Waiver of Liens/Contractor/PennHOMES
Page 1 of 3 August, 2009
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That contemporaneously with the execution
hereof, an agreement has been entered into between __________________________________,
__________________________________, with a principal place of business at
__________________________________, ___________________________________________
_________________________________________, __________________________________,
with a principal place of business at _______________________________________________,
_____________________________________________, ("Contractor") relating to the
construction and/or rehabilitation of a housing project upon the real estate located at
_______________________________________, ___________________ County, Pennsylvania,
and described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Agreement"); and,
advance certain funds to Owner to finance such rehabilitation of the housing project in
consideration of the execution of this Waiver.
NOW, THEREFORE, intending to be legally bound hereby, at the time of and
immediately before the execution of the Agreement, and before any authority has been given by
Owner to Contractor to commence work on said housing project, for and in consideration of the
making of the Agreement with Owner, Contractor does hereby, for Contractor and any and all
subcontractors, material suppliers and parties acting or claiming for, through or under
Contractor, including, inter alia, any mechanical or electrical engineer, construction engineer or
civil engineer, covenant and agree with Owner and PENNSYLVANIA HOUSING FINANCE
AGENCY that no mechanics' liens or claims shall be filed or maintained by Contractor, or any
of them, against the real estate described in Exhibit A attached hereto, or the buildings thereon,
for or on account of any work done or materials furnished under the Agreement or under any
supplemental contract, verbal or written, or contract for extra work in or about the rehabilitation
and/or construction and completion of the housing project, or otherwise; and Contractor, for
Contractor and any and all subcontractors, material suppliers and parties acting or claiming
through or under Contractor, including, inter alia, any mechanical or electrical engineer,
construction engineer or civil engineer, hereby expressly waives and relinquishes the right to
have, file or maintain any mechanics' liens or claims against the real estate or buildings.
Waiver of Liens/Contractor/PennHOMES
Page 2 of 3 August, 2009
This Waiver waiving the right of lien shall be in an independent covenant and shall
operate and be effective as well with respect to work done and materials furnished under any
supplemental contract for extra work in the rehabilitation and/or construction and completion of
the housing project as to any work and labor done and materials furnished under the Agreement.
power and authority to protect the real estate and buildings against any and all mechanics' liens
or claims filed by Contractor or anyone acting or claiming for, through or under Contractor or in
violation of the Agreement or this Waiver, Contractor, for itself and all subcontractors, material
suppliers and parties acting or claiming for, through or under Contractor, including, inter alia,
any mechanical or electrical engineer, construction engineer or civil engineer, hereby irrevocably
authorizes and empowers any attorney of any Court of Common Pleas of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania or any attorney of any court or jurisdiction there or elsewhere, to appear in any
court or jurisdiction for Contractor, and mark satisfied of record, at the cost and expense of
Contractor, or any such subcontractor, material suppliers or party including, inter alia, any
mechanical or electrical engineer, construction engineer or civil engineer, any and all claim or
claims, lien or liens filed by or for Contractor, in its or their name against the real estate,
buildings, or any part thereof, and, for such act or acts this shall be a good and sufficient warrant
and authority, and a reference to the Court, term and number or place in which the Agreement
and this Waiver shall have been filed shall be sufficient exhibit of the authority herein contained
to warrant such action; and Contractor, for itself and all such parties, does hereby remise, release
and quit-claim unto Owner and PENNSYLVANIA HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY and each
of their attorneys any and all manner of errors, defects and imperfections whatsoever in entering
such satisfaction or anywise touching or concerning the same.
The Agreement and this Waiver are made and intended to be filed with the Prothonotary
of the Court of Common Pleas of the County or other proper place in which the above-described
lands are located.
It is expressly understood that this Waiver and all of the provisions and remedies herein
contained shall be available to and for the protection of PENNSYLVANIA HOUSING
FINANCE AGENCY and Owner of said premises.
In the event Contractor consists of more than one person, firm or corporation, the
undertakings hereunder of each of such persons, firms or corporations shall be joint and several,
and the word "Contractor" shall mean all or some or any of them. For the purposes of the
Agreement and this Waiver, the singular shall be deemed to include the plural, and the neuter
shall be deemed to include the masculine and feminine, as the context may require.
Waiver of Liens/Contractor/PennHOMES
Page 3 of 3 August, 2009
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Contractor with intent to be legally bound hereby, has
hereunto signed and sealed these presents this ____ day of ____________, ____________.
WITNESS (ATTEST) ______________________________________,
____________________________ By: ______________________________________
Name: ____________________________________
Title: _____________________________________
: SS:
COUNTY OF _______________________ :
On this, the ___ day of _______, ____________, before me, the undersigned officer,
personally appeared ______________________, who being sworn according to law, deposes and
states that she/he is ______________________________ of ___________________,
___________________, known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the person whose name is
subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that she/he, being authorized to do so,
executed the same for the purpose therein contained, and desires the same to be recorded as such.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official seal.
Notary Public