were made to clarify the “Outcomes”
and “Policy Statement” sections. In addition, “Director, Internal
Audit” has replaced “Chief Audit Executive.” The revised policy
mandated reporting of “All suspected fraudulent incidents or
practices must be reported to the City’s Ethics Reporting Hotline
Reporters using the Hotline may choose to remain anonymous.” to
paragraph 6.2 b) based on benchmarking against other
2024/05/01 Next Scheduled Review