Chapter 2 Mechanical Equilibrium 3
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Static Equilibrium
1. Little Nellie Newton
wishes to be a
gymnast and hangs
from a variety of
positions as shown.
Since she is not
accelerating, the net
force on her is zero.
That is, F = 0. This
means the upward
pull of the rope(s)
equals the down ward
pull of gravity. She
weighs 300 N. Show
the scale reading(s)
for each case.
2. When Burl the painter stands in the exact
middle of his staging, the left scale reads
600 N. Fill in the reading on the right scale.
The total weight of Burl and staging must be
3. Burl stands farther from the left. Fill in the
reading on the right scale.
4. In a silly mood, Burl dangles from the right
end. Fill in the reading on the right scale.
500 500
4 Chapter 2 Mechanical Equilibrium
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The Equilibrium Rule: F = 0
1. Manuel weighs 1000 N and stands in the
middle of a board that weighs 200 N.
The ends of the board rest on bathroom
scales. (We can assume the weight of the
board acts at its center.) Fill in the
correct weight reading on each scale.
2. When Manuel moves to the left as shown, the scale
closest to him reads 850 N. Fill in the weight for the
far scale.
3. A 12-ton truck is one-quarter the way
across a bridge that weighs 20 tons. A
13-ton force supports the right side of
the bridge as shown. How much support
force is on the left side?
4. A 1000-N crate resting on a surface is
connected to a 500-N block through a
frictionless pulley as shown. Friction
between the crate and surface is enough
to keep the system at rest. The arrows
show the forces that act on the crate and
the block. Fill in the magnitude of each
5. If the crate and block in the preceding question move at constant speed, the tension in the rope
(is the same) (increases) (decreases).
The sliding system is then in (static equilibrium) (dynamic equilibrium).
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Vectors and Equilibrium
1. Nellie Newton dangles
from a vertical rope
in equilibrium:
= 0.
The tension in the rope
(upward vector) has the same
magnitude as the downward
pull of gravity (downward vector).
2. Nellie is supported by
two vertical ropes.
Draw tension vectors
to scale along the direction
of each rope.
3. This time the vertical ropes
have different lengths. Draw
tension vectors to scale for
each of the two ropes.
4. Nellie is supported by three
vertical ropes that are
equally taut but have
different lengths. Again,
draw tension vectors to scale
for each of the three ropes.
Circle the correct answers.
5. We see that tension in a rope is (dependent on) (independent of) the length of the rope. So the length
of a vector representing rope tension is (dependent on) (independent of) the length of the rope.
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Net Force
Fill in the magnitudes of net force for each case.
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Vectors and Equilibrium
The rock hangs at rest from a single string. Only two forces act on it, the upward
tension T of the string, and the downward pull of gravity W. The forces are equal
in magnitude and opposite in direction.
Net force on the rock is (zero) (greater than zero).
Here the rock is suspended by 2 strings. Tension in each string acts in a
direction along the string. We’ll show tension of the left string by vector A,
and tension of the right string by vector B. The resultant of A and B is found by
the parallelogram rule, and is shown by the dashed vector. Note it has the same
magnitude as W, so the net force on the rock is
(zero) (greater than zero).
Consider strings at unequal angles. The resultant A+B is still equal
and opposite to W, and is shown by the dashed vector. Construct the
appropriate parallelogram to produce this resultant. Show the rela-
tive magnitudes of A and B.
Tension in A is (less than) (equal to) (greater than) tension in B.
Repeat the procedure for the arrangement below.
Here tension is greater in .
Construct vectors A and B for the cases below. First draw a vector W, then the parallelogram that has
equal and opposite vector A + B as the diagonal. Then fi nd approximate magnitudes of A and B.
Chapter 3 Newtons First Law of Motion—Inertia 9
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Mass and Weight
Learning physics is learning the connections among concepts in nature, and
also learning to distinguish between closely related concepts. Velocity and
acceleration, which are treated in the next chapter, are often confused. Similarly
in this chapter, we fi nd that mass and weight are often confused. They arent the
same! Please review the distinction between mass and weight in your textbook. To
reinforce your understanding of this distinction, circle the correct answers below.
Comparing the concepts of mass and weight, one is basic—fundamental—
depending only on the internal makeup of an object and the number and kind of atoms that compose
it. The concept that is fundamental is (mass) (weight).
The concept that additionally depends on location in a gravitational fi eld is (mass) (weight).
