Working Alone and
After-Hours Policy
Office of Environmental Health & Safety
Dec 2018
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The working alone policy and procedures is intended to promote employee awareness and
facilitate student and employee safety when they are working alone. Working alone,
especially after-hours, can be unsafe and should be avoided whenever possible. When
circumstances warrant working after-hours, procedures indicated in this policy must be
adhered to. Thoroughly consider all hazards for working alone and/or after hours, and
ensure adequate controls are in place.
This policy applies to all faculty, staff and students who work or perform research on Suffolk
University premises: laboratories, studios and woodshop.
High School Students: Never permitted to work alone in a Suffolk University laboratory,
studio or woodshop, even with non-hazardous
materials. They must always have a Suffolk
employee or student present. This person must have received all OEHS required safety
training pertinent to the work that the supervised student(s) will be performing and must
have reviewed the written SOP/safety protocol and understood the hazards and risks of
the student’s project.
Undergraduate Students: Never permitted to work alone with hazardous materials or
equipment. During regular business hours, students are allowed to work after they have
attended OEHS safety training and met all laboratory, studio or woodshop specific training
as long as there is a faculty or staff with OEHS training in the room, adjacent room, building,
or campus. This individual must know they are serving as a safety check and be accessible
by phone. All afterhours work requires special permission and must be done in pairs or with
a “buddy” who has met all requirements to be in that space, including attended all required
safety training.
Faculty, Principal Investigators (PI) and Staff: Although not recommended, they are
permitted to work alone after meeting all safety training requirements. The required
training for employees working in laboratories will include general lab safety training by
OEHS and all relevant specific training required by the department. All faculty, PIs and staff
working alone after hours are required to contact SUPD at x8333 to check in and out.
Department Chair: Approve all permission forms and keep a record on file.
Principal Investigator, Supervising Faculty, Staff: Conduct a hazard assessment and
eliminate or control the hazards of working alone. Submit Risk Assessment Form to
OEHS for review and approval. Provide employees, student researchers and/or work
study with written protocols and SOPs. Ensure individuals who conduct work with
hazardous materials and equipment, both alone or after hours, are adequately trained
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and have the necessary protocols and permission forms on file. Review protocols
annually or when new situations are introduced or changed. Submit a copy of
Permission to Work After-Hours Form to SUPD and OEHS.
Laboratory, Studio and Woodshop Monitors and Work Study Students: Attend OEHS safety
training, review and understand all SOPs and work protocols. Obtain PI, Supervisor and/or
Department Chair approval before working alone or afterhours.
OEHS: To provide the necessary safety training and readily accessible documents
required by, and in conjunction with, this policy. To provide safety guidance and
consultation to faculty and staff who have to work alone after-hours due to the nature
of their work.
Working Hours:
The normal working hours for undergraduate and graduate students doing research or
working on an independent study is as follows:
Wood shop hours are 9AM to 8PM, Monday through Friday; excluding any
weekday when the university is officially closed. Hours are subject to change
and can include weekends from 12PM to 5PM.
Studio hours are 8AM to 11:00PM, Monday through Friday; excluding any
weekday when the university is officially closed.
Laboratory hours are 9AM to 5PM, Monday through Friday; excluding any
weekday when the university is officially closed.
All Suffolk University buildings are open between 6AM and 11PM, Monday through
Friday; excluding any weekday when the university is officially closed.
The after-hours time for undergraduate and graduate students doing research or
working on an independent study is as follows:
Wood Shop: no access outside of normal working hours
Studio: no access outside of normal working hours
Laboratory: 5PM to 11PM, Monday through Friday, weekends, and any
weekday when the university is officially closed.
No student work is permitted between 11:00PM and 6:00AM without special permission
from OEHS and SUPD. Due to public safety concerns, SUPD does not allow students to
work in any university building past 1:00AM. For access to any building during this time,
a faculty/staff is required to fill out a Permission to Work After Building Is Closed Form
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and submit to SUPD for approval at least 8 hours prior. SUPD will need to confirm before
the student can be allowed access. It is not recommended for faculty/staff to work once
the building is closed. If faculty/staff need to work during this time, they are required to
contact SUPD at x8333 to check in and out.
Working Alone: A worker is considered as "working alone" if the individual is working by
themselves such that assistance is not readily available should some injury, illness or
emergency arise. Alone is interpreted as being out of visual contact with another person
for more than a few minutes. It includes working in physical isolation (e.g. as the sole
occupant of a laboratory or during a site sampling activity), where no other person is in
the vicinity. It is possible for a worker to be working alone in the field if they are not within
earshot, which is typically 50-100 meters depending on terrain. It can occur during normal
working hours as well as in the evening or during weekends.
Laboratory Use: Laboratory refers to both teaching and research spaces for conducting
laboratory procedures and use of equipment, including computers in laboratories.
Laboratory spaces require special permission for students to work in outside of scheduled
teaching time.
Studio Use: Studio refers to electronic, painting, sculpture and printmaking studio spaces.
These studios are only available for use by undergraduate and graduate students
currently enrolled in a related course or those doing research or work with a faculty
Woodshop Use: Woodshop power tools cannot be used without obtaining training from
the Shop Manager or woodshop monitor. All trained individuals must demonstrate
proficiency. The power tools may only be used with shop manager or monitor present.
Restricted Access Area: Refers to waste accumulation areas in Sawyer and Somerset
buildings. Only individuals trained by OEHS can access these areas.
Sign In/ Sign Out: Faculty, staff and students must sign in before beginning any work in
the laboratories after-hours by calling SUPD Dispatch Center 617-573- 8333. Individuals
must also sign out when work is complete. This is the responsibility of the individual
working after-hours to sign in/out with SUPD.
Buddy System: Students who are trained by a faculty member for at least one semester
and have attended all training sessions required by their department and OEHS and
demonstrated proficiency of protocols and laboratory safety can serve as a Buddy. Buddy
System establishes regular, routine checks on undergraduate students working alone,
such as every 15 30 minutes, to ensure no accidents have occurred. This could be
accomplished by physically walking to the room where the worker is located. A system of
visual checks ensures there are no problems and/or determines if help is needed. The
buddy must be a member of the Suffolk University community who is familiar with
emergency procedures, attended their department and OEHS training sessions, and
aware they are serving in the “buddy” capacity.
Woodshop Monitor: Student employees who are trained by the Shop Manager to use
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the shop tools. These students must have attended all their department and OEHS safety
training sessions and are thoroughly familiar with the use and instruction manuals that
accompany each piece of equipment in the woodshop. In addition, the monitor will have
demonstrated proficiency with the shop equipment during training. Woodshop monitors
provide technical assistance to students as to the operation and choice of machines.
Hazardous Materials and Equipment: Hazardous materials include, but is not limited to,
chemicals that are pyrophoric, water reactive, potentially explosive, acutely toxic,
peroxide forming, strong corrosives, strong oxidizing agents, strong reducing agents and
regulated carcinogens; biological material that is listed as a “select agent”; and
radiological material. Hazardous equipment includes, but is not limited to, equipment
found in machine shops (lathes, drill presses) and high pressure/vacuum equipment.
Procedures for Undergraduate Students Working Alone During Business Hours
It is generally not recommended for undergraduate students to work alone. Exceptions may
be made for low-risk work, if the PI, faculty, monitor or staff verifies that the student fully
understands normal and emergency procedures, uses all required equipment and that
required equipment is available and operating properly. Low-risk work is defined as work of
an administrative, professional or clerical nature that does not require substantial exertion
or exposure to work processes, substances or other conditions that are potentially
hazardous. These tasks typically involve low risk activities with low incidence of injury that
requires only minor (or no) first aid.
The PI or staff must determine whether the work requires special safety precautions, such
as having two persons in the same room during a particular operation. After conducting a
review of the specific hazards, if any, the PI or staff must provide written protocol to the
student and be accessible by phone, and on campus.
If the PI or staff is not on campus or needs to leave campus during regular business hours,
they must ask another faculty or staff, with knowledge of the scope of work, to serve as a
contact person.