(Mass) (Weight) is a measure of the amount of matter in an object and only depends on
the number and kind of atoms that compose it.
It can correctly be said that (mass) (weight) is a measure of “laziness” of an object.
(Mass) (Weight) is related to the gravitational force acting on the object.
(Mass) (Weight) depends on an object’s location, whereas (mass) (weight) does not.
In other words, a stone would have the same (mass) (weight) whether it is on the surface of Earth or on
the surface of the moon. However, its (mass) (weight) depends on its location.
On the moons surface, where gravity is only about one sixth of Earth gravity (mass) (weight)
(both the mass and the weight) of the stone would be the same as on Earth.
While mass and weight are not the same, they are (directly proportional) (inversely proportional)
to each other. In the same location, twice the mass has (twice) (half) the weight.
The International System of Units (SI) unit of mass is the (kilogram) (newton), and the SI unit of
force is the (kilogram) (newton).
In the United States, it is common to measure the mass of something by measuring its gravitational pull
to Earth, its weight. The common unit of weight in the U.S. is the (pound) (kilogram) (newton).
450 N
99 lb
45.0 kg
1125 N
* Any value for kg as long as the same value is multiplied by 10 for N.
0.1 kg
10 N
600 N
10 Chapter 3 Newtons First Law of Motion—Inertia
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Converting Mass to Weight
Objects with mass also have weight (although they can be weightless under special conditions). If you
know the mass of something in kilograms and want its weight in newtons, at Earths surface, you can
take advantage of the formula that relates weight and mass.
Weight = mass × acceleration due to gravity
W = mg
This is in accord with Newtons second law, written as
F = ma.
When the force of gravity is the only
force, the acceleration of any object of mass
will be
the acceleration of free fall. Importantly,
as a proportionality constant, 10 N/kg, which is equivalent to 10 m/s
Sample Question:
How much does a 1-kg bag of nails weigh on Earth?
W = mg = (1 kg)(10 m/s
) = 10 m/s
= 10 N,
or simply, W = mg = (1 kg)(10 N/kg) = 10 N.
Answer the following questions.
Felicia the ballet dancer has a mass of 45.0 kg.
1. What is Felicias weight in newtons at Earths surface?
2. Given that 1 kilogram of mass corresponds to 2.2 pounds at
Earths surface, what is Felicias weight in pounds on Earth?
3. What would be Felicias mass on the surface of Jupiter?
4. What would be Felicias weight on Jupiter’s surface,
where the acceleration due to gravity is 25.0 m/s
Different masses are hung on a spring scale calibrated in newtons.
The force exerted by gravity on 1 kg = 10 N.
5. The force exerted by gravity on 5 kg = N.
6. The force exerted by gravity on kg = 100 N.
Make up your own mass and show the corresponding weight:
The force exerted by gravity on kg = N.
By whatever means (spring scales,
measuring balances, etc.), fi nd the
mass of your physics book. Then
complete the table.
A body in motion tends to remain in motion as long as no net force is exerted on the body in
the direction of motion. Since there is no horizontal force on the pencil, its horizontal motion
doesn’t change.
Chapter 3 Newtons First Law of Motion—Inertia 11
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Circle the correct answers.
1. An astronaut in outer space away from gravitational or frictional forces throws a rock. The rock will
(gradually slow to a stop)
(continue moving in a straight line at constant speed).
The rock’s tendency to do this is called
(inertia) (weight) (acceleration).
2. The sketch shows a top view of a rock being whirled at
the end of a string (clockwise). If the string breaks, the
path of the rock is
(A) (B) (C) (D).
3. Suppose you are standing in the aisle of a bus that travels
along a straight road at 100 km/h, and you hold a pencil still
above your head. Then relative to the bus, the velocity of the
pencil is 0 km/h, and relative to the road, the pencil has a
horizontal velocity of
(less than 100 km/h) (100 km/h) (more than 100 km/h).
Suppose you release the pencil. While it is dropping, and rela-
tive to the road, the pencil still has a horizontal velocity of
(less than 100 km/h) (100 km/h) (more than 100 km/h).
This means that the pencil will strike the fl oor at a place directly
(behind you) (at your feet below your hand) (in front of you).
Relative to you, the way the pencil drops
(is the same as if the bus were at rest)
(depends on the velocity of the bus).
How does this example illustrate the law of inertia?
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Chapter 1 About Science
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Chapter 1 3
1.1 The Basic Science—Physics (page 1)
1. The study of science today branches into the study of the
sciences and the sciences.