Procedures for Obtaining After-Hours Permission for Undergraduate Students
Working Alone in a Research Laboratory
Working alone after-hours is prohibited without special permission.
The PI should conduct a Hazard Assessment of the work being performed
and the risks and emergency requirements for working alone or after hours.
Take corrective actions or measures to prevent or minimize hazards or
incidents from occurring.
Prepare a written safety protocol identifying the hazards, risks and the
methods for controlling the risks.
Post this Laboratory Emergency Plan near the lab phone.
Have the student attend all safety trainings provided by OEHS and the
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Prepare a written protocol of task or experiment to be done by the
Demonstrate that the student is proficient in the task and aware of any
associated hazards.
Identify another undergraduate student to serve as a Buddy.
Fill out a Risk Assessment Form and submit it to OEHS for approval.
Fill out the Permission to Work After-Hours in a Research Laboratory Form. Go
over the form and all related SOPs with student. Submit the signed form to
department chair for approval. Once approved, a copy should be kept in the lab
where the student is working. Copies should also be sent to OEHS and SUPD.
Make sure the student has a cell phone with SUPD phone number programmed
in (617-573-8111). If no cell phone is available or there is no cell service, know
where the campus phone is located and have the emergency number posted
nearby or dial 8111.
Working Alone in a Teaching Laboratory
Working alone after-hours is prohibited without special permission. Only low-
risk work that pertains to successful completion of the course and/or studying
for laboratory practical is allowed after-hours. The student must be registered
in a laboratory course at the time of approval.
The course instructor should conduct a Hazard Assessment of the work
being performed and the risks and emergency requirements for working
alone or after hours.
Take corrective actions or measures to prevent or minimize hazards or
incidents from occurring.
Prepare a written safety protocol identifying the hazards, risks and the
methods for controlling the risks.
Identify a Teaching Assistant (TA) who has taken the course and is
familiar with the coursework for the class.
Have the TA attend all safety trainings provided by OEHS and the
Prepare a written protocol of task or experiment to be done by the
Demonstrate that the students are proficient in the task and aware of
any associated hazards.
Ensure the TA is available on day and time students will be using the
teaching laboratories. Students are not allowed to use the teaching
laboratory after-hours without a TA present.
Fill out a Risk Assessment Form and submit it to OEHS for approval.
Fill out the Permission to Work After-Hours in a Teaching Laboratory Form. Go
over the form and all related SOPs with the TA. Submit the signed form to
department chair for approval. Once approved, a copy should be kept in the lab
where the students will be working. Copies should also be sent to OEHS and
Make sure the TA has a cell phone with SUPD phone number programmed in
(617-573-8111). If no cell phone is available or there is no cell service, know
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where the campus phone is located and have the emergency number posted
nearby or dial 8111.
Working Alone in a Studio
Working alone after-hours is prohibited.
Students are not allowed to work in the studio after 11PM when the building closes.
Permission could be granted during finals week to extend the studio hours to 1AM. In
order to get extended hours, SUPD needs to be notified at least 2 weeks prior with dates
and expected number of students. A student monitor or staff needs to be present. No
student work is allowed past 1AM.
Working Alone in a Woodshop
Working alone after-hours is prohibited.
If extended hours are needed, students/faculty will need to approach the shop manager
at least 24 hours in advance to allow them to coordinate coverage. The shop manager or
monitor are still required to be present for students/faculty to use the space.
Permission could be granted during finals week to extend woodshop hours to 1AM. In
order to get extended hours, SUPD needs to be notified at least 2 weeks prior with dates
and expected number of students. The woodshop manager or monitor need to be
present. No student work is allowed past 1AM.
Safety Procedures
Guidelines and safety procedures in specific areas, as well as plans for working with specific
hazardous materials, must be followed and are available from OEHS. Some of these policies include
the Chemical Hygiene Plan, Biosafety Manual, and Art and Design Student Guide to Safety Manual.
Faculty and staff are responsible for keeping informed about the policies, practices, programs and
requirements developed by OEHS.