2. Write L or P beside each of the following to classify it as a branch of life
science or physical science.
zoology astronomy
physics botany
chemistry geology
3. Complete the following table by identifying each type of science described.
Type of Science Description
The study of the nature of things such as motion, forces, energy,
matter, heat, sound, light, and the composition of atoms
The study of how matter is put together, how atoms combine
to form molecules, and how the molecules combine to make up
The study of matter that is alive
1.2 Mathematics—The Language of Science (page 1)
4. When the ideas of science are expressed in mathematical terms, they are
5. Explain why equations are often used in science.
6. Is the following sentence true or false? Scientific findings are harder
to verify or to disprove when they are expressed mathematically.
1.3 Scientific Methods (page 2)
7. Which two scientists are usually credited as the principal founders of the
scientific method?
8. Name five steps that are generally included in scientific methods.
Equations provide compact expressions of relationships between concepts.
Francis Bacon
Galileo Galilei
Make an educated guess—a hypothesis—about the answer.
Formulate the simplest general rule that organizes the main ingredients: hypothesis, prediction,
and experimental outcome.
Recognize a problem.
Predict the consequences of the hypothesis.
Perform experiments to test predictions.
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Chapter 1 About Science
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Chapter 1
9. Is the following statement true or false? Following the steps of the
scientific method exactly is an important part of the success of science.
1.4 The Scientific Attitude (pages 2–3)
Match each term to its definition.
Term Definition
10. law or principle
11. fact
12. hypothesis
13. What should happen if a scientist finds evidence that contradicts a hypothesis,
law, or principle?
14. Which is more reliable, an idea of a scientist who has an excellent reputation or a
single verifiable experiment that shows the idea is wrong?
15. In everyday speech, the word theory means
16. In science, the word theory means
17. Is the following statement true or false? Once an idea becomes a theory, it cannot
be changed.
1.5 Scientific Hypotheses (page 4)
18. What must be true in order for a hypothesis to be scientific?
19. To determine whether a hypothesis is scientific or not, you should
20. Scientists perform a(n)
to test a(n) .
21. Is the following hypothesis scientific? Why? “Intelligent life exists on other planets
somewhere in the universe.”
a. a close agreement by competent observers
who make a series of observations of the same
b. a hypothesis that has been tested over and over
again and not contradicted
c. an educated guess that is not fully accepted until
demonstrated by experiment
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The hypothesis, law, or principle must be changed or abandoned.
a single verifiable experiment that shows the idea is wrong
a supposition that has not been verified
a synthesis of a large body of information that
encompasses well-tested and verified hypotheses about certain aspects of the natural world
The hypothesis must be testable.
look to see if there is a test for proving it wrong
scientific hypothesis
No; there is no test for proving it wrong.
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Chapter 1 5
1.6 Science, Technology, and Society (page 5)
22. Science is a method of answering ; technology is a method of
23. Write S or T to indicate whether the following statements describe science or
Involves the design and creation of something for the use and enjoyment of
Has to do with discovering facts and relationships between observable
phenomena in nature
1.7 Science, Art, and Religion (page 6)
Match each term to its definition.
Term Definition
24. science
25. art
26. religion
27. The domain of science is
; the domain of religion is
1.8 In Perspective (page 7)
28. Is the following statement true or false? Progress was much slower thousands of
years ago than it is today.
29. Thousands of years ago, the building of great structures such as the Pyramids was
inspired by
30. Is the inspiration for progress today similar to or different from the inspiration
thousands of years ago?
a. concerned with the source, purpose, and
meaning of everything
b. concerned with the value of human interactions
as they pertain to the senses
c. concerned with discovering and recording
natural phenomena
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natural order
nature’s purpose
a vision of the cosmos
similar to
theoretical questions
practical problems
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Chapter 2 Mechanical Equilibrium
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Chapter 2 9
2.1 Force (pages 13–14)
1. A force is a or a .
2. A force is needed to change the state of
of an
3. Is the following sentence true or false? If an object is sliding on ice, it will
continue sliding until a force slows it down.
4. Define net force.
Match the applied forces on an object with the letter of the corresponding net
force on the object.