Additional Information
Failure to abide by this policy, or any of the safety procedures and work rules applicable to a
particular area, may result in disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment for
faculty and staff, or separation for students.
Related attachments, forms or documents
Risk Assessment Form
Permission to Work After-Hours in a Research Laboratory Form
Permission to Work After-Hours in a Teaching Laboratory Form
Permission to Word After Building is Closed Form
Potentially Hazardous Campus Activities
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Risk Assessment Form
Student Name: ____________________________________________ SUID: ___________________________
Lab or Room Location: Date (s): ________________________________
PI/Supervisor/Instructor: ________________________________ Emergency Contact: ____________________
After hours: NO__________Yes __________ Start time: _________________End time: ___________________
This procedure does not involve any highly hazardous materials or processes.
This procedure involves work with highly hazardous materials or processes. Check appropriate category:
Chemical Hazards: Working with any materials in these hazard classes requires a “buddy” to be present at all times, regardless of time of day.
Pyrophoric Chemicals
Water Reactive Chemicals
Potentially Explosive Chemicals or Self reactive
Explosive Salts
Acutely Toxic Chemicals
Peroxide Forming Chemicals
Strong Corrosives
Strong Oxidizing Agent
Strong Reducing Agents
Regulated Carcinogens
Biological Hazards: Working with any materials in this hazard class requires a “buddy” present at all times, regardless of time of day.
Infectious materials
Process Hazards: Specify source
High voltage, high current
Procedures involving high-pressure equipment [identify specific equipment]
Transferring large quantities of hazardous materials]
Health and Safety Requirements:
Can the person rescue themselves in case of an emergency? Yes No
Identify the “Buddy” and confirm they are available before beginning work:
The Laboratory Emergency Plan is posted near the lab phone. The names and phone numbers for the lab and building contacts are up to date.
Principal Investigator or Faculty Approval:
I have reviewed the Hazard Assessment for this procedure, the tasks and hazards involved in the work, the consequences resulting from a worse - case scenario, the
possibility of an accident or incident that would prevent the laboratory personnel from calling for help, the laboratory personnel’s training and experience and the
time the work is to be conducted (during normal business hours versus at night or on weekends/holidays). This lab worker has permission to work alone on this
PI/Faculty Name: PI/ Faculty Signature: Date:
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Permission to Work After-Hours in a Research Laboratory Form
SECTION 1: This section must be completed by Student
Student Name: __________________________________________________________ SUID: ____________________
Building and Room Number: __________________________________________________________________________
Supervising Faculty Member: __________________________________ Emergency Contact: ______________________
“Buddy” Name: _____________________________________________ Emergency Contact: ______________________
Short Description of Work (attach materials if necessary):
Start date: End date:
After hour work days (circle one or more days): Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
Mobile Phone Number:
Email Address:
Training Information:
General Laboratory Training Date: __________________________ Laboratory Specific Training date _________________
Additional training, if any: _____________________________________________ Date Completed: _________________
I have read the Work Alone and After-Hours Policy and agree to abide by their restrictions. Under no conditions will I
work alone after-hours in the laboratory or after the building closes. I have received training in the proper experimental
and emergency procedures, and understand those procedures for the work I am authorized to do after-hours. In the
event that I am not working on those specified hours or specified day, I will inform my supervising faculty of this change
ahead of time.
Student Signature: Date: __________
Student buddy Name: _______________________________Date: ___________________________________
SECTION 2: Faculty Permission
The student has attested above that they understand the requirement of the Work Alone and After-Hours Policy and
additional limitations on work that can be performed after-hours with a co-worker, but without my direct in-person
supervision. I have provided the student with my contact information in case of emergency.
I have provided the student with written protocols and SOPs. (Please attach all protocols and SOPs to this form)
I approve the request for permission to work after-hours.
I have read the Work Alone and After-Hours Policy and agree to abide by their restrictions. Under no circumstances will I
have a student work with no written instructions. I have conducted a risk assessment and ensured the student has
adequate training in the proper experimental and emergency procedures, and understands those procedures for the work
I have authorized them to do after-hours.