Applied Forces Net Force
5. 5 N to the right and5Ntotheleft a. 2 N to the left
6. 4 N to the right and6Ntotheleft b. 2 N to the right
7. 7 N to the right and5Ntotheleft c. 10 N to the right
8. 6 N to the right and4Ntotheright d. 0 N (no change in motion)
9. Describe the forces that act on a rock at rest in your hand.
10. Circle the letter that identifies the force acting upward on an object
suspended from a spring scale.
a. gravity b. equilibrium
c. tension d. weight
11. A
is an arrow that represents the magnitude and
direction of a quantity.
12. Explain the difference between a vector quantity and a scalar quantity.
13. Write V beside each vector quantity. Write S beside each scalar quantity.
a. time b. area
c. force d. volume
the combination of all forces acting on an object
Your hand pushes upward on the rock with as much force as Earth’s gravity pulls down
on it.
A vector quantity is a quantity that describes both magnitude and direction. A scalar
quantity can be described by magnitude only and has no direction.
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Chapter 2
2.2 Mechanical Equilibrium (page 16)
14. Express the equilibrium rule in words.
15. Express the equilibrium rule mathematically, and explain what the
symbol in the rule means.
16. Circle the letter that describes the forces acting on a suspended object
at rest.
a. The forces acting upward on the object are greater than the
forces acting downward on the object.
b. The forces acting upward on the object are less than the forces
acting downward on the object.
c. The forces acting upward and downward on the object are
d. No forces are acting on the object.
2.3 Support Force (page 17)
17. Identify the two forces acting on a book at rest on a table. State the
direction of each force.
18. The force is the upward force that balances the
weight of an object on a surface. Another name for this force is the
19. Look at the drawing above. Explain how the force of the table
pushing up on the book is similar to what happens when the spring is
The weight of the book due to gravity acts downward.
Whenever the net force on an object is zero, the object is said to be in mechanical
¤F = 0; the symbol ¤ means “the sum of.”
The support force provided by the table acts upward on the book.
When the spring is compressed, it pushes upward on your hand. Similarly, the book
sitting on the table compresses the atoms of the table. The atoms then push upward on
the book.
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Chapter 2 11
20. Circle the letter that describes an object at rest on a horizontal surface.
a. The support force is equal to the object’s weight.
b. The support force is greater than the object’s weight.
c. The support force is less than the object’s weight.
2.4 Equilibrium for Moving Objects (pages 18–19)
21. If an object is moving at a speed in a
path, it is in a state of equilibrium.
22. Is the following sentence true or false? If a desk is pushed at a
constant speed across a horizontal floor, the force of friction
must be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the pushing
force on the desk.
23. Objects at rest are said to be in equilibrium.
24. Objects moving at constant speed in a straight-line path are said to be in
2.5 Vectors (pages 19–22)
25. Suppose a gymnast with a weight of 300 N is suspended by a single
vertical rope. What is the tension in the rope?
26. Now suppose the same gymnast hangs from two vertical ropes. What
are the tensions in the ropes?
27. Define resultant.
28. State the parallelogram rule.
29. The gymnast shown below is suspended from two non-vertical ropes.
The solid vector represents the gymnast’s weight. What does the dashed
vector represent?
300 N
150 N in each rope
the sum of two or more vectors
To find the resultant of two vectors, construct a parallelogram wherein the two vectors
are adjacent sides. The diagonal of the parallelogram shows the resultant.
the resultant of the tensions in both ropes
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Chapter 3 Newton’s First Law of Motion—Inertia
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Chapter 3 15
3.1 Aristotle on Motion (pages 29–30)
Fill in the blanks with the correct terms.
1. Aristotle divided motion into two types:
2. Natural motion on Earth was once thought to be either
or .
3. Aristotle thought that it was natural for heavy things to
and for light things to .
4. Aristotle also thought that
motion was natural for
objects beyond Earth and that the planets and stars moved in perfect
circles around
5. What force was thought to have caused a horse and cart to experience
violent motion?
6. Before the 1500s, the proper state of objects was thought to be one of
, unless they were being pushed or pulled or were
moving toward their natural resting place.
7. Is the following statement true or false? Early thinkers thought that
violent motion was imposed motion.
8. Is the following statement true or false? It was commonly thought by
many ancient thinkers that if an object moved “against its nature,” then
a force of some kind was responsible.
3.2 Copernicus and the Moving Earth (page 30)
Determine if each of the following statements is true or false.
9. Copernicus thought that Earth and other planets move
around the sun.
10. Copernicus thought that Earth was at the center of the
11. Copernicus did not publish his ideas until he was near
12. Copernicus lived a long and happy life after his works
were published.
13. Why did Copernicus do most of his work in secret?
3.3 Galileo on Motion (pages 30–32)
14. What was one of Galileo’s great contributions to physics?
15. A force is any or .
natural motion
straight down
violent motion
straight up
the pull of the horse
Copernicus’ ideas were very controversial, so he worked in secret to avoid persecution.
demolishing the notion that a force is necessary to keep an object moving
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Chapter 3 Newton’s First Law of Motion—Inertia
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Chapter 3
16. Explain what friction is and how it acts.
17. In the drawings below, describe each type of slope on the top line. On
the bottom line, describe the slope’s affect on speed.
a. b. c.
18. Based on his experiments with rolling balls, Galileo was able to conclude
that when friction is present, a
is needed to keep
an object moving.
19. Describe the property of inertia in your own words.
3.4 Newton’s Law of Inertia (pages 33–35)
20. What is another name for Newton’s first law of motion?
21. State Newton’s first law of motion.
22. Use Newton’s first law of motion to explain what happens to dishes on a
table when the tablecloth is quickly pulled from beneath them.
23. Objects in a state of rest tend to remain at rest; only a
will change that state.
24. Use Newton’s first law of motion to explain why an air hockey puck
slides on the game table with no apparent loss in speed. Name two
things that can cause the puck to change its state of motion.
25. Once an object is moving in a force-free environment, for how long will
it move in a straight line?
Friction is the force that acts between materials that touch as they move past each other.
Friction is caused by irregularities in the surfaces that are touching. All irregularities
obstruct motion causing a force (friction) that opposes motion.
Slope downward
Speed increases
Slope upward
Speed decreases
No slope
Speed does not change
A body in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by a force. Likewise, a body at rest
will stay at rest unless acted on by a force. Or, every object resists change to its state of
the law of inertia
Newton’s first law states that every object continues in a state of rest, or of uniform
speed in a straight line, unless it is acted on by a nonzero net force.
Dishes on a tabletop are at rest. They tend to remain at rest even when the tablecloth is
pulled from beneath them because friction between the dishes and the tablecloth is not
significant enough to move the dishes very much.
In the absence of forces, a moving object such as the air hockey puck will move
indefinitely in a straight line. The puck will change its motion if it is struck or if it hits the
side of the playing table.
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Chapter 3 17
3.5 Mass—A Measure of Inertia (pages 36–38)
26. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about the mass of an object.
a. The amount of inertia an object has depends on its mass.
b. The more mass an object has, the greater its inertia.
c. Volume and mass are the same quantity.
d. Mass is usually measured in kilograms.
27. Which item below has more mass? Which has more volume? Which has
the greater inertia?
28. Is the following sentence true or false? Mass is a measure of the
gravitational force acting on an object.
29. is a measure of the amount of material in an object
and depends on the number of and kind of atoms that compose it.
30. Is the following sentence true or false? A stone has the same mass
on Earth and on the moon, but its weight is less on the moon.
31. is the quantity of matter in an object.
is the force of gravity on an object.
Match each phrase with the correct word.
Phrase Word
33. traditional unit of weight
in the United States
34. measure of matter in most
parts of the world
35. SI unit of mass
36. SI unit of force
3.6 The Moving Earth Again (pages 38–39)
37. If Earth is rotating at 30 km/s, explain how a bird sitting on a tree can
drop down vertically and grab a worm that is crawling on the ground.
a. kilogram
b. mass
c. pound
d. newton
The battery has greater mass and thus greater inertia. The pillow has greater volume.
Earth, the bird, the tree, the ground, and the worm are all rotating as one unit. Because
everything is rotating as one unit, Earth’s rotation does not affect the bird’s ability to
descend vertically to grab the worm.
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Chapter 3 Newton’s First Law of Motion—Inertia
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Chapter 3
38. A girl is sitting on a bus that is traveling at 30 km/h. She is throwing her
tennis ball gently into the air and catching it. Circle the letter of each true
a. The tennis ball is moving faster than the girl riding on the bus.
b. The tennis ball is behaving as if the bus were at rest.
c. The inertia of the tennis ball changes when it is thrown.
d. Gravity affects only the vertical motion of the tennis ball.
Match the ideas on motion with the correct scientist.
Idea Scientist
39. did not recognize inertia
40. developed the law of inertia
41. believed that horizontal motion
was “unnatural”
42. was one of the first to recognize
that no force was needed to keep
an object in motion
a. Aristotle
b. Newton
c. Galileo