Faculty Name and Signature: Date:
Lab or Office Number:
SECTION 3: Department Chair Approval
I have reviewed all the necessary documents, including protocols and SOPs for this student to work after-hours.
Department Chair Name and Signature: Date:
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Permission to Work After-Hours in a Teaching Laboratory Form
SECTION 1: This section must be completed by Faculty/Staff
Building requiring access: _________________________ Room Number(s): __________________________________
Start date: End date:
After hour work days (circle one or more days): Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
Student(s) requiring access:
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Teaching Assistant (TA) Name: ______________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Mobile Phone Number: ________________________Email Address: ________________________________________
Short Description of Work (attach additional documents if necessary):
SECTION 2: Faculty Permission
The student has attested above that they understand the requirement of the Work Alone and After-Hours Policy and
additional limitations on work that can be performed after-hours with a co-worker, but without my direct in-person
supervision. I have provided the student with my contact information in case of emergency.
I have provided the student with written protocols and SOPs. (Please attach all protocols and SOPs to this form)
I approve the request for permission to supervise students using the teaching laboratory after-hours.
I have read the Work Alone and After-Hours Policy and agree to abide by their restrictions. Under no circumstances will I
have a student work with no written instructions. I have conducted a risk assessment and ensured the student has
adequate training in the proper experimental and emergency procedures and understands those procedures for the work
I have authorized them to do after the building closes.
Faculty Name and Signature: Date:
SECTION 3: Department Chair Approval
I have reviewed all the necessary documents and approve the students to work in the teaching laboratory after-hours.
Department Chair Name and Signature: Date:
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Permission to Work After Building Closes Form
SECTION 1: This section must be completed by Faculty/Staff
Building requiring access:
Room Number(s):
Start date: End date:
After hour work days (circle one or more days): Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun
Student(s) requiring access:
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Student Name: __________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Buddy Name: ___________________________________________ Suffolk University ID Number: _______________
Mobile Phone Number:
Email Address:
Short Description of Work (attach additional documents if necessary):
SECTION 2: Faculty Permission
The student has attested above that they understand the requirement of the Work Alone and After-Hours Policy and
additional limitations on work that can be performed after-hours with a co-worker, but without my direct in-person
supervision. I have provided the student with my contact information in case of emergency.
I have provided the student with written protocols and SOPs. (Please attach all protocols and SOPs to this form)
I approve the request for permission to work after the building closes.
I have read the Work Alone and After-Hours Policy and agree to abide by their restrictions. Under no circumstances will I
have a student work with no written instructions. I have conducted a risk assessment and ensured the student has
adequate training in the proper experimental and emergency procedures and understands those procedures for the work
I have authorized them to do after the building closes.
Faculty Name and Signature: Date:
SECTION 3: Suffolk University Police Department Approval
I have reviewed all the necessary documents and approve the student to work after the building closes.
Additional Comments:
SUPD Name and Signature: Date:
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Potentially Hazardous Campus Activities
The following are examples of hazardous activities/operations/ conditions on campus where
working alone may present a risk of injury. Based on specific hazard assessments, OEHS may
determine that such activities should be closely monitored, restricted or outright disallowed.
Science Laboratories:
Working involving flammable and combustibles
Work with equipment under high pressure
Work with cryogens or infectious agents
Work with hazardous or toxic chemicals
Work with lasers and certain radioactive materials
Work with infectious sharps or moving blades
Work with high temperature equipment
Work with Bunsen burners and open flames
Welding, hot work and similar operations
Working at heights
Work with heavy metals
Work with solvents and/or solvent mixtures- flammables, carcinogenic materials, etc.
Work with blades and other sharp tools
Working with plaster
Electric work
Work with portable and stationary power tools
Work with heavy machinery or equipment
Work with Saw Stop table saw
Work with aerosol sprays
Work with spray adhesives
Work with hazardous or toxic chemicals
Work involving flammable or combustible materials
Work with moving blades
Work with lasers